<<@bungkusi2432 says : It's the mind of colo.nial,.ist..,,>> <<@melleblanc971 says : Greed, fear, jealousy, hegemony, winner take all mentality....it is not possible for current american thinking to include win - win possibility.>> <<@kinngrimm says : Damn there is some bullshit when i ever saw some. If you have a better economic theory, publish it and i bet you anything if its any good westerns will flok to it as we in the west a quite greedy where it comes to personal gains. Where it comes to ideologocal differances as i may see them is, when you put people into reeducation camps or when you annexed Tibet or when you stretch your muscles towards Taiwan or even seeing how the people of Hong Kong now have to suffer your authoritarian system. Sure there might be a western bias based on how we value certain freedoms, like freedom of speach, freedom to assemble or freedom of choice in selecting our leaders by elections, therefor as you do not have it we should not see you as less for it as when we do, that i agree is kind of rude by rubbing it in your face, so i appologize for our western bluntness in that aspect.>> <<@richardgoh6697 says : China must ignore Weapons’ accusations or bashings or demonising as their culture has made them so. Western culture is aggressive, possessive, hypocritical, wicked, sly, selfish etc. etc. They went to Africa and kidnapped African youths as slaves. They killed 99% of indigenous American Indians and occupied their lands as their own. They colonised and exploited others all over the world. They even claimed they were the children of God who might not have a legitimate marriage. They are clever, smart but miserably and pathetically lack wisdom. If they had had helped out and built Africa to be a prosperous continent, today no poor Africans would have flocked to Europe. If they had had helped out and built South America to be a prosperous region, today no poor South Americans would want to sneak into d prosperous USA. Hence, they are now having to pay back for their past unfairness and atrocities did to others.>> <<@thndrngest says : From the ‘white west’ perspective, China is the real contender on the world power stage, regardless whether it is self-perception or not. colonizers think world dominance, forever staying on the top of human food chain.>> <<@Earthman99999 says : America did the exact same "Japan-bashing" back in the 1980's - 1990's when Japan was rising economically. See the pattern of jealousy and prejudice?>> <<@taliskujim4736 says : The employment opportunities in China for fresh grads are horrible.>> <<@tjo6252 says : westerners are trying their best to sabotage the development of any other nation by media, policies, or any other way, but fail always. I remember when they were bashing what is now known as the greatest world cup humanity has ever seen in Qatar 2022 they even tried to stop it before it happened, and what happened? The world was happy, and the world mocked the envious westerners for their childish behavior. They mocked China's development plans. Look at china now! They put restrictions on chinese apps and devices, and chinese big tech companies are growing everyday. Now we see them attacking NEOM one of humaniy's greatest projects I can't wait to see their humiliated faces AGAIN!!!>> <<@AaronSutton-fj2oz says : You left out pure racist hatred of the senators and representatives,American politicians..in search for enemies abroad to divert divisions at home of the brave and land of the free>> <<@buckhimlow5135 says : Absolutely agreed .....👍👍👍>> <<@jye7027 says : it is about american exceptionalism. the root cause is PRIDE / HUBRIS>> <<@bobjack2381 says : US spend 1.6 billion dollar on fake news against China, but US homeless are everywhere as bad as looters are destroying US economy>> <<@CW-yg7qm says : The western world still believe that they are the dominant race and definitely will not accept a coloured race to overtake them.>> <<@wonderer2023 says : It is not discrimination. It is resentment, jealousy, etc. But it is not discrimination!!!!!>> <<@otterpossum9128 says : China bashing is the propaganda necessary to gain support for a war the US will create as justification to attack China. When your only tool is war, everything is an enemy. Be prepaired. There os a reason they are spending so much on critical technology infrastructure. They already produce 30 percent more oile than they consume, they will soon have their chips and rare earths. They expect to have little multinational support this time around. Scaey times.>> <<@ToiChutGongWu says : With the US$1.6 billion Congress has approved for Anti-China propaganda this is only going to get worse.>> <<@Snownam227 says : the western racists can't stomach the asian country rising out above their heads >> <<@MrDark21knight says : Maybe you should stop crashing Philippines ships>>