<<@bettymarshall2702 says : Gorman, just another Labor stooge.>> <<@AussieDungie says : cant trust a word from Labor Party and Greens when they support a terrorist organisation>> <<@kerryevans2038 says : Gorman is a joke, how did he everget a vote lol>> <<@georgesutter2256 says : Gorman = Gormless>> <<@adrianw7011 says : If Dutton is embarrassed it's because he has to dumb down everything for the Labor idiots to understand. Not a single costing for the renewable enerygy fiasco has been released to date. We know it's going to cost billions, but how many? Come on you clowns tell us.>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : When Labor governs, they actually do things which cost money.>> <<@JohnCuzens says : More Labor bullshit being spun by Gorman. Labor haven't given costings on their bullshit renewables, so don't go pointing fingers Gorman.. Australia is fckd because of the Labor, Greens and Teals crap..>> <<@neilreid9192 says : Poor little Tommy, he never asked the Labor Politician the cost of their energy policy. They won't give you one.>> <<@enfredlindstrom6763 says : did abos wife ? get 10 million dollars, from a ev car company all ???,>> <<@enfredlindstrom6763 says : all teh wind tubins blowen over in chian they have no power and they think a million peopel will die becasues of it ..>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Why does he have to ??? All this shit because 25 people don't like coal or gas to generate their electricity. From here on our electricity will be the most expensive in the world ... if it isn't already.>> <<@David-d4k9k says : Unlike Labor who have released the cost of renewables.>> <<@someguy4260 says : all this time Dutton says he will announce something factual about Nuclear energy! NO Numbers!! LOL WHat a waste of time!! Go do your homework and when you have the figures then make an announcment instead of propaganda tactics to stay in the limelight>> <<@andrewferguson887 says : The big green scam, making rich oligarchs richer , and making everyday Aussies poorer, help to buy has been done before, you pay all the costs, rates, maintenance, insurance they dont pay any of it but reap the profit. A lot of people got into trouble on that scheme in the 90's, be careful.>> <<@christownsend2399 says : Tom it won't cost the government anything because the government don't have any money, It's the tax payers how will pay as we always do, I do wish people would stop this false narrative about government Money>> <<@GeoffMcMahon says : How can you estimate without Jacobs Engineering gi Es you a gate 3 estimate, and that is after you lift the ban kn nuclear>> <<@smartgoku9048 says : patrick needs to shut up. tired of labors bullshit.>> <<@storm4743 says : Labor and the Greens = More Pain for us Australians paying for bills food and fuel>> <<@kanehills4280 says : Bowen hasn’t costed what’s already happening>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : Did albo get Patrick from the Mardi Gras. ?>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : All delusional net zero climate cult.>> <<@PJC005 says : Shouldnt the weather be getting gooder? My tricity is ups.>> <<@patveldhoven4919 says : The whole wind turbine, solar only energy has failed miserably and cost tax payers billions and still climbing. We have cheap reliable natural gas, clean coal, one of the most cleanest on the planet, we are exporting our gas and coal to other countries such as China, nuclear energy works, that's been proven overseas. I would be interested to know what Dutton and Albo have in mind. so far crickets.>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : Spud Dutton has a paddock full of unicorns for sale too.>> <<@davidbindley811 says : TELL US THE COST OF RENEWABLES SO FAR ITS OUR MONEY TAX PAYER>> <<@sallycent6598 says : It is easy to study the modelling and the costing from the countries that are already have nuclear energy like France and America.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : I guess CSIRO & AEMO were right... NUCLEAR IS MORE EXPENSIVE>> <<@andrewwhite1065 says : The US and others have been using compact nuclear reactors on ships and subs for decades, and NO incidents. If a large modern 1 or 2 gigawatt reactor lasts for 50+ years, is active 24 hours a day and is immune from environmental distaster. Then surely after the inital investment in the necessary number of large reactor's is payed for, then prices will fall dramatically. But only if, in my not so humble opinion....the industry is nationalised and not exploited by private investment from overseas or by our local electricity corporation's, as has been the situation with renewables for many years.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : I'm ***SHOCKED*** 😂that DUTTON MAGA MAN is spinning lying misinforming Like Sky/Fox...>> <<@nathanmccormack6549 says : All co2 created to make the these batteries and also the co2 created to ship them here, and he co2 created to install them all needs to be added to Australia’s co2 output. You can’t just offload it to somewhere else on the planet and say, job done, look at us….>> <<@blackcorp0001 says : I know you like to play both sides of the fence , but seriously 😐 pull the other one , it plays Jingle Bells 🔔>> <<@lukeh321 says : No country has switched to solar wind for baseload and several countries use nuclear. How do you get around that?>> <<@alanharlock3171 says : how much has this government spent on, solar and wind farms billions they have not told us about , boot out Labor listen to this labor idiot what about your costings ,>> <<@janreid1629 says : Hurry up and work ot out guys and gals, we need power asap. I can't see why it takes so long to put together facts and figures. We have plenty of coal and gas....sent a lot overseas as well. Why not use them all ? People don't like the way wind fans and land solar panels wreck the views and really only last a short while. Where does all the junk go when they are done? That will cost money and the soil under them useless afterwards.>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : Hahaha! This govt will never change their mind. But they haven’t released their green energy policy either .this reporter is so annoying. Never pulls anyone on>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Only stupid folk write headlines such as this !>> <<@grantsapain says : Just the fact that Dutton is willing to put forth a plan including other sources besides "renewables," shows he's the reasonable one. The details can come later, after the closed minded laborites are tossed out...>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : Hahaha! This govt will never change their mind. But they haven’t released their green energy policy either .>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : LNP’s nuclear pipe dreams making them irrelevant.>> <<@graycoin7271 says : No more subsidies, let the free market decide. If Labor had a plan for renewables or anything esle it doesn't look like it , everything Labor touches turns shit.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : He is just delaying the replacement of fossil fuels. He knows it will never happen>> <<@rob6543 says : We haven’t seen albos green policies and near will ,everything labor has done has blown out ,the waste of billions>> <<@DeanMorgan-b1w says : Just stay away from US Administration, youll be right>> <<@stevebrown4475 says : Its never going to work and its never meant to work>> <<@Want0nS0up says : Albanese didn’t cost his renewables. Rudd didn’t cost NBN. Gillard didn’t cost NDIS. I am sick of this media double standard.>>