<<@Dandannyman-eo2uv says : Russia never drop a bomb on Japan like the USA did>> <<@mjrtom2501 says : Their testing the response time !>> <<@mrinteldaplug7512 says : Yesterday Nato was scrambling Jets again 😂😂😂😂 sayin the exact same thing. Russia giving these clowns headaches>> <<@X-jn87ybt says : U gonna cry😂>> <<@subasthapa4839 says : 😂>> <<@maxjakcker3273 says : And 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@NebulaSnoozeRelax says : Airspace. You humans are funny.>> <<@rtvfactschannel0819 says : What kind of mindest does China and Russia have? Barbaric and inhumane>> <<@bobjack2381 says : Japan only barks no bite we got used to it>> <<@iburahim431 says : So what>> <<@new-era2025. says : What's Japan gonna do ????? 😂 Or shall I say what can you do!?!?!!!>> <<@HoTrEtArDeDcHiXx says : I laughed last 👀>>