<<@TomSteindl says : Congratulations to Michelle Bullock, not listening to Liebor B/S, Chalmers following Keating, home buyers are lucky we paid 16 and18% under Keating's stupidity, and the recession Australia had to have, well we are lucky we are not in a depression>> <<@noJIBBYjab says : Australia is the golden country.. the test subjects. The only reason usa had a rate cut is to sway voters over to Kamala 😂 the RBA are criminal privately owned corporation>> <<@sicoco3216 says : Cost of groceries are so high in NZ I was shocked to see the prices in the supermarket compared to us.>> <<@tubesurfer007 says : Again we're last to do anything with our economy. But always the first to get ripped off.>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : Says an opposition spokes person. . . 😂😂😂😂>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : 4.35% interest rights robbery is ongoing. Power of deceiving words... St.Thomas>> <<@kurjan1 says : I wish these damn reporters would STOP talking over the guest and let them finish. It's getting really annoying. Especially when the reporter is a brain fart away from vacant!>> <<@vsboy2577 says : All planned>> <<@TheLolz1988 says : Fake discounts is not price gouging its illegal>> <<@asifulzead says : What a destruction labor did to the country. Extreme inflation, surging power bill and Australians under tents to facilitate immigrants housing.>>