<<@tassied12 says : Finland's power prices are NOT 30% of what they were before its last reactor (Olkiluoto 3) came online. There was a large short-term fall in spot prices because at the time Olkiluoto 3 came online (April 2023), Finland also had flooding pushing up its hydro output and suppressing prices. Long term price changes were far less dramatic. Half-yearly Eurostats data for the past 2 years shows that consumer prices in Finland in H2 2023 improved broadly in line with the rest of Europe with no dramatic fall. Source Eurostat: Electricity prices for household consumers – bi-annual data (from 2007 onwards) Excluding taxes and levies (Euro/KWh) 2022 Jan – Jun -> 0.1335 2022 Jul – Dec -> 0.1806 2023 Jan – Jun -> 0.1934 2023 Jul – Dec -> 0.1712>> <<@midnorthmidwest says : If you want the costing and completion times on nuclear look at Georgia Power latest reactor. This will give you some insight of what lies ahead.>> <<@stevenmoule2236 says : Nuclear must be in the discussion.Rainbow tears and unicorn farts are for detached minds.>> <<@pwillis1589. says : The Barakah nuclear power station in the United Arab Emirates cost USD$32 Billion and took 12 years for all 4 units to be constructed. Australia would only require 5 stations of that size to exceed proposed demand of the NEM. At a total of USD$160 Billion. This is all easily confirmed. All Australia needs to do is get rid of liebor and don't let unions anywhere near the construction project.>> <<@ianenglish123 says : So the scientists are wrong, the engineers are wrong, the CSRIO is wrong, independent comparative studies based on overseas examples by independent think tanks are wrong. Dutton and Patterson are right, your fools to believe their crap particularly when theres a total absence of any detail.>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Dutton is a seriously hilarious clown, desperately trying to sell his personally defining visionary nuclear power policy to differentiate himself from Labor and create the illusion of a viable alternative. Pure pigshit, he's got nothing.>> <<@robbo6689 says : Release the full cost projections for the lifetime of this little LNP nuclear plan then. They can't. They won't. It's a fu*king joke.>> <<@leeevans2929 says : Renewables are costing more everyday and our electricity bills are getting higher. Get all that free coal and gas out of the ground so we can get back to normal>> <<@ROGERTULL says : I DEMAND ALBO COST ALL THE RENEWALS BEFORE HE BUILDS ANY MORE, THEY ARE DESTROYING THE ENVIRONMENT BY DESTROYING TREES THAT SOAK UP CARBON NUCLEAR IS CLEAN, SAFE AND GIVES US BASE LOAD POWER WHEN THERE IS NO WIND OR ENOUGH SUNLIGHT>> <<@ricky6864 says : But it's OK to waste billions on green power which is unreliable, unusable, expensive to the consumer and totally inadequate>> <<@ralphmogridge8364 says : The US is already shutting down many of its nuclear plants, why??? their energy research shows there is no way they can recover the build costs!!!>> <<@Stikibits says : Sky is such a pack of irrational weirdos.>> <<@creditelectric says : What is the cost at the meter that will appear on our bills, no more glib statements.>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Adi speaks a lot of truth and sense>>