<<@cobar5342 says : They are taking over. Their aim is take all that we have>> <<@hmao4466 says : Australia is a f****** joke.>> <<@MG-bv8fi says : Defund>> <<@ronanrogers4127 says : I hate the term First Nations>> <<@peterbuckley3877 says : If the people voted no why did they appoint an ambassador, sounds like more jobs for the boys>> <<@jwc713 says : A position held by a bloke who shares his name with a WHYTE man who owned BL 5l@v35!!>> <<@pauleasther says : He wasn’t much of an ambassador, coz I’d never heard of him until now! What’s next, Governor Generals job?>> <<@GlenPetersen-sf6ko says : This is hilarious Chris Kenny bringing this news.>> <<@SueNicholls-95 says : Labor are intent on dividing this country by race! Albodud didn't succeed with his VTP so he's now hell bent on introducing this voice by stealth!! As for this Indigenous Ambassador role, it's just another bloody public servant with their nose in the trough, draining tax payers money that should be spent for the benefit of all Australians!!>> <<@davenorman8251 says : Unelected into a position that should not exist nor should it be funded...time for a big reset methinks.>> <<@dodgeboy9052 says : I think he will burst a relief vale .. Penny I wouldn't worry to much about it, Metric is coming and that means the Penny will be Extinct.. !! look at what the British and Australian troops did to save Malaysia and Singapore from the Japanese .. maybe you should worry more about your History and not Australia .. you are more a foreigner than any Migrant,,>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : This is a disgrace>> <<@lancebarnes3970 says : Vote for Hansen>> <<@lozngr says : Bloody labor party.. GRRRR... when is this going to stop? Bloody hell more tax payer money down the drain.. About time we got rid of these idiots for good... albosneezy is an OXYGEN THIEF.>> <<@alanrainey5022 says : So the ambassador for first nations CAN't sign any international agreements?? Like sell/lease land to other countries?? Their powers better be limited by having to pass through our seat of governnent or the senate. Also as voting in this country apparently means very little, maybe we should find other avenues to make our wishes known.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : Surely albozo & his socialist crackpot party are running out of divisive policies by now. Albozo - Live in the aboriginal version of Australia ? Or live in the European version of Australia ?>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : What a heap of bollocks.>> <<@tonyhewitt1125 says : This absolute Imbecile has zero care for Australians. He is so bent on destroying the country.>> <<@KookaburraAU9908 says : Albanese is driven by ideology over the national interest.>> <<@omygodtwo says : never was, never will be a 'first nation'. Too busy fighting amongst themselves.>> <<@darrylmccarthy4591 says : Another starter for the gravy train. What is this bloke getting paid for? To travel the whole world. Typical crap from Wong.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : First the ALP crackpots wanted a treaty with Australians, now they want someone to be an ambassador to their own country . Australian Lala land Party>> <<@tonyhewitt1125 says : This Mongrel is an absolute FLOG.>> <<@jimdavid7710 says : It’s all about division what unpatriotic loser weirdos they are>> <<@henrique8490 says : Absurd! Albo needs to go... to jail!>> <<@clarehennessey3653 says : We voted NO TO APARTHEID!>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : Aboriginals cannot get their own lives together let alone have a greater voice on how to F up Australia. Looked like another more White than Aboriginal man on the gravy train.>> <<@samlolham2327 says : I've had enough of this shit. No incentive to keep working and to pay so much in taxes. I'm gonna stop working and claim social security.>> <<@Judyunknown1 says : Who the F***K is JUSTIN ..MOHAMED..??? OBVIOUSLY NOT ABORIGINAL!! GET RID NOF LABLOR AND ALL CRONIES ASSOCIATED WITH THESE CRIMINALS.!!>> <<@carllyons4903 says : I’m sick of this 💩 get this FW PM out now 🤬>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : FAKE & FUDGE aka Mr Pants on Fire & Grim Jim continue with the playtime political games & billions of wasted taxpayer money to achieve the only one thing, say anything, do nothing, when you get the chance, hurry to VOTE THEM OUT...>> <<@johnmancini4700 says : Another of closing the gap from the well to do First Nations people whilst outback communities struggle. If it were private businesses, they would expect a a detailed return on the expenditures before the travel request was approved. And if approved subsequent monitoring of delivering the goals. But it’s taxpayers money and will be just the usual junket. Typical labour governments wasting money. I hope it’s raised in senate estimates or in the parliament by the opposition.>> <<@oldieman730 says : The 'aboriginal flag' offends me, because it represents a separatist second 'State' within our nation, and it is a fairly modern artwork with no real historical significance. The whole agenda has been two states with the 'indigenous' above the rest of us.>> <<@MajorityIsIrrelevant says : 🤬 what did we vote NO for????? Just another corruption thrown in our Australian faces🙏>> <<@ralphmogridge8364 says : SkyNotNews and LNP dumbing Aussies down so much so they overtaken the nations population of Cows for methane emissions!! 😂🤣>> <<@punishedpinecone4772 says : Stop using leftist propaganda phrases. There is no "first nations", they are the indigenous. "First nations" is an emotional manipulation tactic invented in the last 10 years by AMERICAN media.>> <<@Autofill-o7s says : Their culture is killing them or leaving many behind in modern society with and without eugenics, stats are through the roof to proof it, They scratching their heads pointing at us. They do encounter racism in life but no need to live it. The answers aren’t over seas , They all moving to Australia for a better life the country they reject.>> <<@Westyrulz says : Why is this Miscegenator still on SKY?>> <<@Xdghia says : Always comes back to the absolute embarrassment that is Albozo ! The most clueless not reading the room tone deaf spineless globalist puppet there ever was. A complete failure who won't face any hard questions. Weak leaders create hard times.>> <<@colinalexander3929 says : Truly dumb and an insult to all Australians. There never was a First Nation. Making up such a costly meaningless position certainly denies Labor any right to claim professionalism on monetary matters.>> <<@lach517 says : Cost of living crisis but they have spent how much taxpayer dollars to welcome.austtalians to australia. It doesn't get any stupider>> <<@toneman501 says : $ 600m for a PNG football team?!!!>> <<@min.bootsphillips6361 says : More disgusting and disgraceful expenditure, nearly as ridiculous as wind farms.>> <<@kenvandemhoek2543 says : How about a ,ministry of ,Blokes ,Chicks ,Girls & Aussie Men ,vote One Nation ,because its run by Neopotisum ,graft & corruption ,insider tradeing,& Jim Charmerz ,A philosipher ,not A Jesus. Got too wonderOneNation>> <<@jamesrobinson4085 says : Albosleazbag, we voted NO!>> <<@kriztov265 says : NO MORE tax payer funds to Israel , Ukraine while we are at it as well. Unjustified government spending has to be reeled in and the control given back to the people of Australia not some apparently " independent" commission. If our government cannot put the Australian people first and above all others it has no right to hold position.>> <<@fionaforward3358 says : Just another rip off of white people.Pathetic.How on earth is this going to help aboriginals in remote communities.?>> <<@billybloggs9667 says : Dumb Albanese just hasn't got a clue, worst than Billy McMahon at least he didn't send Australia backwards.>> <<@missnovaxx9992 says : What do they need an ambassador for? 🤷‍♀️ The ALP just LOVE spending money.>> <<@dandyfarm01 says : The first nations title came from Native Americans/Canadians didn't it? I don't recall this ever having been used in the 80/90s. Same with the "I'm a proud blah blah blah" copied from said countries as well. Combined with all these welcome to country ceremonies etc it just gives the impression that the history is just all being made up by certain groups to fit an agenda rather than embracing their own true history and traditions.>>