<<@cathymartens7478 says : You are a disgrace. Get yoursel off air.>> <<@kwakudoodledooloooooo says : Occupying States dont have the right of self defence as the occupation is an act of aggression>> <<@Gamla123 says : Thank you for truth and moral clarity>> <<@anthony-nn7wf says : IDF are a bunch of terrorists And you sky news should be ashamed of yourselves>> <<@private-1 says : They are paid to continue to he a thorn against Israel. It is paid by the Western world that is hostile but underhanded in its hostility to Israel.>> <<@wesleyhudson2028 says : A bit less infrastructure than last week.>> <<@bath_neon_classical says : Sorry this whole situation has made me feel a bit strange. I used to live 300 meters south of the DMZ. Hezbollah has set fire to my old kibbutz for the second time since I lived there, back when we had a DMZ, which worked fine. I partly blame UNIFIL and their somewhat limited mandate—they didn’t have the ability to physically keep the area south of the Litani River demilitarized. There’s no single act that can be blamed for this situation, but I think that if we still had that corridor under IAF patrols, this current escalation might not have been possible.>> <<@h.a.4261 says : The west leaders have lost their minds, woke virus apocalypse.>> <<@ArvinFrivaldo says : Israel are fighting terrorists in Lebanon>> <<@rockynanach says : All funding to Lebanon should be immediately suspended pending compliance with 1701>> <<@joycealdrich says : Hmmm... not so surprising that Lebanon has this underground infrastructure. Israel will dig it out.>> <<@sharonjuniorchess says : Hezbollah is going to have to review its policy on disabled access to the workplace. I mean do any of these underground tunnels have ramps & lifts so that their disabled fighters can easily report for work? Have they changed the controls so that they can be operated by left handed operatives or introduced foot controls for those who have no hands? Also whilst we are on the topic of policies I was never really in favour of their working at home policy cos it is just an accident waiting to happen.>> <<@koloni2862 says : Tithe seat has failed to understand is how Islamist have taken over the structures of most of those NGOs..try going to their officers all u see is hijab and beards and these are their staff…>> <<@TheMosheUfnic says : UN is a joke>> <<@Lsd5688 says : Being underground will not stop Israel from taking land to create a buffer zone that they will control because Lebanons army doesn't have a backbone to stand up hezbollah>> <<@elco4448 says : נסראלללה טעה😅😅😅😅>> <<@BruceHaugh says : It's amazing that Western leaders state that Israel has a right to defend itself, but in the same breath condemn Israel when it acts to defend itself.>> <<@stand.with.Iranians says : UN needs to be defunded.>> <<@TheGreenfrog140 says : Israel is satanic>> <<@Shayne-l5l says : World has gone mad, ...>> <<@suhitharbaus says : Creatures of the underworld.>> <<@nikkobriteramos314 says : #nikkobriteramos>> <<@LOEVYEDUBEYS says : UN useless big time>> <<@veronicawinter6779 says : Isreal is a war crime>> <<@sureshparus9638 says : In war u move Ur soldiers to da battle field not hiding underground in tunnels...>> <<@leyo2GT says : The new word in murdock media is 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 " unprovoked " 🎶...😂😂😅😂>> <<@MosesLibiWamulume says : Possessing sophisticated military arsenal doesnt translate into a military advantage, its how you strategise and how you use your weapons.Look at Ukraine, they lost some good and powerful tanks from Nato.>> <<@saleem2345 says : yeah western world have one story to say, middle east has another, who is right?>> <<@simmingflgiht3722 says : The losers are all over the world with the flag of the Iosers. WT.F?>> <<@215ftr says : Fakenews>> << says : Do not join a death cult and then cry about it.>> << says : The people in the Lebanon telegram are asking where are those underground bunkers that hezbollah likes to show off. Instead they are hiding in civilians homes and basements. Clowns>> <<@DerrickWilliams-hd7in says : Straight to the POINT SIR. YOU MUST BE AN APOSTOLIC BELIEVER>> <<@tanweenazam5308 says : Truth? Israel's whore called Sharri>> <<@mettacognatus5849 says : Each accusation by Israel is a confession. Some members of the Israeli government, such as Itamar Ben-Gvir, Bezalel Smotrich, and Avi Maoz, have expressed extreme nationalist views, calling for the complete destruction of Gaza and asserting that all the land, including Gaza and the West Bank, belongs to Israel by biblical right. These leaders promote policies of settlement expansion and aggressive military actions, which fuel further violence and undermine any chance for a peaceful resolution. Their rhetoric has escalated tensions, making coexistence and the two-state solution increasingly difficult.>> <<@pyxzkh says : He-is-ball-less and I-ran are the same. They are all covered up loud talkers. Islamists terrorize children and women, whether israelis or their own. They care less about civilized society!!!!!>> <<@ЮрійДемяненко-о2б says : Еліта США та Ізраїлю з терористами збагачуються 💰 на крові людей та війні і маніпулюють народом>> <<@trandyz2521 says : Israel is a terrorist state founded by U.S abd U.K, U.S has history of naming terrorists like they put Nelson Mandela on terror list, wow, how U.S support Apartheid in South Africa>> <<@purpleflame334 says : Surprise, Surprise 😮 they had 20 years to build them while not fulfilling UN resolution...another Surprise 😮>> <<@mettacognatus5849 says : The Hamas attacks on October 7, 2023, were not the start of the conflict, but rather a result of decades of tension, occupation, and violence between Israel and Palestinians. The roots of the conflict go back to 1948, with the creation of Israel and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Since then, the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, along with ongoing settlement expansion, military operations, and blockades, have continuously escalated tensions. The 7/10 attacks should be seen in the broader context of a long history of violence, displacement, and unresolved political struggles.>> <<@bobulationnation says : I don't understand why the west isn't backed Israel>> <<@mettacognatus5849 says : Comply with resolution 1701? 😂😂😂 Israel has been accused of violating multiple United Nations resolutions over the years, particularly in relation to its actions in the occupied Palestinian territories and its military operations. Some key resolutions that Israel has been said to violate include: 1. UN Resolution 242 (1967): This resolution calls for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from territories occupied in the Six-Day War, including the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights. Israel has maintained its presence in many of these territories, arguing that the resolution's language is ambiguous and subject to negotiation. 2. UN Resolution 338 (1973): Resolution 338 reaffirms Resolution 242 and calls for a ceasefire and the start of negotiations aimed at a "just and durable peace." While peace negotiations have been intermittent, the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories is seen by many as a violation of this resolution. 3. UN Resolution 446 (1979): This resolution declares that Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories have "no legal validity" and constitute a serious obstruction to peace. The continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is seen as a direct violation of this resolution. 4. UN Resolution 478 (1980): This resolution condemns Israel's attempt to alter the status of Jerusalem by declaring it the capital, urging countries not to establish diplomatic missions there. Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem is viewed by the UN as a violation of international law. 5. UN Resolution 194 (1948): Resolution 194 addresses the right of return for Palestinian refugees displaced during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Israel's refusal to allow the return of Palestinian refugees has been viewed as a breach of this resolution. 6. UN Resolution 497 (1981): This resolution declares Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights as "null and void" under international law. Israel continues to control the Golan Heights, despite calls from the UN to return it to Syria.>> <<@Jake.steve3658 says : This channel is propaganda.lies . Like they have insider information.>> <<@bigpete1014 says : I wonder who owns sky news?😂>> <<@shameelamuthalib8349 says : Israel is a war mongering terrorist. Israel is the oppressor and playing the victim. How ridiculous can you get>> <<@mettacognatus5849 says : 80% of the attacks in the last year were from Israel against Lebanon, not from Hezbollah!>> <<@rickmartin4886 says : Israel has "incredibly sophisticated" weaponry.>> <<@mettacognatus5849 says : Israel Israel is always the victim, and the others are the terrorists. It doesn't matter that it kills thousands of children; everything is excusable when it comes to Israel. Learn this: Israel has been condemned by the international community because it commits crimes against humanity. Self-defense cannot be used to justify such horrendous crimes.>> <<@adafss9309 says : Israel is a terrorist genocidal satanic death cult supported by the west>> <<@davidrubinlang8301 says : These fighters, Hezbollah are not human beings - they're fanatic, psychopath having so sense of right or wrong. Yet the West like Australian foreign minister Penny Wong saw fit to embrace them like long lost friends! These Australians who vote for the Labor Party are also sub-human without capacity to think. They just follow the media 'like the BBC's doctrine or Aljazeera of Qatar which runs the business of telling lies or fake news or half-truths to be greedily swallowed by Australian Labor and their supporters. I pity and look down on their ignorance and uncivilized behaviors .Checked. Do you wish to know more?>>