<<@pibroch says : This war has been a disaster for America. Time to end it and support Americans.>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Getting his last handout is he?>> <<@darcyrecchia7661 says : What is this crap>> <<@rebeccagrahovac5408 says : Mostly Americans are tired and feed up with Zelensky>> <<@junserafin5241 says : This is going to hurt Dems. Another backfire. Americans are struggling to pay bills why not focus on that?😮>> <<@alicechin2705 says : YES, Helpful to Biden/Harris to give more tax payer money.>> <<@rodicaionescu3024 says : Why Zilinsky come before election? Liberals war criminal I am at border with Ukraine Ukrainians solders young men and one from Zilinsky parliament escaped yo Romania I watch tv and same time thus killer if his own people is used by tyrants liberals to lure Ukrainians Americans yo vote fir schizophrenic Marxist Kamala Ukrainians American vited trump and will vote trump 💯>> <<@summerrose4978 says : Take a good look PA residents, this is where your Tax moneys goes to support him n his country while usa citizens are struggling.>> <<@kaipo8085 says : Donald Trump is afraid to debate Kamala Harris again. He is so weak.>> <<@regbowdrey says : So that pensylvanians can witness to Democrats giving zelensky another few billion dollars to feather his ever expanding nest. 10% for the 'big guy'?>> <<@icabobcrane8984 says : The war in Ukraine is a front for money laundering. Obama started the money laundering scheme when Russia invaded Crimea.>> <<@Frank-em6wc says : EvilFilth 🤡 🎪>> <<@TankGuitar42 says : Absolutely DISGRACEFUL>> <<@sookie8762 says : That has got to be against the law>> <<@tylerleavitt2715 says : I don’t recall giving authorization for a single dollar going to this delusional television actor. Halt all support for foreign wars- does nobody care anymore? We are 33TRILLION in debt- dead broke. Social Security doesn’t even exist anymore that money has been spent on entitlements to shiftless and unskilled useless eaters. What is he even here for? He’s gotten a half million Ukrainian men killed, and the women have fled never to return. Hard fact to face: they were NEVER going to defeat Russia. No one has.>> <<@martinepstein3332 says : Let's leave it to the American people, without any outside interference>> <<@onlythaclonessir2525 says : LET'S ANNOUNCE THE COST OF AUSTRALIAN HOMO DIHATSU MADE CHARADE !!!>> <<@Blessingdrop says : Get em out.>> <<@ToABrighterFuture says : Using military assets and a foreign head of state for electioneering, is legal?>> <<@cherylmull3448 says : Go home.>> <<@fenris6051 says : The Ukrainian Beggar Prince at it again, hope the Danish government will realize it's a waste of tax money to support a country that never done anything for the rest of Europe. I don't like the idea of we risking getting dragged into a war just because our politicians love the chance to play generous and getting a lot of photo ops>> <<@sunny3264 says : How did a gay male dancer/actor become president of a country?>> <<@george217 says : Biden probably thought that he was in Ukraine...>> <<@glenhenning9261 says : LET EUROPE PAY! IT'S THEIR DAMN CONTINENT!>> <<@glenhenning9261 says : How about just letting Ukraine USE the weapons we gave them and end this war soon. OH-NO, that would actually be productive, can't have THAT! dems are fricking morons, they'll keep us in wars forever...>> <<@Thesmartestmanalive81 says : WE ARE LIVING IN A TOTAL CLOWN WORLD AND REALITY HAS BROKEN DOWN.>> <<@LuckyOracle30 says : What’s he gonna say “vote democrat so we can lose the war” 😂>> <<@JackMessersmith says : Is this election interference from Ukraine?>> <<@michaeldice7459 says : Good. Perhaps they'd like to give him their money also>> <<@Autofill-o7s says : Bunch of assholes the Lot , This war business fcked, where are the top shelf problems solvers. Kids world wide must be sick of the lies. Imagine being 12/13 holding hands falling in love for the first time in the playground. Then the jets start flying over. Lord have mercy on us.>> <<@samT1227 says : trump is putins little lap dog>> <<@mildredvallely1413 says : How much money does he want now for the war in Ukraine the president of Ukraine>> <<@graniteslabs1517 says : "Greatest sales man " DTJ 😂>> <<@brahmansam says : Zelensky's victory plan = Ukraine be a part of NATO by December. In this madman's mind, if this happens Putin will just throw away the towel, take his toys and go home. But let's look at some numbers. Currently there are between 50k and 80k NATO troops stationed across Eastern Europe. Between NATO and EU there are around 200k-250k battle ready troops in the West-E. Russia has around 650k troops that are battle ready, not counting the ones currently deployed in Ukraine. Also, the Russian MoD, said 18 months ago that their current goal is to train 300k new recruits every 3-4 months, which, even the 100k number is met, that's between 400k and 600k fresh new and motivated troops. If NATO and Russia go to war, there is no way we in the West are winning, especially if USA turns tail and run, which they will. They will get out of war, blame Biden and move on while the rest of us will die.>> <<@RodgerCumbee says : BS>> <<@UltraPerception says : he went there to thank people at the factories that help aid in his nations continued sovreignty.>> <<@UltraPerception says : He went there to express Gratitude to the people work at the factories that give him the ability to defend his nations sovreignty>> <<@UltraPerception says : No good will come if u are against Zelenski>> <<@UltraPerception says : Yeah to thank people at a weapons factory. Dont be cruel to Z. please.>> <<@bill648 says : There is a reason Ukraine was Not allowed into the UN. Do some research you lame woke idiots out there.>> <<@Glenn-wn3uc says : So that’s not foreign interference in our presidential election? They just painted that pig with a different colored lipstick. He’s still a pig and standing at the trough begging for more money.>> <<@khaluainmydreams says : Zelensky needs to keep his mouth out of our politics. We DO NOT agree with your pilfering our money making yourself rich at the expense of and deaths of his own people.>> <<@shellilayman1943 says : Oh I hope they fly him around to all of the battleground states!! It will guarantee a Trump victory!!!! 🚂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@Ckultuur777NLD says : Interresting 😂>> <<@Brendan-ow6bi says : MAGAT prefer Russia….useful idiots!>> <<@Ryzen300zx says : How corrupt can this administration get? this is foreign interference at the highest level, why isn't congress doing anything?>> <<@brunoprimas1483 says : Must be a hell of a war going on when the president of Ukraine has time to travel to the U.S. to give his endorsement to Harris in return for more taxpayer's money. Foreign election interference? I think so.>> <<@nolan4508 says : F**k off Zelensky. No one in America wants you there. Except the corrupt government. Americans need to overthrow the government with force before it’s to late.>> <<@LossAndGainIsTheSame says : Who else thinks republicans should pay higher taxes as punishment for losing the popular vote?>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : How dare they stand in front of Lincoln.>>