<<@governmentnwankwo9906 says : You know Americans(white house) want a government in every states, whom they can manipulate. They got a very good friend in Ukraine zelensky.>> <<@manis6582 says : Z is a disaster for Ukraine. Soon people of Ukraine should realise that electing Z was their most stupidest mistake.. Z tries to portray himself as a hero, but is actually a zero who has killed his own people escalating war, sold Ukraine to the west, invaded Kursk and is still acting like a clown.. someone please ask him to stop this madness>> <<@chekeocha4923 says : Lol. Zelensky is now a dictator, not an elected leader>> <<@Karthikeyan.vegetarian says : Aggressive because of NATO>> <<@borahatay says : In order to win a war, first of all, you must analyze the enemy. Russia will never be forced to make peace by Ukraine terms. If it realizes that it will be defeated, it will go nuclear. Tactical or full nuclear war will be decided depending on the situation. No need to fool yourself or the others. After this stage, there is no way to make a peace with Russia without giving territory. Lets be realistic.>> <<@fxhustlersa4917 says : This guy is literally forcing putin to use nuclear energy>> <<@thebalancegambia7240 says : Zelensky himself most be force to step down, his term have expired>> <<@thabangaugustinehlalele says : Forced? By who?😂😅😂>> <<@katyasilentium says : did he send his victory plan wish list to Santa?Christmas is coming soon>> <<@myketodawn3533 says : Ukraine must be forced into peace.>> <<@karttar341 says : Zelenzky could be left alone after the elections. No money, no weapons, no partners to crime. Germany has come to realize that Germany cannot thread the path of pre world war 2.. Germany's economy is already crushing. Germany has lost so much wealth just by joining NATO to be partners in crimes.>> <<@alpermaghuyop1540 says : Zelenskid say, peace means russia must surrender to ukraine.😁😁😁😁😁>> <<@factstruths8387 says : Why Putin not given a speech? Why only Zelensky 。。Trying to play the victim card now. You were happily shelling the donbass area well back in 2014 till now.>> <<@ramoramordecaiexploringlif5209 says : What an actor😂😂😂>> <<@pepijnlai242 says : Force Russia into PISS>> <<@natukundaelishah8010 says : Very stupid president in history,u will believe that u are playing comedy>> <<@alansigglekow says : on America s term s through ,Zelensky not likely.>> <<@asrranasooriya says : Peace for better all>> <<@jonstaley-q5p says : Ukraine war reminds us all the Iraq invasion by US under false justification to try and steal oil, Russia at least has a point in not wanting the encroachment by NATO (US) on its borders.Few people comment or know about the origin or cause of Russia invasion, which is the continued encirclement of Russia by NATO (US) on ex russia republics. How people expect for Russia not to defend its border from the continuous encroaching of US? What would US do in a hypothetical situation in which Russia or China start building bases on its borders? Remember the Cuban missile crisis?>> <<@robertchin3259 says : Stop being a puppet n Ukr. will be saved.>> <<@teksavant says : Ви не можете говорити від імені народу України, тому що ви вже не президент>>