<<@goosegreen4008 says : It’s time we got rid of negative gearing.>> <<@jjsc4396 says : Yet, in the same breath, Sky screeches that POTENTIAL changes to negative gearing would constitute literal “taking” of one’s house 😂>> <<@aussievike3819 says : Labor’s version of Belt and Road with Housing don’t fall for it senate>> <<@VK6AB- says : Equity is ALP code for wealth re-distribution. If you want to stall investment - tax capital gains more, if you want to stall house building remove and reduce negative gearing. ALP economics at its finest.>> <<@LucienCanon says : We know that mass immigration is a net cost to our economy and society in general. In the British example, we now know that each immigrant to Britain costs each existing British taxpayer approx. £400,000 per lifetime. Why then does government and MSM continue to lie to us. Why do they continue to claim that immigrants add to our wealth and productivity when in fact the opposite is true. Why do they claim that our health system relies upon migration when the opposite is also true.>> <<@LucienCanon says : Speaking of the consequences of mass immigration ... Why is there never any coverage by MSM of the continuing knife-crime epidemic in Australia. Why are young white Aussies being stabbed to death by African and South Asian immigrants? Why is the ethnic fact of these crimes being covered up by the media?>> <<@peekaboo6622 says : Housing is a matter of basic humanity. For God's sake!>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : Lol.. Ironic that it's the last minutes of life when we finally understand what was most important...💡>> <<@Lucifer-c4g says : Really on your rag, hey *Lucille* Just never learn, do you? No wonder you never amounted to anything. "Get a life" just doesn't say it 😂😂😂>>