<<@Voltaire.. says : Old Senile says something at UNGA and sends 26 billions to pissraHell????>> <<@KabiruAbdullahi-u8n says : oh u think u are the only one that has long range missiles>> <<@WilliamPriceKing says : This is going to get worse before it gets any better. Alas.>> <<@KingCarmel-y9d says : When those countries who put profit ahead of human lives, as noted by many civilians deaths and a genocide in Gaza, when hospitals schools and homes are targeted as acceptable collateral damage so that dominance and or profits can be made from military interventions, know that Satan's offspring are running the racket, of war. War is the ultimate scam of politicians. A war on civilians is the ultimate abhorrence. Genocide, an act against creation itself. An act of depravity, led by those claim to revere all life and for whom all life is sacred and equal. They are not putting their money where their mouths are ! Why not? Because for them money and power trump life itself. Every Scripture, Abrahamic Scripture that is, in the Torah, the Bible the Quran teaches against the worship of false Gods, against false ideology. The worship of money, profit as symbolised by golden statues, of self imagery. The danger in the pursuit of wealth and fame. Shallow lives of self worship. This war in the Middle east, or West Asia as referred to by some, is another showdown of the forces of Good and Evil. As such it as much a religious war, as it is a geopolitical war of global dominance. It is happening in the courts if social justice and public opinion, ie protest around the world and the vote at national levels against Governments candidates that fund and support a genocide. It is happening at international courts ie the UN, UNSC, ICC ICJ as the international abhorrence of the Genocide and the reason why , beside the geopolitical reasons why dollar de-dollarisation is about to be sped up. The USA hypocrisy about the Gaza genocide, is evident for the world to see. First by it's veto of every ceasefire agreement. Secondly because of it's ongoing delivery of weapons to Israel to continue the Genocide. There will be no recovery for the USA and or extraction from the stance it has taken on the Gaza Genocide, a free Palestinian state. It will be defeated by in its proxy war in Israel ,just as it is being knocked down to size in Ukraine. But it will be the loss of the value of the dollar that will bring the USA to it's knees. That too is happening. A new gold standard will rise. The worship of the mighty dollar is coming to an end. Other pre-eminent economic or military powers arise that value life. With it comes a power shift and a reset of systems and institutions. Change happens. Change like life, is inevitable.>> <<@SomaliMaxamed-w9g says : Viva Palestine. Viva hezbuallah>> <<@RasCarby says : Every day life when gaza is flatten not fair usa should shut therir mouth us is the culprit shame on usa>> <<@SherifSheha says : It didnt reach Tel Aviz, it was knocked off way out! Israel is protected by God.>> <<@UsseneChishte says : Zero impact>> <<@randyscrafts8575 says : If Biden would stop feeding Israel supplies this would be over in less than a week.>> <<@Codeblauananas says : War is horrible. Sigh.>>