<<@jknaap says : OMG! HOW MUCH BETTER WOULD WE ALL BE IF SINCE 1910’s THE 40 RICHEST JEWS WEREN’T? NO COMMUNISM! NO MAJOR WARS! NO DIVISIVE MEDIA! NO FLOOD IMMIGRATION! NO DEMORALISATION OF SOCIAL FABRIC!>> <<@humananity says : Shylocks are solely responsible for keeping U.S..A. active with loans funding "Israel's" genocides.>> <<@SOz-uf5yq says : I sure don't Support anyone > Especially When it comes to Public WHO CRYS FOR HELP < So Fed Up with the LEADERS. > How would they feel if that ever happens to there family, HELLO.>> <<@archangel763 says : It will be more than 2 fronts, wait for Syria and Iran.>> <<@SOz-uf5yq says : Seriously, Benjamin Netanyahu HAS TO GOOOOOO > F.STOP.>> <<@kimmichaels899 says : Tax for what?? Ridding the world of terrorists?? Every country should pay its fair share..>>