<<@SteveMarton-g3q says : HOLLYWOOD ROTH IN HELL FJB>> <<@einundzwanzigster5618 says : Oh Chris Rock, that's why Will Smith slapped you. You only care about her race and gender? Are you that narrow minded and bigoted? Astounding>> <<@Umbargist says : All those shit stars just jopped their fans in half forever . They can all go to hell .>> <<@newerzealand2858 says : Streep is such an embarrassment>> <<@Robgk55 says : All these millionaire’s economy is how many cars they gonna buy, and the rest of us, our economy is looking for the cheapest gas in town to put our cars we plan on trying to make last as long as we can…>> <<@tryreadingmore4440 says : 3 Types of Trump Supporters 1. The smallest group consists of the country club rich whose only fear is that if Dems win these yacht owners might see a reduction in their Wealthfare. That is, Dems might force these folks to actually pay their fair share of taxes, disallow their hiding taxable income in offshore accounts, reduce government subsidies for their private jets etc., but otherwise these super rich don’t give a pickled pepper about culture wars and don’t worry about border arrivals as they don’t plan to ever see any. 2. Second are the white middle income traditional conservative dudes who might desire to join elite clubs but will never have enough equity built up to matter. They always vote for conservatives and also don’t worry much about border crossers as their only contact with newbies might be at a car wash, roofers working nearby or maybe some guys trimming trees. 3. The third category and by far the largest are the Maga whites who do worry about new arrivals as they fear having to compete for a much smaller pot of income, usually hourly wages. They likely quit reading in high school, have been groomed listening to Rush Limbaugh types on a.m. radio that hatched a national cult of personality audience that Trump took over. Reminds us of similar collectivities driven by other supposed charismatics from history such as Hitler, Mussolini, Chairman Mao and the notorious Rev Jim Jones who in 1978 convinced 900+ of his true believers to commit mass suicide. Weird that all of these dudes were also reportedly very creepy around women. Otherwise understanding this Maga voter group is just basic Econ and Sociology 101.>> <<@Ritza.Elefteria.Michaki says : One would say if I have to compare Actors that spoken in Oprah, They have not the same talent as inside A movie 🎥🍿, sad but Truth since I couldn't get it 😔>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : Yeah, great "legacy", Koshi. Fail as leaders, fail in policy, fail in the economy, fail at immigration, fail at insurrection and when you fail in debates....... Run. ROFLMAO. ;)>> <<@ThePoehladian says : BLACK LIVES MAGA !>> <<@nilsthart4154 says : Don’t ask a bunch of actors about politics. Especially if they start endorsing a complete nono in Kamala Harris. Hahahha. What an idiot that is.>> <<@smckay6438 says : Remember meryl Streep was good friends with Harvey wienstien 😂>> <<@FrancisKinsleyJr says : Hollywood is full of simps and evil doers.>> <<@RaisinBran-ir4iq says : Until Trump came along, our politicians, Democrats AND Republicans, were decaying into a puddle of hive-minded Authoritarians. That's why when you see one of them who hates Trump, you know they are in full support of the government, not The People.>> <<@PrayerWarrior555 says : Booo vote Democrats out for promoting the aborting of the innocent. Repent to Jesus before Gods wrath coomes to the world. John 14:6>> <<@patricksullivan3919 says : God almighty. Loonies. Looney candidate endorsed by lunatics>> <<@MJ-py7dm says : They were all cut a little check to do this .>> <<@Prognosis__ says : These celebrities live in there own little hollyweird bubble with no connections or concerns of the normal folk or world affairs or proxy wars>> <<@davecord4553 says : Our government is based on the Constitution not religion.. We don't need Kings either..If you want religion as your government, move to Iran or Afghanistan.. If you want a dictator then move to these dictatorships: Putin, Xi, Orban, MBS, Kim, Maduro, and Erdogan.>> <<@Randy-k3m says : Anyone that believes these poles are kidding themselves>> <<@mlongpre100 says : the # 1 qualification for president should be 'a woman of color' . really ?>> <<@Prognosis__ says : 😂 Chris Rock…I just want a black female president 😂 Nothing about if she is up to the job? He isn’t very bright>> <<@Randy-k3m says : Oprah has absolutely no credibility left she's a f****** joke now too>> <<@kellmac says : Meryl Streep - I've always found her acting to be over-the-top and more Broadway. What she did here was just embarrassing.>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : Turned the Republicans into the laughing stock of the world. Than the Democrats said hold my beer amd elected Biden😂>> <<@Randy-k3m says : What's the connection between Democrats and Hollywood they're all a bunch of sick f****>> <<@bobs1356 says : I am not going to listen to old actors to tell me who to vote for. They dont have to worry about anything.>> <<@Randy-k3m says : This Hollywood Bunches of f****** joke>> <<@taichi5265 says : What' s the connection between dem and hollywood?>> <<@larryplummer9154 says : Sure lets vote for her just because of her gender and skin color. Actirs are way out of touch and they get paid to be someone they are not they live work and breathe in a fantasy world. And if they think Trump caters to the rich elite why wouldn't they want him as president as they would get big tax breaks? Its all a load of crap. So sick of polotics, who are these people to say what we want and need not one of them does anything to better our country other than Trump and he's not a polotician he's a business man>> <<@LRokay says : Fkn losers. They are really showing their true colours. All part of didddys parties too. Interesting 😮>>