<<@brentjamescollins9731 says : There are lots of obvious pro russian false propogandists making and leaving their comments and replies here in connection with this video concerning the current Russia/Ukraine war that as always do not stand up to any objective scrutiny whatsoever! Regards, Brent Collins.>> <<@oscaroctavio says : The world knows Putin is pure evil .>> <<@victorv3219 says : "The loudest cries for war never seem to come from those who will have to fight and die" - Jackson Browne>> <<@AnneDahl-rr6wd says : Thank You all our savier ❤>> <<@musadube1647 says : My country doesn't want your invitation>> <<@RitchiSloan says : TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, together we are strong, a recipe against pure evil 💯🫶🏻🇺🇦🫶🏻>> <<@pauldogon2578 says : Slava Ukraine>> <<@alvaroc.g.gemignani says : Сан-Паулу (Бразилия), 24 августа 2024 г. Сегодня мы празднуем Независимость Украины, которая в силу обстоятельств становится Днем Независимости всех ДЕМОКРАТИЙ. Доблестный украинский народ, борясь против этого империалистического, диктаторского и преступного режима Путина (друга Трампа), также борется за освобождение народа Российской Федерации. С диктатурами не о чем договариваться. Их необходимо систематически ослаблять и устранять. Территориальная целостность Украины должна быть ПОЛНОСТЬЮ восстановлена, а режим Путина должен заплатить за все бесчисленные военные преступления, которые он совершил против украинского народа. Профессор Альваро К.Г. Джеминьяни>> <<@RobertMorpheal says : Zelensky is evidently playing politics, but that is what he has to do. We know that Russia is never going to agree to peace plan points: 5. Restoring Ukraine's territorial integrity and Russia reaffirming it according the U.N. Charter, which Zelenskiy said is "not up to negotiations". 6. Withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities, restoration of Ukraine's state borders with Russia. or 7. Justice, including the establishment of a special tribunal to prosecute Russian war crimes. Now that is something different from any actual strategic and tactical details as to how Zelensky's government, by means of its military, intends to force Russia's hand to agreement on the most critical and disputed points, in principle or in detail. The impossible sticking point where Russia is never going to agree unless militarily decisively defeated is point 5. Russia's decisive defeat is very unlikely, even if not impossible. That could depend on whether Russia chose to follow the Patrushev doctrine on escalation. If Russia does that, and if Russia felt it was definitely on the losing side of a conventional war, that it definitely could not continue to an acceptable to Russia outcome, then it is expected that Russia would eventually escalate to the use of tactical nuclear weapons against Kyiv. There are some possible conventional warfare steps that Russia has not taken, as of yet, that it could attempt. Those could cause immense escalation of damage, particularly collateral damage. However, one of the reasons Russia does not do that is because of the potential cost. It would definitely cost Russia a significant number of very valuable assets of which it has relatively limited numbers. There are other political reasons why Russia holds back, but we cannot count on those holding up if Russia feels pushed sufficiently hard up against the wall. The main point is we cannot ever rule out Russia turning to the use of tactical nu clear weapons in Ukraine. Not as long as the current Russian regime, guided by what I call the Patrushev doctrine, remains in power. Now, there is the wild card in that playing out of events as to what Ukraine's allies would actually do if Russia escalated to that level of conflict. Would they actually intervene militarily and declare war against Russia ? War being legally declared by means of military actions directed against a contending power. Would it mean NATO forces would engage directly and decisively against Russia ? Perhaps not. And that is what Russia is counting on happening. The Patrushev doctrine would, if that direct confrontation were to happen, calls for escalation of war to nuclear war against NATO. An extremely grim prospect that might have no winners, and has the most extreme global implications. The majority would say that all out nuclear war against Russia cannot ever be justified in terms of Ukraine territory, regardless of the actual outcomes on the Ukraine battlefield as to Russia and Ukraine battling it out as to control of Ukraine. There is that to consider too, and in some regards they are surely right in that estimation. Zelensky has to realize that too. He needs to consider all possible outcomes. Zelensky also has to consider that his insistence on deep strikes into Russia, and particularly those targeting Russian munitions storage facilities, and Russia's long range bomber facilities where there are also storage depots present, could easily result in the Kremlin altering its rules of engagement to allowing the use of weapons of mass destruction against Ukraine. That could include conventional weapons Russia has not used as of yet, and it could include tactical nuclear weapons. We cannot rule that out. Particularly not in terms of the guiding principles of the Patrushev doctrine, which Russia does seem to be intent on following.>> <<@migproductions4045 says : ZELENSKYY!!!! The worlds greatest leader speaks at the UN General assembly once more! 😀🌍 This is the worlds greatest living leader..the difference this one man makes is astonishing, who could watch his tireless efforts for Ukraine and not be moved? Slava Ukraine and may you see peace and victory come to pass! 🤗💙>> <<@alvaroc.g.gemignani says : Сан-Паулу (Бразилія), 24 серпня 2024 р. Сьогодні ми святкуємо Незалежність України, яка в силу обставин стає Днем Незалежності всіх ДЕМОКРАТІЙ. Доблесний український народ, борючись проти цього імперіалістичного, диктаторського та злочинного режиму Путіна (друга Трампа), також бореться за звільнення народу Російської Федерації. З диктатурами нема про що домовлятися. Їх необхідно систематично послаблювати і ліквідовувати. Територіальна цілісність України має бути ПОВНІСТЮ відновлена, а режим Путіна має заплатити за всі незліченні військові злочини, які він вчинив проти українського народу. Професор Альваро К. Г. Джеміньяні>> <<@JefredVundla says : Viva Russian very good news Viva Russian>> <<@OneAfrica-y4j says : You and who got global unity Mr. Zelenskyy>> <<@donalddragomatz6315 says : United we stand. Together to victory 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦 ♥️>> <<@irenec2863 says : All free and independent countries need to work together to ensure putin doesn't steal the world's future. #StrongerTogether>> <<@jerrymtanking says : Those of us that live in a free world must not be swayed be propaganda from evil forces and stand straight and true to vanquish evil and return to peace! Thank you, Mr. President Slava Ukraine!>> <<@AlexShelton-m1o says : Lee Linda Perez Elizabeth Miller Karen>> <<@leavandenbosch7808 says : We all make mistakes>> <<@Stuart-jones says : Morally he is correct however he fails to understand might is right when your neighbour is powerful and says Ukraines policy threaten state security nothing else matters>> <<@johnfrancisco1851 says : Gloria para a Ukrania 🇺🇦>> <<@Justheretowatchthenews says : When will he realise that the west can never be trusted and the true evil is US. 🧐. They are more than happy to carry on with this war game till the last Ukrainian.>> <<@desgoulding7154 says : Excellent video by a very good President.>> <<@natalieturko4808 says : President Zelenskyy embodies courage, determination, justice, and a deep love for his country, people, culture, history, and God-given right to freedom and self-determination.>> <<@Elisabeth-j7s says : Slava Ukraine!❤💙💛❤>> <<@Stemo5167 says : Slava Ukrainje 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦>> <<@berndhofmann752 says : A great President ! ❤❤❤>> <<@jannmutube says : ---- < Unfortunately, worldly peace can only be an agreed upon cease-fire. International law already provides for sovereignty of states. Imperialist regimes would have to abandon their expansionist ideologies.>> <<@vladimirprotein1275 says : Shut up zelensky, your end is Near>> <<@shimshonmelamed2888 says : Not everyone is born to be a leader! A true leader understands the "size of the hour" and how to lead his people to safety! Zilanski is the right person at the right time!!!>> <<@eyaklen4804 says : Putin💪💪💪💪>> <<@eyaklen4804 says : Russia change the world>> <<@NEUBRAND2000 says : Heroyam Slava amazing president zelenskyy 👍 💖 well spoken💯vielen dank USA 🇺🇸 🤝✅️✅️>> <<@RandalPenman says : Thank you President Zelenskyy. Slava Ukraini!>> <<@pauligrisan4865 says : GLORY TO UKRAINE 💙💛 With love from Sweden. 💛💙>>