<<@paddleboatman3767 says : Peter Dutton is on an election winning path with policy. Once an election is called just highlight Labors failure and has plan. Job done.>> <<@zzzzoogal9634 says : Thorium reactors can be up and running in 5 years. Australia should be leading the way. Vote 1 One Nation πŸ‡­πŸ‡²>> <<@George-oi5fe says : Dutton!you're joking πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@johncross5634 says : Yep we should be a nuclear power, we have all the resources available here. Wind mills and solar will take us back to medieval times… move forward Australia not backwards under labor>> <<@DavidLockett-x4b says : A vote for Pauline is a vote for Australia.>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : What policy?>> <<@NeverAgain316 says : DUTTON just cant fail. Exactly like Trump/Harris ! Albo/Green are so radical that Dutton must take the rein!>> <<@davidbarlow6860 says : Mr potato head is so out of touch. Unelectable.>> <<@guymorgan4930 says : Sky News commentators and liberal coalition has beens do not have the intelligence to comment on anything related to nuclear power.>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : I think it might be time for Bronnie to go somewhere far away.>> <<@hl5910 says : Peter Dutton for PM πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘.>> <<@jonathoncalabrese2035 says : I fear Dutton will be like starmer of uk>> <<@scottfagan4374 says : What announcement? Literally been zero costings. LNP ready to blow the budget out yet again>> <<@joscreemers4360 says : Yet if Dutton becomes PM, we have the same government just with a different name. Dutton will keep eroding our freedom of speech by cracking down on misinformation, disinformation, mal information and you as journalists are happy to play along. Welcome to the people's Republic of Australia>> <<@TonyStewart-q6e says : It is like giving credit to the swinging dicks , we are not like that. Rupy thinks he is a member. T>> <<@forestgreen435 says : Albo the trotπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Misinformation is when 'smart' is REALLY DUMB !>> <<@questioneverythingalways820 says : Oh yes continue listening to the shills and corrupt - that’ll go well!>> <<@stewartbrooker says : Yet Duttons plan is only for 4% of power. Bronwyn is not the best guest if you want credibility for nuclear. Helicoptered her in for an interview?>> <<@JustinSyd says : If we send back the 5 million so called refugees/asylum seekers in Australia that will unlock many homes and units into the housing and rental market and it will reduce the housing cost and crisis. It will also reduce the electricity usage and water supply usage, road traffic and job competition and crime and and it will save heaps on welfare by getting them off our welfare system and back to their own countries. What is the actualy big crisis in their countries that they seem to need to all flee from.?? ANYONE?? Many of the women asylum seekers will never work and that is a huge drain on the welfare system.>> <<@JustinSyd says : We can run gas fired power stations now with Hydrogen and Oxygen being burnt together as a gas fuel. Hydrogen and Oxygen can be produced easily on demand by using electrolysis. That is all we need. We don't need or want nuclear. It is not that hard to understand.! It has no pollution. The only reason they push nuclear reactors is because they want to mine all the yellow cake and sell it to make heaps of money. We have to stop worshipping money, it is very risky. The money worship in America also has caused fraccing to be everywhere and now whole water wells and creeks and rivers are being polluted in America by all that toxic fraccing fluid coming back up to the surface in many towns and it is poisoning the people and animals who drink the water. Look it up people even car companies have just announced that they will also make cars that run on water now. It is simply using electrolysis to convert water into Hydrogen and Oxygen on demand.!>> <<@JustinSyd says : I am not a nuclear fan. Hey we can now power gas fired power stations for electricity by using a mix of Hydrogen and Oxygen gases burnt together. There is no pollutuion from it either. It is simple electrolysis that produces Hydrogen and Oxygen from splitting water, produced on demand, not stored. There is our answer to having heaps of electricity for everyone.>> <<@DL-zl5tn says : Rather he come out about where he stands on Mis/DisInformation Bill .. as if this gets through nobody will be able to voice an opinion on anything much!>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : Give it a rest; everyone’s laughing.>> <<@cantstopflying4137 says : Great. Now lets have a referendum on the two party conspiracy.>> <<@LouSimpson-vn5wn says : Scomo said wait for the technology. Then he went net zero.>> <<@jdosvd says : Forget it ! Prayers.>> <<@datle4504 says : The WEF agenda to minimise the population and growth.>> <<@kennethgoldston4643 says : Lauded by Bronwyn Bishop?? Wow, there's a headline.>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : Sure it was, Shaz. Lets see how "politically smart" it is for Benito Dutton to hold off outlining the exact "significant" costings of his BS nuclear power plan? ;)>> <<@Retainthewall says : Albo couldn't run a bath full of water let alone Australia>> <<@sittinginthebleachers6674 says : You go for it Dutton & the Aussie Public will have your back!>> <<@HansReichhardtsohn says : What type of nuclear reactors, how much will it cost and when will they come online?>>