<<@billhesford6098 says : Get rid of Labor, Green, and woke.>> <<@RiverWhiskey07 says : Get rid of this bloody dictatorial pice of crap mis/dis information bill too. This bill is cencorship in its purest form. We will have no way of disagreeing with anything mainstream media say, or what government say either. Albumliar is a dictator, wants us to bow down to him like hes a king. Communist Aistralia here we come.>> <<@60_thou says : "What has got better for you", my disdain for this grubberment...>> <<@allynhughes1213 says : Sick of hearing these ‘career’ politicians saying “we understand people are doing it tough”. They have no idea nor understanding of people doing it tough.>> <<@alvinwong5521 says : A treacherous PM and government>> <<@stephenmassey9845 says : Labor, the party of taxation. Liberal, the party of privatisation. It's almost as if it's all planned to hit you in the pocket continuously 😉>> <<@lizwirtz5968 says : Reduce immigration by 75% to reduce demand on housing/accmmodation. This is urgent. Housing costs are too large a porportion of income and leaves little for puchase of other goods and services. High interest isnt a problem if incomes/pay rises at a higher rate. Pay will rise when immigrants reduce and companies pay more to attract staff. Reduction in immigration reduces demand on hospitals and other services. We can't let a generation go through without hope of owning a home. What a sad prospect for them.>> <<@hellenicspartan4458 says : ALBANNOCHIO the blubbering, Spineless W⚓>> <<@madmaxou812 says : bye bye albo and co !!🖐🖐 😂>> <<@lesteraizlewood8457 says : It beats me how the Greens are rising in percentage. They are the driving force behind a lot of our economic problems with their weird ideology and are just as useless as Labor. None of them in either party has any regard for Australia. They just want to see their name up on the political scoreboard for history to record.>> <<@Cobber2023 says : When have Labor ever been for The Australian Worker? They don’t even spell the word Labour correctly. 🤷‍♂️>> <<@Cobber2023 says : Nothing, Nothing, and Nothing. 👍>> <<@EugeneUmali-e6w says : There is no point in bagging Labor and the Greens for that matter. This does not translate to votes and they know it. Forget the so-called Independents/Teals as they're just the Greens in disguise. Unfortunately there is still a large portion of our society that feel that they are beholden to them and will stick with them even if it brings down our country! A very sad state of affairs indeed. When will our people listen and learn? Like a cancer spreading, they are destroying our way of life and values.>> <<@chrisburnett4742 says : What a completely disingenuous misrepresentation of the government and the economic situation in Australia. There is no way on this planet that the current Labor government has moved more to the left. Their housing plans, their acceptance of the AUKUS debacle and their immigration program are pure neoliberalism. On the other hand they have supported the cost of living through childcare support, bringing down prices on pharmaceuticals, enhancing Medicare and giving everyone tax cuts instead of the only the rich to name a few things. Strangely Peta forgot to mention these. Australia doesn’t have a government spending problem, we have a revenue problem. Countries around the world are using fiscal spending to support their people at this time. Unfortunately here in Australia, we too captured by foreign multinationals to make them pay a fair price for our resources - we give so much away royalty free and tax free. We are also low taxing by OECD standards. If we just taxed at the OECD average we would pull in $140 Billion dollars extra in revenue and we could fund anything we needed. We make housing expensive by subsidising investors and destroying first home buyers and we’ve stopped building social housing. Tell the truth Peta and stop shilling for the LNP.>> <<@user-dy9bm7sk7n says : Layabouts and the Groins have to go while we still have some sort of country left, there's no place for these socialists here.>> <<@ianenglish123 says : Never felt any of those things when LNP were in power, particularly job security.>> <<@andymartinez767 says : I cant believe so many are still supporting this Socialist Party, and an increase for Greenies, what? Some Australians are still brain dead.>> <<@buncha5651 says : We've flirted with the Left, and they have severely damaged Australia in 2 years. Don't give them another term to finish the damage to our way of life. I'm retired but am worried about my grandchildrens future if these socialists are in government.>> <<@MichaelIrwin-j3m says : Why are greens on the up are people not listening to their policy's it not about environment anymore it's about their radical agenda's.>> <<@BibifromOz says : Thanks Peta. You are o e of the extremely few voices of honesty and sensibility about Australia’s economic situation. Albanese and the Rene’s,along w8th a smattering of others in the “woke” camp need to be dismissed post haste..!!>> <<@ianc9930 says : Worst PM and worst Federal Government in living memory. Send them a message and vote him and them out. Are you better off with Albo?>> <<@GraemeOwen-u6k says : The liberals didn’t do anything when they had the chance. They gave us the 2 worst leaders the failed priest and that other one>> <<@Ragnar6000 says : Labour and the Greens are marxist!>> <<@8101nevermind says : Having a Beta cuck PM is weird usually people in power are Alfa ...1Milllion jobs over half require my taxes to Pay them dear God backwards we go.>> <<@juliancooper8963 says : “What has got better for you ?” should be the Liberal / National party slogan when we head to the next election. If people stop and think about that Albo will be out on his ear in a flash.>> <<@TheBillABCTV says : I hope Dutton wins next election.>> <<@ozzinedyoutubechannel1851 says : no votes for greens they are rubbish>> <<@ozzinedyoutubechannel1851 says : he needs to be chased out today hes rubbish>> <<@andrewferguson887 says : He's so out of touch with the average Aussie , pathetic .>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : 6 months trial for elected or installed politicians is a MUST>> <<@JohnCuzens says : Australians are worse off under Albasleezy and the Muppets, and it's not going to get any better any time soon. Vote One Nation at the next election, and send Labor, Greens and Teals to political oblivion..>> <<@jackdeltr9701 says : Joke name a gov in the last 50 years been anything more than a failure .. there was once government housing , reliable transport , cheap fuel/power and yes some party politics but by and large politicians did at least not put the voter down>> <<@ShaneBurville says : How's that Murdoch choker Peta?>> <<@heatherstewart8452 says : MAGA = make albo go away>> <<@JohnWilliams-iw6oq says : I'm 74 and on the aged pension, Sweet Fanny Adams has improved for me, thanks Labor but no no thanks.>> <<@MarkHines-p8d says : Since Albo has lost the voice, he is pissed off with main stream Australian's and seems to be making it hard for Australian's by making decisions that are pissing us all off.>> <<@carmen47freixas96 says : All Parties are the same, just gov. under a different name.>> <<@MarkForbes-dr4ie says : Nothing is any better,get labor greens and teals out every seat every state.bye Albanese ya flog.>> <<@anikindotle18 says : A.L.B.O acronym Australia's Leading Brothel Organiser>> <<@tankmeister8131 says : It’s been crap since Kevin Krudd, same problem>> <<@clydesimpson1462 says : Albanese has gone backwards. The whole country has gone backwards.>> <<@DavidBirchall-t6n says : You know Albo and his MOB are getting worried when they stick the knif into the likes of Qantas and now Woolies who spent a fortune to help him with the voice. We know how that went>> <<@jennifer-annfarrugia3019 says : Nothing, Zilch, Nada, FA 🤮💩>> <<@anthonywhelan5419 says : Peta for prime minister.>> <<@steveballard515 says : Most left wing spineless govt since Whitlam, and what happen to him>> <<@GlennOfGod888 says : Pauline for PM. Stop immigration immediately.>> <<@GlennOfGod888 says : This government is a disgrace.>> <<@MrLocobloke says : Albo and Teals / Greens out One Nation in>> <<@lukei6255 says : We mived forward with LGBTiQ. We can teach children about gender in our modern libraries. And we recognize 56 different genders. I hope in the next year it will become compulsory to use a pronoun and hate speech will be much stricter, all social media controlled and people jailed for saying anything against LGBTiQ, Israel, climate change and Labor government.>> <<@paolocardinali3951 says : Petrol up, electricity up, gas up, food up, immigration up, violence up, robberies up, house invasions up, tobacco shops burning up… and some people will still vote Labor 😮 You really can’t fix stupid!>>