<<@kanderson4417 says : A complete waste of money, our money.>> <<@outback109 says : Penny is evil.>> <<@homebrandrules says : the indigenous ambassadors name is mohammed, named after a pdf phile.....>> <<@GLB-f7s says : Only an identity politics-riven stooge could criticise this stance on the basis of it being divisive. The VERY NOTION of having an official ambassador for a sovereign nation that only represents one race from that nation is in itself ENTIRELY DIVISIVE!>> <<@kevtoni9169 says : Your Wong, penny>> <<@JuneCahill says : Peter Dutton for PM, Albo overseas acting like a world leader, he is an embarrassment>> <<@mysticunion2350 says : There are many ways we indigenous people can represent Australia abroad... firstly by growing up...>> <<@rhettcorbett3346 says : Just another waste of taxpayer dollars. The usual Labor way. Its not their money. It's ours.>> <<@elainewhitaker3417 says : Celebtate the news fly our Flag High>> <<@garymajewski8150 says : The world is laughing at Australia>> <<@alexzannoni1501 says : When will this wokey Labor BS end??>> <<@elainewhitaker3417 says : Scrap all of labours plans...they were not made to help all Australians and we are desperate to right the wrongs they have done .good luck to Duttons group or HANSON if either should get voted in. We need honest Australians in Government not uneducated who have never worked in their lives.... and keep out muslims with their other agendas please>> <<@garymajewski8150 says : Australians wake up to albos rubbish>> <<@pefrja1 says : That will be one of many issues the Australian people will expect to be repealed.>> <<@francesblabey3055 says : Penelope needs to shut up, so sick of her rambling. Career politicians don't care about anyone except their salaries and pensions. Indigenious stuff is all bullshite and I'm sure most decent indigenous elders would agree with me.>> <<@JonathanBriggs-q4u says : Ha you found support on your own channel! Righties>> <<@MoonWhoOx says : Yes, scrap that role, serves no purpose just like Wong, dump her as well.>> <<@ionbocse846 says : The Aborigine’s Ambassador???, waste of money and purpose…we have woke foreign affairs already by tones and tones>> <<@juliedobson3039 says : Hey Penny don’t worry about the neighbours!………focus on what’s happening in your own home eh?…..and don’t play favourites with some of the kids 😂😂>> <<@sharenclark392 says : Please scrap welcome to country boring shit as well.🙏>> <<@peterbarnhoorn7879 says : Benny Wong, pig in a wig...knows everything just ask her 🙄>> <<@leannejones980 says : pongy wong and albosleazy have deminished us in the world. TIME FOR A CHANGE.>> <<@inderjeetsidhu2701 says : The indigenous people should be active in politics, economy and the dociety under one flag...the nation's flag..n start integrating and work with rest of the population and at the sametime preserve thier culture..they can be succesful people an not loose thier ancient culture and language..accept and embrace the modern world with its diversity...that would make Australia stronger....its time to move on away from the past..>> <<@aliceclayton1914 says : DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE PROMISES MADE BY PERER DUTTON AND THE LNP. They are nothing more than b..lls..t. It is simply attempting to gain popularity by spruiking what they think you want to hear. It is imperative we remove Labor the Greens the Teals and the LNP. Imperative none of them have any number in the box bedside the name. Not preferences at all. Neither of those parties are interested in the benefits of the people or country, EVERY one of them are NOW pushing policies that are tearing up Forrest’s and native habitat, they are being paid by non Australian Corporations and business, to implement solar and wind farms which will are not now or ever will be a viable solution. VOTE ONE NATION , and give preference to other independent representatives.>> <<@steveblake6877 says : Our indigenous fellow Australians deserve sincerity, not idiotic, wasteful, incompetent patronising fools in Canberra. This junk must stop. We who said NO to the voice, say YES to real on the ground help and partnership with indigenous communities.>> <<@dawneevon says : We have 136 Ambassadors and High Commissioners around the world. We also have Ambassadors to the U.N. the WTO and the OECD. Not forgetting the Ambassadors for Gender Equality, Human Rights and Climate Change!! Do the Aboriginals really need Justin Mohamed to represent them? Their own Ambassador for just 3% of the population? 😮>> <<@peterstorm7429 says : Stop bowing down to other countries and the UN And the WEF Benny wrong hates Australia so does Albo who cares what other countries think>> <<@BronwynMurray-sc2xu says : Our Ambassadors represent all of Australia, not just 3%. Wong is stirring the pot again, or continually. I assume the Millions of dollars spent on the First Nation's Ambassador is funded from the $40 Billion which the Federal government provides. It's money that could be better spent on Aboriginal health, housing and education.>> <<@Chrisbryant-q1j says : Nit a abbo>> <<@ralphmogridge8364 says : Surprise surprise surprise!!! Peter "Netanyahu" and Abbot's SkyNotNews strategy for winning the election is bashing non white minority groups! Who saw that coming!!>> <<@peterhosking1893 says : Should scrap all indigenous honey pots one nation one people one flag>> <<@kenn6592 says : I have quite a few friends in Europe and the US. None of them cared or even knew about the ridiculous Voice. More and more, though they are making jokes about Australia, becoming a woke wasteland. once we were seen as such an interesting country, now just boring. It's so sad.>> <<@VivienneWest-k3n says : The best idea ever. At the same time and don't allow any more money to do these lazy idols, they should be on the same amount of money as pension and job starts.>> <<@daryllee2560 says : Lots of White Aboriginals these days....don't these people look in the mirror and say they are mixed race! - real black aboriginals would think them white!>> <<@Psittacine-pp5yd says : Wong is always Wrong !!>> <<@Shayne-l5l says : All of a sudden she is using and Albo using the Aboriginal people as a manipulating over Aboriginal people to vote for Labor government because they care.....what have they done for Aboriginal communities since he's been in Government , all of sudden Penny Wong concern , using it now ....all Australians are really struggling . .I believe Under Penny Wong Albo Aboriginal people they will be struggling more... while he and penny Wong are given millions of our tax payer money to Hamas terrorist organisation.. says Gaza but the proof is The people in Gaza are not receiving this money, Hamas is...>> <<@kkcw6668 says : The smart money in WA, with WA an Independent Sovereign State before (or thereabouts) this decade is out, has its U.N Representative selected from its Indigenous Leadership. A dead(ly) set certainty!>> <<@maxinegalpin6068 says : Penny Wong need's to get her international interested Hands out of the Australian till>> <<@jaxia-eu6jf says : So divisive her language is "Indigenous Australians" . Government always puts them in a category. They are Australian Penny, you know, like the rest of us. Why exactly do we need an Ambassador? Isnt Albanese and his thugs meant to represent us overseas? Never again should an activist be able to run a country, hes run us into the ground with his stupid policies . Labor should be banned and dismantled along with the greens and teals>> <<@adrienlevoyant4569 says : Penny Wong will go to hell if she doesn't repent and turn to Jesus Christ. She doesn't represent me and I reject her wicked evil words and deeds. She stands condemned before a Holy God>> <<@scottfagan4374 says : Paul Murray needs to tone it down a touch>> <<@smartgoku9048 says : can we stop calling a non-existant nation a nation. it's fucking stupid.>> <<@frankmontanari5534 says : Wong has a lot of tax payer money, but no dignity>> <<@Bradford659 says : Penny Wong: “Won’t someone please think of the international community”>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : Can the Minister for Changing Men's Behaviour be scapped too? 😂😂😂>> <<@peterjackson5225 says : Australia we need peter dutton.....>> <<@jasonwalker2950 says : The Liberals should scrap minister of indigenous affairs position as well. Why have a Race based minster. get rid of the position.>> <<@jasonwalker2950 says : Will Dutton and the Liberals remove the aboriginal flags in inside and outside the parliament, remove them in schools, hospitals, and Govt buildings??.Dutton and the Liberals should come out with that policy.>> <<@Beachlife4567 says : If Penny Wong doesn’t like the plan it’s got to be good for Australia.!>> <<@rsmith7589 says : The Messiah is returning to RAPTURE His Church (1 Thessalonians 4: 13 - 18). Watch: "GOD THE FATHER DESCENDS IN HIS THICK DARK CLOUD & VISITS HIS TWO MEGA PROPHETS IN KISUMU"on Repent & Prepare the way. Amen “Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne” (Psalm 97:2)>>