<<@forestgreen435 says : Wake up, it's a distraction from the disinformation and misinformation bill. Trott>> <<@kristiankoch4517 says : Time to tax immigrants because all of Australia wants less plus it will help with the amount of immigrants the labour government is flooding into Australia>> <<@NGP14 says : Lies lies and more lies get rid of this mob…They are decimating this once wonderful country…>> <<@ricky6864 says : Albo the proven liar working to the wef plan.. You will not travel, you will own nothing and you will learn to love the bbq bugs>> <<@Want0nS0up says : The commentator clearly did not understand what Michael Sukkar was saying. The demand for rental stock versus the supply of rental stock has nothing to do with who owns it. Sukkar was saying that the tax breaks are still going to go to foreigners whereas Australian mum and dad (investors) were going to be punished. Anyone who believes that that could improve the housing crisis is brain-dead.>> <<@sl2462 says : All the property investor leeches coming out of the wood work again. How they live with themselves is beyond me. We are in a housing crisis, these policies have become untenable. They need to be modified to suit the times. Negative gearing will still be around for new properties and there will likely be a grandfather clause provision for existing investors with a small portfolio 2-3 properties.>> <<@konanninja says : No negative gearing for investor and reduce migration. Whichever party promise this for the next federal election, will get my vote. I have enough with the ongoing increasing rent! Scomo made the house price goes up and Albo did not do anything about it! I can't believe myself having eyes on the greens and independence over my rent but this is the reality!!!>> <<@LaurensKop says : So the government brings in a ridiculous tax reduction for people to build and own multiple investment properties and then when it is proposed that this should be changed, as it has been horrendous for housing affordability, and politicians complain that we are increasing taxation..... you can't be serious.>> <<@solark2232 says : Overseas personnal shouldnt own anymore of australia. Focus on fixing our economy and power so we can all prosper.>> <<@ronnorman1409 says : As a person who had 4 rental properties, a big reason for Australia not having enough housing is because of the constant changes being made and threatened future to the tax status of a rental property. Councils charge more rates, insurance charge more insurance, banks charge more interest and the government changes the rules on what is deductible and what isn’t. Governments change the rules on the way houses can be rented, the standards that must be considered. Rental houses are presented in a manor that beats most houses that the mum and dads live in themselves. Repairs are mandated to be done by tradesmen, work like cleaning the gutters, changing lights fixing a doorknob even has to be coordinated through an agent. Take away negative gearing and you will have much less housing stock, and or you will have increased rent! The only reason a house is negatively geared is because the owner is LOSING money. If the owner can’t offset his taxes due to this loss he will get out of the game or drastically increase rent. Negative gearing is not just isolated to housing, it happens right across the investment spectrum, shares, commercial property, anything where money is borrowed, costs are incurred and the profit is less than the costs. Seriously, this is the worst government we have ever had!>> <<@goosegreen4008 says : These tax concessions for wealthy boomers are no longer sustainable. Howard introduced them in the 2000s primarily to gain votes, with little consideration for the long-term consequences. Now, the negative impacts are becoming clear.>> <<@peterbarnhoorn7879 says : Labor don't know what to do...running out of $$$..so tax more ..ffs 😑>> <<@Flamboyantostrich says : This is why your grandchildren won't speak to you anymore, sky news viewers.>> <<@lokeshsinghsyd says : Putting negative gearing to a more sustainable level is not a bad policy, e.g. no negative gearing for someone owning more than x investment properties. I don’t know why people are jumping the gun when the policy is not even tabled.>> <<@rabidsminions2079 says : Albo just sold his investment property so it won't affect him talk about good timing for himself.>> <<@chrisg8321 says : .... A rental is STILL a home being occupied... Negative gearing does nothing to increase the supply of homes, only shift more money to the taxman, which renters will never see... Rents will rise, taxes incured will rise.>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Albo is installing the socialist agenda as instructed he is by no means serving you the taxpayer. There will be Australia wide social housing as part of it>> <<@LynMurray-j1z says : Sukker is right stop foreign investment and selling our country out Vote Labor out>> <<@plutonium6280 says : Oh they have thought thru it very well.>> <<@dannyberardi5746 says : Can you see Australia have a preferred this communist government foreign investment, no taxes, but if you’re an Australian hard-working to make a life for yourself, you’re a criminal if you stand up for Australian values and principles and freedoms you’re a criminal so now every Australian every child is a criminal because they believe in Australia everything should be owned by Australians not foreign companies. There’s your answer no taxes for foreign companies hire taxes for mum and dad’s trying to make a better life for themselves and their families say no more it’s not a question of should we we must we absolutely must make this a one term government never to be seen again and be careful where your preference vote goes to because those Communist animals the green in the teals will still be around, trying to dismantle this countries freedom and democracies and prosperity wake up Australia before it’s too late, your sleep, walking straight into the gates of hell 🤔🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺 regardless, what you build weather it’s a single story or multi story, Australian should not be lambs to the slaughter in paying higher taxes compare to foreign nationals>> <<@BeReasonable-w9x says : Time period = same. Number of Hindus reduced in Bangladesh = 7x. Number of Muslims increased in India = 3x +❗️ That's Islam in action❗️>> <<@asifulzead says : Sukkar looks unhappy>> <<@nicethings2070 says : Some more porkies.>> <<@sspacegghost says : end it. its a failed policy. worked great when we were growing - we are bust - we need to pop the balloon and go back to the 50s gov home ownership strategies and try this ride again...>> <<@kkcw6668 says : Whilst the Public Sector Revenue Consuming elite expand rental property portfolio's, profit from indexation and the Private & Military sectors begin to suffer through the 6th quarter of per capita Negative growth, funding 3 levels of govt @ greater than $2.75billion every day. Wow, thats one heck of an economic strategy!>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : Lol... Even the suggestion of capping capital gain investment brings out those suffering from a greed that will never be fulfilled anyway............😭 The millionaire ....💫 😆😆😆.....no no no party votes for more more more..🤑>> <<@user-rf2el4gh5d says : Albanese selling his property portfolio just in time Australians are smelling a RAT.>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : Aaaand that’s why he’s in opposition to stay.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : A "housing minister" must be the most sought-after ministry in the Albanese government. Do nothing, but collect a thumping great salary for doing it !>> <<@john_serbia says : first>> <<@Genesis-007 says : Labor needs to be axed after becoming the enemy of the state.>>