<<@maddie1446-c6w says : Free Libanon from Islam>> <<@dennisglocke6479 says : Pagers now, cell phones next?>> <<@catherinehall7217 says : Why would the democrats stop paying their masters??>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Better than the warmongering of the Demohacks!!!>> << says : Biden and harris work for our eastern enemies. Puppets of the UN.>> <<@hauntsforhope says : Not only that. Biden gave them billions to cause chaos.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Obama won't allow sanctions on Iran>> <<@eliyaskeen says : economic penality for wat>> <<@maziyark.h7277 says : Weak Biden and his administration are GODFATHER of ayatollas>> <<@HansReichhardtsohn says : Another in the constant stream of Trump cult propaganda coming from Sky News Australia show the complete lack of journalistic integrity of Sky. Disgraceful.>>