<<@ianenglish123 says : Why the BS, if Regis plan was so good, take the government to court, you would be awarded costs. But wait, is building a tailings dam at the head catchment of the Belubula river a good plan. Probably not.>> <<@ohwell2790 says : Without gold backing the paper money you have worthless money. Are people in the Australian government just stupid? The Australian money will suffer super inflation. Without energy from nuclear the costs will drive the working class of people to bankruptcy. This is what the American government is doing to the citizens of that country.>> <<@Ajax-t1q says : Keep the pressure up don't stop till you get the right out come.>> <<@chrisyoung9194 says : Dealing with women in politics isn't easy....they do not like losing face! Plibersek is like a child wanting her way all the time....Australians be damned!>> <<@Jim-i4j says : Excellent interview Chrisβ€¦πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘>> <<@MeredithBell-v3f says : Vote them out>> <<@rickslaven3564 says : So much interest in Cultural heritage laws. There are to many people not following true cultural lore. If this is not your sitting place keep your opinions to yourself. Orange is not Blayney and Blayney is not Orange. Lithgow is not Wellington and Wellington is not Lithgow. Local wiradjuri custodians have the best idea about their sitting place. The addiction to money over respect of country is a sad dangerous journey .>> <<@KimonSheri says : Its sad to see down under fall. My Aussie friends, you need no permission to live. Just do what you have to do. Freedom is at stake.>> <<@aoca3817 says : Blatent false reporting. Le mine waz blocked because ov polluting sludge leach dam's used in le minning process. All'zs they have to do is build cleaner 4 le environment Leaching tank's & le corrupt fk's in le minning industree don't like le added expence to their minning plant construction. There r native indigionous fresh water spring's in le area. If le mine build's cleaner Leaching tank's rather than mudd dam's, then i'm sure le mine will be appooved. There is a school ov thought amungst real Australian's\Staraleahn's that will simplee execute corrupt medeah personalitee's in bed with le minning lobbee 4 blatent false reporting.>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : Obviously there was a first peoples science laboratory there 350,000 years ago. So it should be protected.>> <<@murrayslee911 says : ALP destroying Australian jobs to save their own arse.>> <<@PJC005 says : I got the KFC 6 hot peices for 6.95 tonight. Pretty spesh, good size feed.>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Plumberscrack is only trying to sure up support from her latte sipping city snobs>> <<@AnchorsAweighNarooma says : Common sence needs to prevail..... To have an income you need to sell something, Labor has lost the business thought to a bubble model.>> <<@berniestar1490 says : We need more politicians and it would fix all of Australia's problems.>> <<@owenroberts1168 says : Blind Freddie can see that tanya thing set this up>> <<@Lachlan124-b1n says : Labor sucks!!!>>