<<@YouShouldThink4Yourself says : Woolworths now has active electronic price tags on the shelves, ALL these can be updated in seconds. You can pick up a product that the shelf label shows as $1.50 and by the time you get to the checkout it could change to $2.00>> <<@bookertee3057 says : Allegedly misleading tactic? The government has been doing this for decades.>> <<@marymartin-q2y says : Woolies uses markdowns as a marketing tool, for years....and now it's a problem? Lol>> <<@CalciumHat says : are you serious? You get paid to state the decades of obvious??>> <<@Matt123a says : Agreed. Anthony 'Edge of Desperation' Albo. It has a ring to it.>> <<@shadowwater1 says : Bit like Politicians tactics. Bit well worn>> <<@DavidBirchall-t6n says : Albo calling out Coles and Woolies for ripping off us tax payers. He should know a lot about ripping us off. Look at his LIES for the last 2 years.>>