<<@emadmohammed3742 says : LEBANON Has The Right To Defend ITSELF.>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : israel is done>> <<@bastionglory6684 says : Lebanese people want Hezoballah gone, they want peaceful relations with Israel Help free Lebanon and protect israel,,🙏🇮🇱🇱🇧>> <<@hannacook859 says : "They don't have a dog in the fight" Are you nuts??? They have allowed non stop rockets on civilians from their area for a year>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : If Iran was being attacked by it's surrounding countries, would they not be expected to fight back? Or would they be expected to worry about reputation?>> <<@marcustate3513 says : Israel is not delegitimized? It’s clearly fighting to prevent further attacks by Iranian proxies! After the attack on Israel the gloves are off!>> <<@jaymewill6742 says : We are drifting away from how this all started. Hamas started this…>> <<@kiljoy3254 says : Western governments can’t treat Putin and Israel like they do their own citizens, and it drives them insane>> <<@GhostRangerr says : The amount of stupidity in this world is truly impressive. The reason Israel is striking Lebanon because the pathetic UN instead of enforcing resolution 1701, it sat back and let the Hizbolla terrorists launch endless attacks on Israel since Oct 8th, which NO other nation wouldve put up with for an entire year. Also the reason Israel kept striking Gaza is because again the UN & the rest of the clowns of the international community sat back & pretended like there WAS NOT a case of terrorist group who had murdered & kidnapped Israeli civilians and has been using them to blackmail a sovereign state, even worse is that those bunch of clowns have been enabling the terrorists to continue their blackmailing/gaslighting tactics and shamelessly rewarding it, like what Spain, Ireland and few others did. For this reason, NOTHING they said or have to say, is worth listening to at all.>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : Hamas reputation is already in the fire>> <<@charwest9449 says : Most reasonable people are very happy with how Israel has conducted itself. Of course the ones that parrot hanas talking points are not happy because they are not overcoming Israel as they'd planned.>> <<@VK6AB- says : How is Israels reputation on the line? Hamas, Hezbollah and many other organisations are funded by Iran, a country that calls for the eradication of Israel and its people. Why shouldn't Israel defend itself? Focus on the real problem the Iranian leadership.>> <<@rowanscott915 says : Its a phaqing war you loser BBC Lite kunts. "Reputation on the line", phaque Sky, you really do have some phaqing drop kicks working for you.>> <<@maziyark.h7277 says : The idf method is correct, and you will see that the tensions will be reduced with the same idf method and everyone will benefit from this relaxation.>> <<@AaronJensen92 says : What reputation lol theyve never had a good one but it doesn't matter when your fellow tribes men control the airwaves like sly news>> <<@di_ibzy says : Sky News you Nazis Zionist can’t handle free speech.>> <<@Argentina671 says : I guess Israeli very happy celebrating new year now🎉the way they love as usual 🩸>> <<@marcustate3513 says : Israel is concerned with surviving not reputation>> <<@marcustate3513 says : This is fake News😊>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : at 0:43 ISRAEL IS UNDER ATTACK FROM ALL DIRECTIONS. ?HOW DO YOU EXPECT IT TO REACT?!?>> <<@koelbird4608 says : These people should not worry about Israel's reputation. They can take care of that themselves.>> <<@JsckSzx says : the free world supports those who oppose israel>> <<@AtomsSDX says : Shitrael's aim is to exterminate all Christians. It's what happened in Ukraine, and Palestine. And will continue to happen unless shit for brains Zionist Christians wake up!>> <<@beautifulseattle says : Israel's reputation has already been assaulted all over the world heavily for at least a year now, Israel is in it to win it...don't think they are in a game of personalities right now. Good or Bad just the way it is.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : The headline was obviously written by a child !>> <<@BrodyAleksander-YOB says : Clowns will always worship thier small hat occupier state>>