<<@PleiadesM45652 says : Macklemore is a talentless, ignorant dirtbag.>> <<@chipbower361 says : So he supports the targeting and murder of over 1200 innocent Israelis, the wounding of 5,000, kidnapping of over 240, and countess rapes. Disgusting>> <<@user-lm3jo9kn9i says : “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” It's about everything Panahi does.>> <<@mrbill4499 says : I don't know who this piece of 💩 is, and that's probably why he spewed this trash, but spreading more anti-American and anti-Israel hate is not what our country needs to hear right now...what an irresponsible and deplorable person.>> <<@stephenfisher9505 says : Who what?>> <<@steets367 says : Who???>> <<@ChubbyCheckhers says : Macklemore is such a chode>> <<@whichwaytohell says : F Macklemore ---- America gave you EVERYTHING - POS!>> <<@SharonMcwilliams78 says : He says don’t get it twisted and ya did. He is talking about the oppression of Palestine. That’s facts people.>> <<@ravishingrickyrude303 says : When ever death is involved, passions reach maximium levels. Paths become laid and fights are welcome. EYE FOR AN EYE AND THE WORLD GOES BLIND. One must turn the other cheek. But no one wants to be weak. But where does true strength lie?>> <<@tamimrktz6966 says : Another commie.>> <<@FJB827 says : I hope this destroys him!. I will never ever spend another Penny or listen to this slime rraatt!!!>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : MackleMoron>> <<@doorschick89 says : Macklemore is a self hating white man. He always sides with the left. It's killing his career, but being a kiss butt, is what he lives for.>> <<@balung says : Macklemore wasnt his only hit song about a Vinnies store?>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : Funny how people "feel" about genocide when they see it with their own eyes for the first time huh, Davy? Maybe you can try harder to convince the world that Palestinians aren't people then you wouldn't get so triggered when people express their feelings. :I>> <<@cryptokids3760 says : He needs to go back in the history of the Bible, if he is so about the history. He will realize that he has been completely compromised ever since he took the gay pill.>> <<@elbentzo says : He lost me at ``F America". Nevermind that everything he says after that is either a lie or pure ignorance. Starting with ``F America" is proof beyond doubt that the person speaking is braindead and is not worth a moment of your time.>>