<<@origprankster says : You guys may laugh... but us regular joe's and jane's, are sick of it!>> <<@bookertee3057 says : Next, there will be a tax on urinating and flatulence. The side effects of drinking beer 🍺.>> <<@pwillis1589. says : Meanwhile, the liebor party, which supposedly cares for the working class, raises taxes. Remembering that albotross was given free $500 bottles of wine as a taste test!!!!! Liebor hates Australia>> <<@YouShouldThink4Yourself says : We have a "Goods and Services" Tax (GST) of 10% that means that the tax increases with the increase of the price of the goods or service. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE EXTRA TAXES (called Levies or Excise) that then gets an extra 10% increase via the GST We should also NOT have these "Taxes" Indexed Twice Yearly. Howard sold the GST on it replacing ALL Indirect Taxes. He LIED as do ALL Politicians.>> <<@wilbur1884 says : BUTT WUTT ABOAT DAVAYE ALUTTA PROUD HAYE'S NAULT ALUTTA PROUD ANYMOEWAE.🤨 WAYE DUN'T HALVA BEER DISCOUNT'S DAVAYE'S NAULT ALUTTA PROUD ANYMOEWAE.🤨>> <<@davidhanak2767 says : Beet tax overhaul>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : LOL this reminds me of that scene from Full Metall Jacket... don't get between me and my booze:) *Don't Get Between A Dog And His Meat." - Full Metal Jacket (1987)*>> <<@murrayslee911 says : Won't help the cost of living, poor idea Dutton who are advising you, wont buy the working class with a ridiculous proposal.>> <<@Aangel452 says : I am furious that our taxes are now penalising our freedom to release stress by having a drink at home p, or on a night out that all aussies can now NOT afford! We are being virtually raped of our spending money by those we elected to make life better for society. Get lost Labour…>> <<@Prognosis__ says : I will drink to that idea>> <<@blobfishking9143 says : €1 in Germany get you 1/2 litre can of beer. We are ripped off.>>