<<@alvinwong5521 says : What are they doing? Stop voting Labor Stop voting Greens Stop voting teals>> <<@caraes81 says : Do I want to vote for the Greenas. NO But I will do cause Labour & Coalition do nothing on the cost of housing. What both parties put forwarded, nobody is buying. It is bs policy. People don't want NIMBYs and tax incentives for property investment. Do that now or give more power to Greens.>> <<@LilyWhiteAkAConspiracyRealist says : Their lack of respect, concern and courtesy for the average aussie, is why they are sinking fast! Vote these goons out asap! Loosers!>> <<@RiverWhiskey07 says : Herr Albo vants to be ze Kommissar. I run zis country, you vill do vot I say. Pissed of off at us because his "Voice"got the arse. Now all he can do is spit and snarl, not answer a question, just prevaricate and use weasel words. Most hated priminister in Australian history.>> <<@glenyseeckert122 says : where is the governor general of our country called AUSTRALIA, LOOK AFTER US AUSSIES FIRST, IT IS YOUR JOB, G.G>> <<@Aangel452 says : Yep I agree, we dont need this 1st nations overseas embasitor! And I speak for the tax paying people that his Salery go straight back into tax relief funding.>> <<@vs6110 says : We are going backwards>> <<@KT-bb1tb says : Albozzo's Out of Control Immigration and Spending ! People Wake Up ?>> <<@bookertee3057 says : Labors only answer is more taxes. A new meter will be installed on every dunny in Australia. Taxes on your flushes. Politicians will be exempt. People know they are full of crap.>> <<@glenh1369 says : Which party in Australia will put our human rights into law? Why are our rights continuously shrinking?>> <<@pwillis1589. says : That lispy little beta male albagreasy is the worst PM in Australia's history>> <<@junebaldwin5352 says : It's time they had a look at home and car insurances are owned by these eletes given full steam ahead seemingly by labour>> <<@convert313 says : Heaven forbid it's hurting Labor in the polls guys ,it's only 'just the total distruction of liveability within Australia via the absolute criminality committed by crims with suites embezzling tax dollars and taxing the arses off everyone!>> <<@TomSteindl says : Cost of living not Liebor's fault with wages increases and electricity costs it is Coles and Woolworths fault, they aren't absorbing these extra Liebor's costs, they are price gouging, the ACCC SAY SO, WHAT BULLSHIT.>> <<@junebaldwin5352 says : We will never have homes under labour .what a mess>> <<@briannewman6216 says : Per capita GDP has been declining for over 18 months. This has to be hurting. If per capita GDP falls much further the backlash against labor will see them turfed out.>> <<@Aangel452 says : Where can I find the peoples pole on this, as the people at large had no idea there was a pole going on that was newsworthy. I would have have said … Bye Bye Labour, you have begun the demise of our once happy, collective of Australians that made people smile around the world as well as in our homeland. Can we please go back to the eighties…As I see it, the only possible safe way to build nuclear is do it like wealthy Arabs would. Find a full safe zone in the deserts of Australia, build the water dam and several extra water connection sources. Then if any trouble arise it wont harm the populations outside of it. The worst thing history has taught us is when they build one at an ocean site. As Tsunami’s or earthquakes in these areas happen all over the world. And with our North/South pole shift is now almost sideways at around 26 deg out to the side, our planet is leaning and all continents have slowly moved upward/downward or left to right. This is causing all the changes in weather patterns across the globe, as they are now all in a different position on the planet. We are not in the same earth zones as we were 20 yrs ago you know! They will not disclose this truth, and I don’t know why it is not a consistent factor of our regular news on what all countries can expect next, as the downward North pole slips to the South even further? Do your own research everyone. Just Google it all, youtube it all..the eyeopening truth via silent witnesses is out there on all these truths.>> <<@ianenglish123 says : Anyone that has travelled overseas or has relatives OS, knows the cost of living has risen significantly on an international level, it is not the failings of one government. Peta Credlin is lying to you.>> <<@John-ul4hv says : Who Congratulates Peter Dutton>> <<@JuneCahill says : He is overseas again thinking he’s a world leader actually he’s an embarrassment>> <<@nima759ify says : Sack Labor! Kick them out of office !>> <<@John-ul4hv says : 21 Feb 2021, Morrison introduced Digital ID into MyGov, Labor unanimously passes it into Law in the Senate, coercing Australians, the Uniparty working together Labor/LNP the Party's' work together at coercion & controlling Australians via Digital ID, Company directors, businesses 'are required' to get a Digital ID the TRAP is being set People, please support Alex Antic Malcolm Roberts 'REPEAL of the Digital ID Bill' demand representation of your fed MP even if they voted for it fight back>> <<@John-ul4hv says : Misinformation Bill , Either make a Submission, Committee Secretary Senate Standing Commities on Environment & Commucations, PO Box , 6100, Parliament House Canberra 2600 or a direct parliament, Alex Antic, Malcolm Roberts ring them>> <<@ali44212 says : Pause immigration for three years Atleast half a million homes will be free for Australian>> <<@Aangel452 says : Where can I find the pole on this, as the people at large had no idea there was a pole going on that was newsworthy. I would have have said in the pole… Bye Bye Labour, you have begun the demise of our once happy, collective of Australians that made people smile around the world as well as in our homeland. Can we please go back to the eighties…>> <<@KLM_ZA says : Please vote out labor and greens before Australia is ruined!>> <<@rickman2267 says : Housing crisis? Bring in a million migrants! Labor must go.>> <<@andrewferguson887 says : The ABC didnt make a mistake, sack the whole board,>> <<@Ernst12 says : Should Labor now accuse the banks willing to support nuclear call this misinformation or conspiracy theories or that these banks might cause three-eyed fish to exist. I wonder whether Labor and the Greens are happy with these developments.>> <<@Aangel452 says : Hurting Labour you say in the headline…F..k Labour. We need to dispose of labour and liberal, then appoint several united, independent and true peoples parties to all work together in there appointed duties that they excel at, and believe in for the benefit of all Australians, our Taxes, infrastructure, policies, and referendums on all new country baring decisions to be made. More transparency is needed in all areas of living with our economy growing and all people thriving! Appointed civil servants are doing a 9-5 job like everyone else and need to be payed accordingly of standard wages or salary. The Prime Minister is the only Position that should be somewhat higher as also with the current cabinet Ministers for people in budget, foreign affairs, Governer council, etc…!!!!!!👀😃>> <<@YolandaCampos-g8p says : Cost of living in.disgrace under Harris still vote her no>> <<@craighall2819 says : It’s embarrassing that Australia still votes for the same two parties over over again expecting a different result>> <<@dominicgalante7501 says : DUTTON HAS TO DROP THE MISINFORMATION BILL IF HE WANTS MY VOTE EVERYTHING ELSE IS FINE>> <<@TheObSeRvErTheObSeRv says : HAHAHA The ACCC is going to FINE COLES OR WOOLWORTH, $50.000. 100.000 EVEN 200.000 TO THEM ITS WHAT THEY WIPE THERE REAR WITH.!!!>> <<@gbmarso8260 says : House prices are a fucking joke and same as renewables bs>> <<@lyleessex4631 says : Justin Mohamed! This guys got an Arab name and he's an aboriginal....I think that you have your parentage all wrong pal.>> <<@stevenhamilton9790 says : Oh what a shame maybe they can give themselves another payrise before they get kicked out, definitely not working for Australians only WEF Who UN!>> <<@davidtewhakaara6660 says : It's not only the cost of living it's all the blatant lies that comes with it>> <<@DP-st6nn says : The Governor General needs to step in and dismiss this whole government NOW!!>> <<@dominicgalante7501 says : PEOPLE VOTE ALBANESE OUT GREENS OUT TEALS OUT LIBERALS .....TIME FOR INDEPENDENTS TO FIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE>> <<@konanninja says : No more Albo and Labour for me over increased rent! Whatever caused my rent to increase, either negative gearing or migration, Albo and his Labour team don't do enough for me. I'm so regret voting for you back then!>> <<@lyleessex4631 says : Where do they do these polls, Labor electorates no doubt...what will it take for these idiots too wake up aren't they hurting like the rest of us.>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : How can it be 50:50 ??? Greens Teals should not be including =not politicians>> <<@DrewPortman-x3q says : The problem is Albo, he’s a dead beat. Get rid of Labour and Albo!>> <<@nicethings2070 says : Green means Labor. Better to vote LNP, or UAP.>> <<@jameslay1348 says : People do realise when they cut rates. House prices and rents will onky go higher. Rate cuts will push house prices higher.>> <<@abbeystump says : Even Albo had to sell his rental to make ends meet.>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : But Dorothy gives away our multi-million dollar Abrams Tank to corrupt ZelenSKY!!!>> <<@willvermeer7500 says : I am ready to become the ambassador for Pensioners, and willing to travel around the world for 9 months of the year.>> <<@ralphriddell6486 says : Red blue left right labour liberal they are all two wings of the same bird Stop the right sack the light ‼️>>