<<@TheClownCunt says : To go pear shape ? What the F is that>> <<@hannacook859 says : Reputations change. The truth will come out, and Iran will be exposed>> <<@tmsmylemk9550 says : REVELATIONS 2.0>> <<@rosshitchen-ij6en says : I want to build a home. I might ask the local milkman for his insights... lol.>> <<@sspacegghost says : its meant to go pear shaped - albert pike, the freemasons and the rothschilds have had this planned for 100 years. they are deliberately pitting the zionists against the arabs in that region...and will start WW3. its pre planned.>> <<@ZELIKHA-u8h says : LES USA ET ISRAEL SONT LES PLUS GRANDS CRIMINELS TERRORISTES DE TOUS LES TEMPS TUEURS D'ENFANTS PAS LES ARABES ET CE DEPUIS TOUJOURS>> <<@yo2trader539 says : As a non-native speaker, I had to look up the meaning of "pear-shaped." Interesting expression.>> <<@KarunanithiNramachandran-qw8xi says : If the Islamic nations only wanted to live in peace the ME would be properingnow. Iran and it's proxies are not interested in peace nor do they care about people , others or their own , just like the narcissist that their god catered to .>> <<@JsckSzx says : ridiculous bias pro usa/israel genocide. drink in the misinformation and propaganda>> <<@morro4398 says : Without lies, Islam dies>> <<@barryford1482 says : Hezbollah and Hamas are clearly endorsements of Nazism when the Islamic leader of Jeruselum and Hitler united in a pact to murder all Jews throughout the World. Purest of evil>> <<@VK6AB- says : Iran has supplied its proxy army in Lebanon, Hezbollah, with thousands of missiles. Since the 2023 October massacre by Hamas, Hezbollah has launched around 7,500 missiles of various types into Israel. These figures cover the period October 2023 to Aug 2024. Many more have been launched since Aug 2024. Ultimately, Iran will be held to account for its calls for genocide and the destruction of Israel and its people.>> <<@kickass7104 says : What happened to Lebanon it used to be a peaceful christian majority 😑😑😑😑>> <<@juggernaut_609 says : Biblical events are unfolding I pray that many others know where they will go when these events are all over>>