<<@TheKkpop1 says : Anglo-Saxon is seeing China as their own shadow. Dare if they are innocent.>> <<@DonaldDeCicco says : That's right, here in America we don't allow foreign governments to spy on us. That's what our government is for.>> <<@thejedaru1383 says : Never I will buy chinese clone ev car.>> <<@theylied1776 says : I bring this up every chance that I get! Remember when President Obama was in office and warned Australia about using Huawei? And your Tony Abbott criticized President Obama and defended Huawei. And then over 10 years later, at your Capital Building, they found Huawei cameras and listening devices.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : The US is in panic mode for being internationally isolated one day it will ban even its own shadow because it would believe it's spying on the US 🤣😂🤣😂>> <<@truefactjack says : Here in Australia we have Chris Bowen promoting this just goes to show what an absolute moron this man is hurry up call the next election so we can get rid of this idiot>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : BYD e.g. will do it by stealth and simply reroute cars through SEAsia where there are no restrictions.>> <<@Itmakesyouthink says : That's American corporations job.>> <<@BenPatterson-flyrfc says : Theres no evidence they dont even mix iron with copper wiring.>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : All nations will use that excuse to put up tariffs or exclusion policies. All electronics will be using chips soon. Even the humble air con can be controlled via the internet.>> <<@honahwikeepa2115 says : US hegemony is going to die this year irrespective of who is POTUS. BRICS will replace the Elites.>> <<@jlee975 says : Good! don't let them sneak in their spyware garbage.>>