<<@malcolmhector2641 says : Peta ,you are far to intelligent than the whole of Labor's front bench & especially this clown of a PM ., cant fool you can they . Thank You .>> <<@ElarMack-ci1of says : Not sure if it is still used there, but, WODONGA used to have a LABOR PARTY training centre to teach Union officials and Labor staff and Political figures, how to, Be LABOR, AND SPEAK LABOR, AND LIE LIKE LABOR, and DECEIVE LIKE LABOR, and be a NICE NARCISSIST where it matters to get people hooked. You could say it was the TRAINING GROUND OF COMMUNISM in AUSTRALIA. If you did say that, you would be CORRECT!>> <<@mikehanlon8036 says : I am glad Peta has reminded everyone of what happened in the 1980's when treasurer Paul Keating scrapped negative gearing. Private investment in rental accommodation virtually stopped and rents surged. The heat on Keating was hotter than a blast furnace. But give Keating his due, he saw the effect and reversed the decision. The result contributed to Labor lasting in government until 1996! The present crowd won't be so smart!>> <<@sittinginthebleachers6674 says : Ahhh, Don't ya just love Socialism??? Hasn't worked anywhere in the world, yet, here we are in Australia 2024!!!!!>> <<@PaulJames-c7d says : I live in Darwin, so many places vacant, then they have migrants in them, little India is where I live at the moment, spot the Aussie we use to play. How right you were Pauline>> <<@wyattfamily8997 says : Labors "transparent Government" in action...hahahahahahahahaha.>> <<@AdrianAdrian-sg2tj says : Labor has made it a brand to create problems and blame every obscure matter for it They’ll blame the US Election soon>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Does it effect politicians negatively geared properties? Doubt it>> <<@gregoryellsmore2095 says : Chronic liars cannot stop lying, because the first lie creates more lies, which are necessary to hide the first lie, which creates more lies ..... a never ending journey for Albo.>> <<@BrewinItUp says : Is peta in her lesbian era ? This look makes her look extra bitchy. Tragic>> <<@gregoryellsmore2095 says : A lot of rental houses will be up for sale, very quickly. And the new tenants will get a massive increase. If you've rented a house, you'll know why.>> <<@stevenhamilton9790 says : I don’t answer lol>> <<@JaseC80 says : We have to just endure the pain. Grew up being taught to work hard and get ahead, put the effort in and build a future…. NOT under the regime of the ALP / Greens Communist rule. Harder you work, the more you do to provide for your family the more they take, the more the workers have to provide to other’s future. Albanese / Chalmers / Brandt get f***** !! No different to the rulers of communist countries.>> <<@smuggreycat8137 says : This man is either a puppet or an arse hole. Please cover the bill they are secretly pushing to pass on Monday preventing free speech and giving the government full control of speech. We all need to lobby the parliament to stop it quick! Why are you not covering this? You will not be able to speak freely either>> <<@carllyons4903 says : He’s sold his investment portfolio, so all good now 🤬>> <<@owenroberts1168 says : I won’t buy another rental property again. Theres is no incentives. They took away the inspection that you could claim on tax. So if they do this then buyers be warned>> <<@kenn6592 says : This goverment is a disgrace. Albo the worst of the lot. Takes no responsibility when it goes wrong. (Think the Voice... and many more.) Grabs glory that's not his (ACCC supermarkets). Has less understanding of economics than a grade 10 student. Worst of all no one can match his hypocrisy, when it comes to comparing what he says, and what he does. By far our worst ever Prime Minister.>> <<@mattpettifer says : The trouble with liars is they can never remember any of the lies they have previously told>> <<@pacnbeans says : Get rid of negative gearing and all of the governments housing schemes !!>> <<@douglasfathers4848 says : At least Albo Sleazy is good for one thing Broken Promises . He always has been and always will be full of Shit .(:>> <<@Bulldoggy-v3c says : i still say peta for pm *cheer*>> <<@johnmanning1312 says : Amazing isn't it Albanese has just sold his investment property for over a million>> <<@Bongbong007 says : Kindly tell this to the uk government who removed these deductions a few years ago and keep pretending to be surprised all the landlords started getting out and of rents through the roof and 200 people lined up to view the few properties that come available>> <<@DX1233ify says : What with the hair? she looks like a lefty>> <<@glennschadow-gw7qc says : Its been a art form for the last 30 years ,,, wheres everybody been ..>> <<@YTGhostCensorshipCanSuckMe says : Sorry Peta, you kind of miss the point, negative gearing is not about writing off expenses against rental income, that is fine and removing negative gearing would not prevent that from continuing, however, as it stands, negative gearing permits the owner to accumulate paper losses from things like depreciation, against their net taxable income outside of their rental income. This is how people on high PAYG incomes reduce their net taxable income towards zero. Losses on a rental property should be carried forward to be offset against the final capital gain when the capital gain is ultimately realised upon sale for the individual property in question, right now there is a massive asymmetric advantage. The solution is to limit expense deductions against the rental yield and net capital gain in isolation, and in exchange, raise the top marginal tax bracket to more like AUD500K (and the lower brackets proportionately), in line with other nations like Gemany.>> <<@MichaelMeilech says : Well his nose can not get any longer unless he saws it off at night so it can grow the next day. Everybody is getting nailed in the coffin of this goverment😢😢😢😢😢>> <<@samwilliams9352 says : By your numbers the majority of Australians are suffering for a very few ..... Your numbers prove that . Less than a million homes benefit from it and then n its not helping renters anyway>> <<@Lucifer-c4g says : *Lucille* be an adult for once and just admit the truth: *You're a pensioner who got owned by Robodebt and can't get over it because there's nowhere to go* 😎>> <<@Lucifer-c4g says : Broke 65 year olds in the comments squeal foul..... 😭 😂😂😂 Some people just don't matter 😉>> <<@samwilliams9352 says : Have a referendum and let all the people of Australia decide.......that would be the fairest thing to do .......why does no party promise that?>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : Roflmao.........🤣 In short... Millionaires of sky squeal foul....😭 😆😆😆.....some just can't be satisfied at any age>>