<<@donovanbryan5000 says : Polls taken in ny. I ask anyone. Have you or anyone you know ever been polled?>> <<@martinmiller3647 says : Pennsylvania supports Donald Trump's policies ❤❤❤❤>> <<@fnusecurity5112 says : No one really cares about polls. Losing side always push polls to convince the other side voters not to turn out. Cause no matter if you vote we will win. Then people like the polls got them winning why should we vote. But if a person walks out and talks to their friends they can't find anyone really voting for the other person they claim is winning. Like CNN went to some place and only found two who would say they would vote for her. Makes you wonder who is polling people.>> <<@kyleschanck7520 says : Ya, NC wouldn’t vote blue. Not yet at least. It’s coming, but we’re about 3 cycles off.>> <<@RT_today says : Never trust the polls. But going with the vibe, what people are saying on social media and I personally reckon Trump will win quite comfortably, Kamala will get the same shock Hilary got.>> <<@Wayne1952 says : I took a poll & I got 90% TRUMP & 10% HARRIS, But I polled REAL PEOPLE...!!!>> <<@jimmypugh3332 says : 🇺🇸🌟🇺🇸 F**K POLLS, JUST GET OUT AND VOTE,…..TRUMP>> <<@peter-michaelkeys.2522 says : The Voting is ALL RIGGED......It's called DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS!>> <<@NareshSingh-g2w says : Don’t believe the polls. This is just a set up to influence. Get your ass up and vote red! Please..>> <<@jameskirk6656 says : Anyone supporting Harris/ Walz is voting on emotion, and not thinking about the future of America at all. Why? They can't be trusted! >> <<@carlowhite713 says : Of course she will win . Deep state will insure victory>> <<@polw3785 says : How could anyone want to vote for the proven air head Kamala Harris. Just incredible>> <<@RitaGraham-vg5kk says : I don't go by polls. Most polls are in favor of Trump.>> <<@JeffreySmith7777 says : Anyway. Who's next! Joey Cannibals Biden. Uncle Bozo suffered from cannibalism in the Civil War! Joey Cannibals Biden. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@mssv19123 says : Biden going into dementia and madness.....accelerating>> <<@samT1227 says : Trump is now trailing Kamala in the presidential race. Thank God!!!>> <<@victorfarneti9852 says : That’s not true, Rasmussen is independent and they were right for the last 5 elections, show Rasmussen polls. Trump is leading almost everywhere in swing states>> <<@Positiveenergy68 says : Wait for the October surprise folks!>> <<@harounkoroma7440 says : CNN wants the debate so that they can ridicule him and make him look stupid. I just want Trump to continue reaching out to the people and also believe in God.>> <<@elindioedwards7041 says : I'll never understand why Trump agreed to debate Biden in June. That gave the DNC the option to run another candidate. Can you imagine the chaos the DNC would have been in if they had stayed with Biden?>> <<@FindAReason-mi7go says : Reagan was a puppet, Bush jnr was a puppet. Obama and Clinton were snake oil men. Carter was a smiling fool. I am wondering if Kamala wouldn't fit right in?>> <<@Chris-c5l8q says : Maga cult Australian mouthpieces doing their duty.>> <<@sandyw9357 says : Lol remember when conveniently sky news had 2 people analysing the debate and both said they think trump won??? Funny how in reality every single poll that has been neutral and independant showed Harris won. In fact out of 68 polls not 1 person said Harris won….. EXCEPT THE 2 CHERRY PICKED CLOWNS SKY NEWS CHOSE 😂😂😂😂>> <<@robertnicholson1409 says : That's all very well but you miss the real issue...... they'll steal it just like last time.>> <<@redtulips7111 says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@sandyw9357 says : LOL you right wingers can’t accept Harris is way in front. You say there’s no news todays because everything trump has been saying has been insane! Rather quiet on the Haitians eating cats and dogs and the lies about aborting babies after they’re born 😂 haha how long did it take for you to find a way to twist the story as propoganda to show your looney low iq right wing audience that the polls are actually close lol imagine the biggest anti Kamala mocking is her stating an Answer with her upbringing but conveniently ignoring cats and dogs been eaten. Hmm not bias at all! How cringe it must be to try and blindly lie when you truely in your heart know that Harris has it in the bag lol>> <<@kevinhealey6540 says : I'll tell you what the real poll is. Go to wherever he makes a speech, count the number of people who show up to see him and then go to wherever she makes a speech and count the number of people who show up to see her.>> <<@beautifulvictory9683 says : Look to Rasmussen. That's it.>> <<@drpammy7847 says : V v smart move by Mr T to say he will not run in 2028 as this & daily prayer will stop future attempts by Demz Hit Men. Also the holy spirit is making moves in is-real. Will USA Jews be brave & break free from brainwashing by Senator Schumer types. USA Muslims know the best way to save Muslim kids is with Mr T as Prez. He will end Ha mas & peace will return to the world. That's why Axis of E v i l, want her to win as they fear him not her. Just like 1940. When UK was facing slavery from huge national socialist villains from all sides - they hid in tunnels and hills and marsh lands & forests. UK folk said their daily prayers. The Lord had sent David to defeat Goliath & centuries later, brave Winston Churchill was sent to defeat the villains Adolf & Stalin & Mussolini. Bibi has a bit of Churchill in him doesn't he? (Elegant speaches & record of military service) And the strong American Eagle will soon be on its way under the next president Mr T, who has a bit of Ron Reagan in him (Retired TV Star who took a hit for freedom & democracy) & with Thatcher defeated the last Axis of E v i l. Pray for world peace folks.>> <<@lalalisa9307 says : She is not popular she is reviled by people She leaves our borders open what they do they blame Trump for people are not stupid here in America those polls are lies>> <<@henryg2960 says : Let me explain. Biden got 81 million votes, like I won the State Lottery 3 weeks in a row. Trump gained 10% of Balcks, 20% with Hispanics, and in every other category, but they’re tied. They’re lying, Trump is winning by a landslide. Fake media, and fake polling is why they say they’re tied. I only see Kamala supporters on the internet. If Trump loses, it just means they cheated more than last time>> <<@jasonroets660 says : The accurate polls do not publish their results. Instead they sell them to the candidates. J.D. Vance was on a podcast recently where he said their polling showed they were ahead by more than the margin of error. He told this to a producer at CNN and they responded that is what the rep from Kamala’s team told us too. That is why she wants another debate.>> <<@MathewHaligan says : You need to keep Donald Trump Kamala Harris closest possible in the polls. 🤔 To persuade the American public that Kamala Harris is wining. The same thing happened with Joe Biden and Trump in 2020>> <<@Andy-ov9qd says : Kamala Harris graduated from Hastings college of law. The law school is ranked 82nd out of 196 law schools, she took her bar exam and failed, she failed the exam, she never had any of her business, never had her own employees, ever. In 2017 to 2021she served in the California Senate, during those four years she worked on 164 pieces of legislation, not one of them ever became the law, her job approval was 8%. What makes it worse is that she is a liberal governing in a liberal State and she was still zero for 164, so, during four years she accomplished.........nothing. As Vice President she has a record of the lowest approval rating ever in the history of this country 28%.>> <<@carlos16094 says : TRUMP 2024 !!!>> <<@MathewHaligan says : You need to keep Donald Trump Kamala Harris closest possible in the polls. 🤔 To persuade the American public that Kamala Harris is wining . It's how it works>> <<@lalalisa9307 says : These pools are not right people don’t change their mind like that once they make up their mind about the Democrats because they’ve exposed themselves to be lying cheats people are turning for Trump there were Democrats in fact there’s a billboard sign near my house that says Democrats for Trump so I don’t think your pole people or your bookies or whoever you’re talking to are correct I think it’s just up to ante!! Nobody wants that ding bat for president are you crazy and Trump didn’t win last time but there’s too many of them and power now they’ve been after him like they’ve been hunting rabbit it’s disgusting what they have done and they have exposed themselves and they’re not gonna win most Americans hate them so you should really get in the streets and ask the real Americans what’s going on>> <<@MathewHaligan says : The poles are fixed>> <<@jannwilkins3774 says : I call BS>> <<@PerryZoelfel says : Trump is up 3 in the most accurate polls>> <<@spaceshipearth999 says : Fake news>> <<@siredith8846 says : You’re going by 1 dodgy CBS poll? Really? Real Clear Politics aggregate is tied nationally. Rasmussen (razor accurate) puts Trump ahead in all 7 swing states. Bookies are mostly wrong, hence why I keep winning hundreds on Sportsbet political betting.>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : ROFL. Yeah, the way the the polls are trending Convicted Felon Trump wins......................... Here's a question, Sook, when was the last time your predictions about elections were correct? ;)>> <<@leonhue722 says : If and when kamala becomes the president, I'm gonna be intrigued by how the US crashes and who the democrats blame for the civil unrest.>> <<@rethalewisPT says : I am not from US but I can not understand the intellectual that votes for KH....Its beyond comprehension.>> <<@ncaaplayoff6714 says : I worked for a major company that conducted polls like these, and we were always told in our training sessions: "Any poll can report what the client wants, it just depends on how much they want to spend to influence those results.">> <<@danbenson5319 says : Sky News needs to understand that all those polls are made up. They don't call and poll anyone , you can't find anyone who has been polled. If they actually do poll anyone, they rig the poll by focusing on specific factors such as race, political affiliations. The polls are largely propaganda.>> <<@jonathanwhitehead7378 says : The fact that this race is as tight as it is goes to show how ignorant and self sabotaging the American people are.>> <<@brettbur983 says : hopefully the polls are correct and Harris wins, then we can all forget about Trump!>> <<@williamedwards9419 says : The woke news are saying Harris is winning lol They are lieing just like Harris! She wants to debate because she knows he is leading! Look at the Muslim mayor in Michigan he just endorsed Trump!!>>