<<@thetroytroycan says : Profiteering? Does this moron understand how a business works? How about close down and let her grow her own avocados and make her own tofu.>> <<@TheClownCunt says : The shirt saying Victorian socialist shows how retarded the younger generation has gone>> <<@noname-f6j2n says : Good on that young lady>> <<@electro_sykes says : I love how these woke minded socialists think they derserve everything handed to them on a gold platter. In reality, you have to work hard to achieve your dream in life>> <<@gaylesherburn6726 says : Grow up come back to it when you join the real world ...>> <<@goodlookingman4489 says : Please send her to Gaza , Lebanon or Iran for a year or 2 and see if she still thinks the same way>> <<@Wit_Shunter says : That poor child, clearly suffering from malnourishment and starvation, and it's all Woolies' fault!>> <<@agoogleuser5987 says : They didn't think about inflation on the goods the grocery store has to buy, so she can blame who is in charge of the country and government.>> <<@goodlookingman4489 says : We send kids to university to get dumber>> <<@goodlookingman4489 says : What a load of crap . Get a part time job if you are struggling>> <<@goodlookingman4489 says : Kamala Harris has a lot to answer for . This price gouging crap for grocery items is ridiculous.>> <<@goodlookingman4489 says : Kamala Harris has a lot to answer for . This price gouging crap for grocery items is ridiculous.>> <<@thomasslaughter7766 says : Female CEO. This company is done.>> <<@mitchell-uk9up says : Another poorly educated ignorant child.>> <<@marymartin-q2y says : Oh man wish that was me meeting the ceo, i would've shared my views on her staff rudeness which is cultural, why her staff honours their 'money back' if unsatisfied, only for some, why her staff only honours their scanning policy only for some, this either shows training or woolies selects from the lowest denominator when they employ people. Watervale, ms ceo, needs your immediate attention by the way, start with explaining what personal space is and then move on to our rights as customers and your guarantee to us.>> <<@banjiman9869 says : If a politician tells you its price gouging, theyre literally lying to you so you dont believe theres inflation, something they would have to take responsibility for, theyll tell you its just price gouging and vote for us and we'll stop it and fix these prices...by taxing your employers more until they have no choice but to lay off more people, raise prices further and give less wage increases. That can only go so far until the whole system caves in from under itself. Food merchants have to raise prices during inflation or they lose money quick like they either lower the amount you get and pay for to keep prices down or they raise the prices on existing product demand. In regards to groceries at least. Material ovjects will jaut go up regardless too.>> <<@LucienCanon says : Could you also ask Woolworths/Coles CEO (or the Immigration Minister perhaps) why going to the supermarket increasingly feels like entering a high security checkpoint between two warring superpowers, and; why I must be surveilled by CCTV, monitored by military aged low-skill immigrant males, and subjected to airport-style flap barriers and security scanning in order to buy my basic necessities?>> <<@MeredithBell-v3f says : This shill of a female shouldn't have a platform she supports terrorists>> <<@aussieneil says : How about these dumbass socialist idiots shop at local independant retailers, green grocers, butchers etc and stop giving Coles and Woolworths their hard earned, taxpayer funded money.>> <<@crucifixgym says : Social media socialists>> <<@jwarrioraustralia7266 says : Legend good on her πŸŽ‰.>> <<@LolaEverywhere says : Woolworths Elite and stakeholders #TipForFree The Working Class are not excepting those lame replies>> <<@PJC005 says : Coles and Woolies also stirred a lot of shit with Maxine Vandate.>> <<@Lucifer-c4g says : **Lucifer Black** Pathetic 😎 Why don't you beg Sky to close its comments? Upload a video to your channel of you doing it πŸ˜‚>> <<@tmsmylemk9550 says : ALDI is the only relief, hopefully COLES AND BIGW will notice the drop in revenue.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Another Monica Spitt Write a book about it love πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@jedimaster1046 says : Poor gullible little girl has no idea that it was the politicians that created this.>> <<@EL-FUKKO says : Another Shiffa brains Socialist>> <<@davidhanak2767 says : Whinging poms>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : 🌱 🌧️ β˜€οΈ...............🌏>> <<@michaelgardiner6629 says : Fuck up you disgusting media liars!!!!!>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Your questions were extremely pertinent, but your tee shirt deminished the impact...>> <<@gigglesmcgee2052 says : It's truly disgusting!>> <<@Lucifer-c4g says : Wow πŸ™„ So the never satisfied bogans of Labor's Australia can go harass and abuse the young staff at supermarkets and tell themselves its okay to steal... When nothing changes...>> <<@Splat-j9v says : Notice its always the Young easy to manipulate.>> <<@AaronJensen92 says : Ooft 'Victorian socialists' is not the banner you want to be flying considering the history of socialism. Another Greta goose on the way>> <<@dennismenace4188 says : This young clown thinks she's a champion when most people just find her and her circus show insufferable.>> <<@Berserker978 says : Wearing a Socialist TShirt. Bahahahaha πŸ˜† Doesn't she realise that's mostly the problem.πŸ˜†>> <<@cornjstlr123 says : Dont go then>> <<@Sparky_D says : She gave a pro Palestine rally.... Well she supports terries so she has zero respect from me.>> <<@williamsharp2532 says : Monopolies only exist because consumers direct their spending towards the monopolies. That is capitalism. Support small businesses, farmers markets, grow your own where possible. Whingers complaining about the results of their own actions are obtuse.>> <<@ThePastaManCan says : Surely the government should be put to blame for this, a block of cheese isn't the same price as rent after all.>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : *Bill Hicks on Marketing* πŸŽ₯>> <<@CatsandJp says : Does this kid honestly think the CEO is going to take her seriously….NO….she is just fobbing the kid off by pretending to be polite. The only thing the CEO and the board take notice of is their salary, payout, profit and shares.>> <<@melgieasido9775 says : All the supermarkets>> <<@megangraham9684 says : Boycott them I did years ago>> <<@trvst5938 says : Private equity is a cancer on humanity. Here in the US, 70^% of theft is wage theft yet some corporations have lobbied to be immune from prosecution. Just a hot potato for liability over diminishing the middle classes wealth.>> <<@zhaowei3025 says : Labor party incompetence is to blame for high grocery prices not that little lady ok πŸ‘>> <<@georgewest4643 says : Big supermarket all together,,>> <<@Sir_Richard_Stewart says : Megan is Retarded. She needs to pic a side>>