<<@truefactjack says : Illogical sums ups all of Labour's policies>> <<@avaraxxblack5918 says : The Only way to reduce house prices is higher interest rates and cutting off foreigners. That simple..problem is, politicans and the boomers don't want lower house prices..>> <<@PJC005 says : The flib is 20% in Q1 and the upside-down turtle will be 4.25% on the nominal paper cup output. It speaks furr itsef.>> <<@jjsc4396 says : More blubbering. Unwind your stupidly, ridiculously, DANGEROUSLY inflated residential property values slowly, or you’re economically in for a disaster. No more, she’ll be right mate” clown show.>> <<@ELXABER says : The housing bubbles, pops, and affordability are the same practically everywhere. Property shouldn't be useable to create passive income for individuals.>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : the cave is good... no electricity or fire because we must save the planet. it will be good, we will like the walking and bug paste.>> <<@brettthomas6823 says : Yeah...so no smart investors buy cheap property....STFU WANKER!...🙏🇦🇺🙏>> <<@goosegreen4008 says : These tax concessions for wealthy boomers are no longer sustainable. Howard introduced them in the 2000s primarily to gain votes, with little consideration for the long-term consequences. Now, the negative impacts are becoming clear.>> <<@Hologram777 says : We need a global crash that leaves a massive crater.>>