<<@Free2moveon says : Liar snake>> <<@christianparauan says : Seen the polls, with the percentage for Kamala, it makes me wonder, how many in the US can be so..... Low iq? No offense, but seriously, how can such idiots get so many votes in the US? I don't get it!>> <<@carolegill2456 says : Harris Is Nothing But A Fake A Traitor Of The USA. SAVE LIVES SAVE THE USA BOTE DON TRUMP 2024 🙏🙏>> <<@singleasasin says : By the way things look, Trump might be ellected for life ! ... 😊👍 The new argentinian president is "a breath of fresh air", after all the ones before him ! ... 😊👍 Regarding the last point 13:08 , Biden should not have accepted this ! ...😐>> <<@DanielCookRoyal-tc8pf says : Americans should be worried about that slogan>> <<@randibass7558 says : Total coniving, deceptive fraud lady.>> <<@jaaltomaa2340 says : Well... look up 'Kamala' in Finnish dictionary 😅>> <<@joehamsen229 says : All polls are fake, biased and designed to prop the stupid harris, she is dumb and stupid like hilary and nancy...>> <<@MariaLopez-rd9dz says : Kamala is a CHANCLA 🩴 LIAR & FAKE !!!>> <<@99guspuppet8 says : ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ GO RITA>> <<@joehamsen229 says : Fetterman is an arseole....got nothing to offer america other than earning a salary for his current position....>> <<@marklucas6114 says : We must remove our current President and Vice President TODAY!! We can allow these totally incompetent leaders stay in power another day. They have totally destroyed our great country. With big government wasteful spending and this invasion by illegal foreigners. They care nothing about the poor hardworking taxpayers.>> <<@marklucas6114 says : We must start filling class action lawsuits against our news media and social media platforms TODAY!! They have brainwashed people into believing their outright lies and misinformation. We cannot allow them to continue spreading false narratives and propaganda.>> <<@Kokobuan6793 says : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi0VBvp0zUY>> <<@raftermanvn-gl8nc says : OUT RIGHT TREASON !>> <<@WesBell-l4s says : She's a rogue lush!>> <<@beckyowens2586 says : My husband is from Pa. If they screw this up for us it might be grounds for divorce lol. This is a joke. I love my husband very much and not even the threat of WWIII is enough to make me kick him to the curb. He's really great in bed too. LOL>> <<@shantilungleng8096 says : Seriously! This woman for President?>> <<@andreinafemayor7492 says : I wouldn't be surprise if Kamala Harris identifies herself as as a Coconut tree at this point she does not know who she is. She is Indian, she is black, she is white then I guess she will be a rainbow 🙄🤷‍♀>> <<@alanmccurdy5400 says : Why are you not exposing Kamala's drunkenness?>> <<@jz5jo says : KLOWNmala Harris... 🤡>> <<@anais7885 says : Trump 24 ❤️>> <<@jakehowe8864 says : If Kamala were green, she would be the wicked witch of the west. Ol Cacklin>> <<@flylikeabandit9290 says : Watch out for semis full of blank ballots heading to Pennsylvania>> <<@chadnordstrom2742 says : That videos a winner get it out>> <<@KT-bb1tb says : Ahh, all the Stupid Sheeple !>> <<@angelabernathy8700 says : Did the doj put out this letter to call for someone to finish the job? Why would they release that letter? What good could come from it? They basically just said someone finish the job. They would had never released that letter if it said kill Biden or Harris cause I failed and ill pay you 150,000 dollars to complete the job. This should be proof enough that the doj is behind all of this. The doj is corrupt as hell. I pray for him daily.>> <<@dondale68 says : We will seriously need Republican ''poll watchers'' on duty 24/7! Have at least 2 of them on duty for an 8hr shift, then bring in 2 fresh watchers! They cannot even go to the restroom without the other standing guard!! Stay Vigilant!!>> <<@Woodyperckerhead-ni3ti says : Did anyone ever sober her up last couple times she was sht face the way Biden staggers after a camp over with Obama after the ss pulls his pants up for him>> <<@angelabernathy8700 says : There never was a honeymoon. It's the media saying she's doing so well. She is doing well with never trumper's. But 3/4 of Americans see the truth.>> <<@tonysolar284 says : Trump has more respect among the black community as a Gangsta then Kamala could every have.>> <<@jamesbonnell4597 says : So convenient that our DoJ should disseminate the $150,000 bounty offer. If Routh can’t pay, his backers, who bought him his equipment and paid his airfare, can. Some people need to join him in incarnation.>> <<@Mike_44 says : She’s a blithering idiot. God help us.>> <<@TipTipsy100 says : Kama-lie is what I call her 😅😂. Will the real Karma-lie please stand up>> <<@stephenfogle8699 says : She’s a pure fool that has a lot of followers like Jim Jones follow the fool if you want to ,see what you get , she even laughs likes she’s crazy as hell and doesn’t give a damn !>> <<@ticken- says : Clearly AOC studied Kamala they are the same that deportation circle chant you could switch AOC’s face it’s uncanny.>> <<@shine9944 says : You got it brother, that dog don't hunt and you know what we do with dogs that want hunt.>> <<@charliepyle1626 says : So good to see he argies free of socialist oppression>> <<@ImJustSaijan says : As a Florida man im friggin scared, whats thats tell yall?? Trump 2024>> <<@bexhammer1963 says : She can't sleep her way too the top anymore>> <<@nopeno6514 says : Kameleon Harris>> <<@SigiFernandez says : Donald Trump needs to do his interviews in the hologram😂😂😂😂 keep them in the basement till November 💯 he's the only hope for our children not to go to war 💯>> <<@FindersKeepers88 says : Good, Thx>> <<@SigiFernandez says : The more is likely for him to win the more word he has to be about his life 🧬>> <<@gregoryuschold3870 says : “I’ll take olive oil with my word salad” Kh>> <<@SigiFernandez says : If I was Donald Trump staff I would keep him away from the limelight the Democrats are getting desperate two attempts in 2 months actually three>> <<@SigiFernandez says : The notes in alibi that's a hired Hitman don't let them lie to to the American people>> <<@vasilijawilson2463 says : What Joe Biden did Kamala Harris did for America 🇺🇸 for these 4Years The answer is Tragedy 🎭 For This Planet Earth one World Government and this mast Be Stop Amen 🙏>> <<@stanleybarton says : I think we should give the Vice President the credit she deserves. She could be American’s next Abraham Lincoln - the spark that starts the Great American Civil War.>> <<@easypeasy7161 says : Kamaleon>>