<<@CherryDreamer96 says : Will he win? Whats the general consensus in the US?>> <<@jimpomac says : The only way Trump will end the Ukraine war is by ceding the occupied areas to Russia. He will totally undermine the countries war effort and cave in to Putin. Trump is a coward who idolizes tyrants. Concessions to tyrants don't work as has been proven time and again. It didn't work with Hitler, it won't work with Putin. Trump will lose this election and spend the next four years claiming he won it, just like he did on 2020 !>> <<@steveprocter6241 says : Donald Trump committed. Stop right there. Perfect headline.>> <<@RedStatesPovertyWatch says : Donald Trump named more lobbyists to cabinet-level positions than any president in U.S. history.>> <<@PythonesqueSpam says : "I will make every man a knight of the round table and give every woman her own unicorn... I will carve the moon into separate blocks of cheese and therefore bring an end to world hunger... I will halt global warming using the POWER OF GRAYSKULL... I will stop all suffering by adding an amendment to the constitution bestowing the right to bear Plumbuses... I will....." FFS!! 🙄>> <<@aljones9052 says : I guess this is why they want him dead he cannot end. The war war is a money making operation.>> <<@karlhungusjr1 says : "committed to ending war" translate to "selling out the US and NATO to putin". rupert murdoch has done more to hurt the west and damage democracy more that any person who has ever lived.>> <<@Phil_X says : As President Trump said. He will end the war because, Well. The Ukraine girls really knock me out They leave the West behind And Moscow girls make me sing and shout That Georgia's always on My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my mind>> <<@antonychipman3088 says : More like DJT committed to stand trial for tre45son, I reckon.>> <<@thats-not-funny says : Is that before or after they let Trump out of prison?>> <<@eolof7 says : Peace no to NATO>> <<@EkpinKayrat-q7e says : Трамптың адамдары астық өндіретінін білген жоқпынғой жерді отарлап>> <<@EkpinKayrat-q7e says : Shet Задни тазбен 4 тонна астық құбырға туалетке кетті енді 9 милион 35 милиярд доллар төлейм>> <<@steveprocter6241 says : After his resounding foreign policy successes when president - North Korea, Iran - I think I won't bother to hold my breath.>> <<@blazanperendija8456 says : I will vote if he arrests all people from that island. Publish the documents that he promised. I know it's a dangerous for his lifez but first, he shall cleanup around himself. It's a mess there. I hope and pray for his life. How many presidential candides were killed and how many presidents vere killed. ..all good man>> <<@MewDenise says : Mhm.... How?>> <<@michaelmedina4026 says : Why give this utter idiot a platform to lie? Trump isn’t committed to anything other than enriching himself and licking Putins ass. Committed to ending the war? Surely it means cutting off all aid to Ukraine, absolving Putin and his henchmen of any guilt in committing genocide and war crimes, and handing Ukraine to Russia. Your story is nothing but Russian propaganda and your channel is fake AF>> <<@KarlSilber says : Trumps idea is to give Putin whatever he wants. Not to assist Ukraine repell the invaders>> <<@angeldelcourt6882 says : Trump is going to prison. Make America Trumpless Again. Trump is an adjudicated rapist, a traitor, a racist, a grifter, makes fun of dead soldiers, is an adulterer...>> <<@fado792 says : Within years then Americans have to defend the rubble of Berlin and die. He will not ""Walk with you"" but sit for the tele with a Big Mac as on jan 6th. The Commander in pee.>> <<@BayOsborn-h4f says : world need TRUMP 💯>> <<@fado792 says : Ahhhhhh. He agreed in Helsinki with Putin he could have the Donbas and he would quit the NATO. So he would let him have it. Is everybody sleeping??? The wonderman, the best of the best, with rigged politics, rigged justice, rigged secret service. Mister sandman.>> <<@peterremkes9376 says : It's crazy to think a phonecall to Zelinsky and one to Putin will end this war. The man is seriously delusional and should not ever be in the White House again. Any thoughts Trump on Israel vs Hamas vs Hezbollah?>> <<@wilsonharris264 says : Bless President Trump, God and lead him in the right path in Jesus name>> <<@Hezkerobloxhry says : So how did the war end?..... Trump made a call 😊>> <<@JayD-uf3fl says : What idiot would believe that a phone call from this buffoon would make a difference and that’s all it takes? Bunch of morons>> <<@garyspeed8961 says : TRUMP WILL JUST BEND OVER FOR PUTIN!>> <<@harveyshand9575 says : ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@serviusm9523 says : If the war ended today on the current frontline then NATO would still come off better. Only the warhawks want this conflict to continue.>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : But…but… but Ukraine is winning. Aren’t they? You’ve been saying it here for two years.>> <<@joshuapaul2022 says : The war is lost by Ukraine. Zelenskyy thugs are struggling to kidnap off the streets enough even for simple replacement, to say nothing about the quality and motivation of this hapless cannon fodder. At this point unconditional surrender is the only practical solution for Ukraine. Hitler's Germany also refused to admit defeat until Hitler killed himself, then Keitel signed unconditional surrender.>> <<@ShaneHackworth-em1qq says : Trump is the great peacemaker❤❤❤>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Committed to helping his idol Putin.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Should Trump's "ending the war" proposal involve Ukraine losing any of its sovereign territory, Trump will have failed.>> <<@CatsandJp says : Last time he said it would take 2 days…to end the war….look how that turned out….what’s with people who have tunnel vision and a short memory span……they are suffering from “ Trump “Delusional” Syndrome…just like him.>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : Trump wants Ukraine to allow Russia to have some of its land. No thanks. No respectable president would agree to that.>> <<@tamimrktz6966 says : Can't wait!>> <<@kelg-ti7xb says : That is a lie 👿 he full of shit>> <<@donotcomply665 says : And that is one of the main reasons the swamp is trying to un-alive him>> <<@StephenBrowne-e5l says : We'll see how good his word is on the world stage. What's he going to do? What does he know the rest of the world doesn't know.>> <<@RedStatesPovertyWatch says : Wars declared by Republican administrations involving the Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq have cost the American public over $4.3 trillion. The last time a Republican administration balanced the federal budget was in 1960 under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. During Donald Trump's presidency, the national debt grew by 40.43%.>> <<@truepatriots3860 says : Team Trump 2024 👍>>