<<@jeddred-e3m says : Who is we? You are not a white man.>> <<@thenightriderfishingchanne5476 says : He’s right! I hope he means everything he says because I do! Vivek 2028>> <<@giab9317 says : Why was nobody eating?>> <<@dubyredburndarling6334 says : We need to speak. The church is this country has been silent and now we're in such a mess. Praying for our great nation and both candidates.😔🙏🇺🇸💔>> <<@samuelasanderinos1521 says : How can family beat climate? I don’t get it>> <<@roberthunter7247 says : End times of the dispensation period of grace. Incrementally more people's hearts are going to continue to harden. Reminding myself of the times makes it easier to deal with those astray without any felt resentment.>> <<@Good13man says : 💯🎯. I have mandatory DEI training tomorrow and know that I must keep my mouth shut and opinions to myself.>> <<@heavyd777 says : "The rich and the poor are not so far removed from each other as they are in Europe. Some few towns excepted, we are all tillers of the earth, from Nova Scotia to West Florida. We are a people of cultivators, scattered over an immense territory, communicating with each other by means of good roads and navigable rivers, united by the silken bands of mild government, all respecting the laws, without dreading their power, because they are equitable. We are all animated with the spirit of an industry which is unfettered and unrestrained, because each person works for himself." - French writer and philosopher Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, "Letters from an American Farmer", written in 1782. In America there is a profound sense of equality among the poor and middle class "legal" immigrants. America was not a land for aristocrats, those with privileges of inherited wealth and power, rather for the poor and downtrodden, the seekers and discoverers.>> <<@NotKev2017 says : The lady mentioned that the ideal was white. I don't see that at all. It's for whoever wants to step up and show that they have what it takes to want to work for America. Not against. No one color should be more or less than any other.>> <<@davbrankira says : Same bs as Haley and Jindal. India sends so many great doctors to this country. Why are these politicians so terrible?>> <<@StyleViewStudio says : I just received a comment on my comment that “we don’t need another non-American presidential candidate“ what exactly do you mean by non-American? He’s obviously born here. He’s educated. He thinks better than 90% of Americans is an American. He has the same values he probably is more American than you are and I don’t know who you are… And the same sense you can say that well I am not American… Because my last name sounds so so well you’re wrong, being an American citizens citizen can be by birth and naturalization and if you go through the steps, you are AND AMERICAN and if you implying about the shade of his skin well shame on you that’s not about it. He is smarter than a lot of people I’ve heard talk on TV actually than all of them, so I think about that. The person who sent me the note that he is “non-American“ has serious thinking to do… KAMALA is not a bad candidate because of the color of her skin. She’s a bad candidate whether she’s white yellow or pink! She’s just doesn’t know how to govern the greatest country in the world doesn’t know never done. It never will and doesn’t have the intellect to do it. In other words she doesn’t offer the merit of a presidential candidate. Check the word that’s what counts me , and being a citizen, legal citizen of this country>> <<@user-ql5yb2hs2p says : ♥️♥️♥️‼️Vivek is such a GRIFTER ‼️ Blah blah blah…why does he use his time to lie on Fox fake news if he was so accomplished??? No respect for this grifter who has a selfish agenda to make you believe him with his smooth talk…💩💩💩>> <<@searchandsave142 says : Nut job>> <<@loriolivent9127 says : Preach it Vivek! ❤>> <<@eldiemartinez4511 says : Love Ya 🎉>> <<@timothylippert3244 says : Truths with Vivek was a much needed special on Fox News!>> <<@000302lf says : I'm 76 and admittedly wasn't overly involved in Politics. It's a long story but I woke up back when Obama was elected, even Clintons were seemingly dirty politicians, to me. I got registered because of the Clintons. Bill Clinton just seemed like he was not right somehow he never seemed like he cared about the people or the Country. Bush wasn't much better he was going to let another country take over the New York Port of entry, that was shot down with such vigor and rightfully so, I started watching what was going on more and more. I still don't believe Obama was a born citizen, too many facts point to that being true. He even parked the Atlantic fleet in a harbor on the east coast, most in one spot, I thought we learned that lesson in 1941. When he left office he didn't go home like all other presidents before him he stayed in DC and got an office with a large staff. Still don't know what that is about I can only imagine. Wink, Wink, Seems when Trump was elected they went to work with full scale hate and discontent, to make his presidency impossible and that continues today. Somehow the "dems" think we are not watching, and some are so brain washed that they seem to really believe that it's smart to just follow the dems and not even question what they have done. Well I don't think that's the way this is suppose to work, look what the dems have done to our country, I'm a vet and that's just not what I served for. dems is deliberately not capitalized and abbreviated because of their actions over the last four years, they deserve it. Anyone else notice that neither party is advertising which party they are for? Very little of the street corner signs have which party they are with?? Does that seem odd to anyone else????? What are they afraid of ???>> <<@eldiemartinez4511 says : You go VIVEK 🎉>> <<@searchandsave142 says : Why do you keep promoting this conspiracy nut case>> <<@mrlolmaster1019 says : viva vivek>> <<@Alloy-p3u says : Ann Coulter and many conservatives would prefer Biden, Kamala, Newsome Presidencies over Vivek Ramaswamy's. Sad but True>> <<@lotimol3288 says : Yes keep God in your life and you will prevail 🙏🙏🙏>> <<@janarejcha3009 says : Canada for Trump!!!!>> <<@goswo says : SPOT ON!!>> <<@angelachafin242 says : THANK YOU VIVEK! President 2028>> <<@ronbaxley8105 says : Diversity is will cause weakness. Immigrants coming here not to assimilate, but to establish their own culture is a cancerous tumor in our country>> <<@SS13934 says : Be afraid of the anti America lying Woke Lefties politicians!! 😳🇺🇲❤>> <<@OtroDiamierda says : I watched this video and bought an American flag shower curtain at the same time>> <<@williamdejeffrio9701 says : Vivek sums up my thoughts exactly and articulately on the current climate of politics in the USA.>> <<@BobSmith-kk7lx says : Vivek is awesome, need more like him speaking out!! The truth be hidden any longer.>> <<@Whatuseewhatuget says : He’s the best I can’t wait to see how big he gets ❤>> <<@justinritchie282 says : I'm still pissed off he's not currently the Republican candidate. Something is very wrong with our country when money dictates who our candidates are, not merit.>> <<@ButtandGut says : How ridiculous can this guy get? Few minutes in….by my book. 🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@botanicG says : Excellent a must watch for sure!>> <<@walterleonard2489 says : Vivek, you are a Godsend>> <<@richdawggreen4658 says : I told you one day you'd be working at Fox.,. Dirty s. o. b.>> <<@waynesworld2271 says : WE THE PEOPLE ARE STRONG 💪 OUR representative’s are WEAK>> <<@josephdouglas1808 says : They do not have average American in this discussion never represented because they are scared of us we have a lot different view nobody cares. Pull a person off the street it's easy>> <<@michael0.770 says : Jesus said the truth will set you free. Trump does not follow Jesus and says he doesn't need forgiveness.>> <<@Africanknight88 says : VIVEK 2028! Man this guy has the best comebacks and straight talk for anyone.>> <<@jebbo2320 says : LOVE LOVE LOVE VIVEK!!! Cannot wait to vote for him when he runs again ❤🇺🇸🙏🏻>> <<@deborahvallier9245 says : Absolutely Vivek! 💯>> <<@ctxmason says : 'Diversity is our strength' HOW? When it is weaponized against the Anglo Saxons and our Constitution has been undermined by those who want America destroyed? NOT A STRENGTH sister...>> <<@sk8xaq says : My dirty little secret is a young version of me would have been superficially skeptical of Vivek, initially... Fortunately, I'm older and able to find ways to hear him speak. He delivers every time, and the topics he's on all need to be said! I'm enjoying Mr. Ramaswamy so much, and am honestly stoked about his background and presentation with the fact that he is fulfilling a top patriotic role model! Easily another Historical Icon of our time, in my estimation. Vivek Ramaswamy's work is a service to our country, and I appreciate it very much.>> <<@Elizabeth-lb2jf says : Vivek Ramashwami is an impressively intelligent man, with the ability to convey concepts with great weight and clarity, and above all, driven by the common sense that should guide both ordinary people and politicians through life. I would have liked to see him chosen as VP by Trump. In any case, I hope to see Donald Trump win the election, and to see Vivek play a part in the Administration.>> <<@MrBooder1 says : Vivek is a Hindu. As we all know, Republicans can't stand anyone that looks different, and they can't stand anyone that worships differently than themselves. You have no chance to be anything in the Republican party except a mouth piece for MAGA. It's sad it has to be this way. Plus, there are so many that says you remind them of Benny Hinn, which they hate.>> <<@GregoryLander says : F the GOP, that party is gone, new party is MAGA and we not only are for America, we are America!>> <<@maryhooper786 says : >> <<@kevinmitchell8650 says : Thank you Mr. Ramaswamy, I appreciate your knowledgeability and willingness to articulate the issues.>> <<@kimani34 says : Fox is trying to start their next conspiracy theory.>>