<<@easternfrontagain says : I’ve been out of corporate workforce since June, only been freelancing through my own business, so I bet I’m not in the unemployed statistics. This government is such a joke>> <<@anomadhunter says : Can't listen to Conroy Amy more...he's economically illiterate>> <<@Roger-d5o says : With high inflation, how can the RBA being lowering rates?>> <<@TomSteindl says : Please take fake Conroy off this program, bigger liar than the Sleaze>> <<@Wefpedophiles says : Get labour out asap>> <<@contsiolis1998 says : RBA has its head up its ass…>> <<@thejedaru1383 says : Aussies you have nerver learned. Labor party will always destroy the economy whenevet they are on power.>> <<@peterburke8650 says : The banks are in trouble and they need all the income they can get.when banks stop lending its over.the only things that has gone down is smokes and fuel both due to a criminal element. Everything else continues to climb. Smokes will get cheaper and fuel will soon hyperinflate.inflation is going nowhere.>> <<@alexspielberg4090 says : We are in crap because we have two entrenched "parties' which became unremovable elitist organizations, - just fighting for power, and people be damned !>> <<@LindenDuryea says : All those figures tell a story that Labor couldn’t manage an ant farm even if you set it up for them.>> <<@stoneycc2817 says : NEVER let Stephen near a CHILD'S WALLET EVER!!!!! RBA REACTS to the economy.... NEVER PRECEDES IT!!!!!.... Everything the RBA does, is a reaction to government spending, government imports (Immigration) and the economy. THE RBA DOES NOT MODEL... THEY COLLECT DATA AND ANALYSE IT TO MAKE DECISIONS... That data has ALREADY HAPPENED!!!! WHAT a fuc*************ing MORON!!>> <<@BeerGutGuy says : I think Stephen doesn’t understand stagflation, he also seems to confuse inflation and GDP.>> <<@jimmymcthunda5906 says : How's BlackRock doing.Bankrupt I heard. Now what?>> <<@sicoco3216 says : Why do they hire people for forecasting then? That team should be abolished waste of taxpayers money. The board is full of idiots so true.>> <<@carolyndarragh1891 says : Labor desperate for a rate reduction but inflation is not back to band and so it will never drop until that can be sustained.>> <<@jonathanparle8429 says : What a load of rubbish. The Government is totally responsible for the mess. You are blaming the janitor for the mess left over every Friday from the metaphorical drunken Labor booze up.>> <<@smudge6831 says : NZ has slashed bureaucracy. Now local government is under pressure to cut cost. Council staff are being asked to go back to the office. The kiwis have figured out that bureaucrats have pushed up costs, and thereby inflation. Australia needs to follow suit. And stop allowing so many migrants in.>> <<@delladog says : I'm sure one of the CEO's mentioned indirectly was probably a person of colour so I am surprised Conroy didn't complete the slur by calling Kroger a racist as well as a Xenophobe, standard fare for these socialists, always playing the race card when they can to shut down the debate, pathetic>> <<@tweetybird2013 says : LLUBTIHS, rates weren't raised high enough, to bring down inflation the rate needs to be higher than the inflation. Australia doens't have high inflation, we have too much household DEBT. Highest inflation in the world Venezuela HYPER INFLATION — 1198.0%, Sudan — 340.0%, Lebanon — 201.0%, Syria — 139.0%, Suriname — 63.3%, Zimbabwe — 60.7%, Argentina — 51.2%, Turkey — 36.1%The first problem was they dropped interest rates too low for too long, since the GFC! Successive governments constantly gave incentive to prop up housing and banks only want to lend to housing, too much immigration pushed up housing, there's a pattern here, and now everyone is in so much debt they cant afford goods at a reasonable price. The Black Swan Event happened, so the government stimulated the economy to infinity and beyond! Now its time to pay the piper. Our dollar has dropped, fuel has doubled, people are asking for higher wages. We keep trying to purchase cheaper goods but if you pay higher wages, fuel and goods, then you pay more. People are still trying to sell their homes for the same price when interest rates were 1%, how can that be, banks are still issuing DEBT!. So, if everyone wasn't in so much debt, then this high inflation period wouldn't be a problem. AUSTRALIA DOESNT HAVE HIGH INFLATION PEOPLE HAVE TOO MUCH DEBT!>> <<@thylacine1004 says : No one can forecast inflation correctly,just like the weather,only God know sand can...>> <<@delladog says : Conroy was and remains a total d*ck>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : Anything coming out of the PMs office would be questionable to say the least>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : Shut up Conroy you dill>> <<@alexpalmer776 says : Is Steven Conroy saying Labor is tanking the economy and pushing Australia into a recession? If he is he’s got one right, finally.>> <<@johnlonghurst9265 says : Steven Conroy, put a sock in it you are just another ignorant labor stooge>> <<@richardsuter2816 says : Please remove Conroy from SKY biased individual with no credibility he’s best heading to ABC>> <<@williamchristenson5487 says : When will labor stop liyng>> <<@markwilliams4362 says : Wake up Conroy . 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡>> <<@garrysecuramot says : Conroy is a moron and oxygen thief, always has been always will be>> <<@Jason-ei8yw says : Nothing but insults and non informative word salad from the lefties. Nothing's their fault always the previous government even though they are at the end of their term.>> <<@carlyndes9002 says : They have NO forecasting plan on getting it right either !?>> <<@georgemuscat7447 says : Their mandate is to crash and collapse by design.>> <<@hame1965 says : Conroy has no idea>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : When you check & verify Labor/Greens-Teals public statements especially from Mr Pants on Fire, questions should be raised, the only game is Playtime Political smoke & mirrors one liners, YOU'RE FIRED, when you get the chance, hurry to VOTE THEM OUT...>> <<@australiatruelyasia6825 says : Stephen conroy knows more than RBA>> <<@hercules-c9h says : Why can't the vested parties leave RBA alone and let them get on with their business the same way as.in the States and EU>> <<@lokesh303101 says : Numbers from Real Economy.>> <<@brothermaynard3200 says : Time to dramatically improve productivity and cut wasteful spending. Blaming the RBA no longer cuts it.>> <<@hellenicspartan4458 says : Steven Conroy is a typical Labor B/S machine.>> <<@jerrywong5960 says : 0:44 Exactly ! Australia is in recession, and Labor continues to import 700,000 new migrants per year.>> <<@hellenicspartan4458 says : ALBANNOCHIO is a COMMUNIST GRUB! Call an election you GRUB!!!>> <<@rge24491 says : Conroy is slightly retarded.>> <<@kathyjova98 says : The US reduced its rates because their economy is dead, you can't have it both ways.>> <<@briananderson7285 says : Vote One Nation and give Australia a fighting chance against the uniparty woke b.s .>> <<@briananderson7285 says : So it's got nothing to do with shutting down the economy for the sniffles,,or having the largest number of bureaucrats in history,giving money to war's, and the green nightmare?>> <<@LilyWhiteAkAConspiracyRealist says : Conroy is a commo traitor lefty!>> <<@LilyWhiteAkAConspiracyRealist says : They need to be bold and tear the band aid straight off and in increase rates to halt inflation… and stop migration fully for a few years!>> <<@ralphsimpson4593 says : So why is the price of everything still not coming down even through the oil prices have collapsed and wages are stagnant. Its price gouging.>> <<@ronaldmusk4996 says : It really can be simple guys....just increase productivity... and we will never get that with the unions causing strikes and demanding more wages, without being efficient with your time while working>> <<@petermarsh4993 says : Steven Conroy: Exactly how is it that a Federal Government spending like a drunken sailor is responsible management?>>