<<@kellypatterson4412 says : The GOPs campaign of alienating all women is going swimmingly.>> <<@FlyingMedic92 says : I expect nothing less from Republicans. Its who they are its all they know how to do...show how nasty of a person they each are. They care absolutely nothing about anyone but them selves. One track mind and only see the world how they want to see the world, not how everyone sees the world.>> <<@robertogandara6784 says : Not a topic a man could disguise>> <<@treciamusic509 says : And meryln streep is speaking on womens rights in other countries. Meanwhile, in America, your government representatives is saying things like this.>> <<@veronicamitchell7423 says : this is what yall asked for, constant red party degradation. YOU ASKED FOR IT...>> <<@melissaschloneger9902 says : Jackass>> <<@rosiewalker2455 says : It's perfectly clear how much he cares about women and issues that are important to them. Suburban women can vote how ever they want and even on a single issue, such as abortion! Voting straight Democratic ticket in November. There is nothing funny about his comment!>> <<@Stocksandstitches says : And women actually laughed 🤢>> <<@seymourbutts4654 says : Republicans are attacking a woman's freedom to chose their own destiny. The agenda they have in store for them has nothing to do with liberty.>> <<@jessicaheger1880 says : If it's not an issue for women unable to get pregnant then it's not an issue for men unable to get pregnant. By that logic, only women with a functioning womb should be voting on this. They overwhelmingly vote for choice, BTW. 💙>> <<@hollynivy3769 says : He has no idea about the female reproductive system, eggs, and menopause.>> <<@beebee2731 says : So if you graduated from school, then there's no reason to care about school shootings.>> <<@chha6439 says : Boy if this guy is a real tool. I say quit messing with when they let them do with their bodies what they want to do with their bodies it’s nobody else’s business. I’m a man, but I’ll be down if anybody’s gonna tell me what to do with my body and they shouldn’t tell no woman to do anything with hers soRepublicans out there, barking up the tree because you>> <<@bobsinhav says : Abolish the suburbs!>> <<@sashasabbeth6836 says : Contraversial does not even come close to aptly describing his despicable, stupid (actually) message and comments.>> <<@theoriginalnewtboy says : Sadly, by the way, there are a lot of suburban men who bring up abortion as an issue, but since not one of them will ever have one, I don’t think it’s an issue for them, over or under 50. Idiots never think their arguments through. If abortion isn’t an issue for women over 50 because they aren’t likely to have one, it is never an issue men should have a say in period. Derp!>> <<@deborahmcnally7873 says : I'm of the generation that fought hard for women's rights and equality in the 70s. We fought the prejudice of entering male dominated employment fields. We were the first generation of women able to have bank accounts and credit cards in our own names, or able to apply for a home mortgage without a male signee. We were the first to have autonomy over our own bodies with availability of birth control pills and yes, abortion, if We deemed necessary. I fought too hard and put up with too much crap then from misogynistic men to now see my granddaughters have Less freedoms than I had. Ño. We are Not going back!>> <<@emilywikner6900 says : What really gets me about this comment is that a lot of Republican voters in the past were single issue voters because they wanted to overturn Roe v. Wade, but when the tables are turned suddenly single-issue voting is shallow.>> <<@James_Doyle83 says : Yet republicans don't do anything about guns that kills kids what hypocrites they are>> <<@Tfontaine209 says : And the women laughing afterwards so disgraceful>> <<@zoeemiko8149 says : Women over 50 have daughters and granddaughters! THAT's their concern! What a stupid idiot he is. That was no tongue in cheek joke.>> <<@Grace-z9k3u says : Abortion isn't primarily to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Women aren't these creatures who want it on to demand like food delivery. His rhetoric is totally unhinged from reality and he's s practically punching air.>> <<@krober147 says : I'm a man and I'm offended for women all over the country. How can you be so stupid? This is nothing to joke about.>> <<@Dr.HLecter says : Why most people don't watch CNN, it's Fox.>> <<@jaygibson5057 says : 325, 000 missing children>> <<@corvidsRcool says : Well, what he doesn't know is that some women over 50 can still get pregnant and they are the ones at most risk and in need of abortion availability. Guess he's never heard of a "change of life baby". LOL Idiot.>> <<@Plumtactular says : My grandmother had my mother at 53 and my mom was 49 when I was born and I have a younger sister and brother. All that hate speech is always a "Joke!" But none of them can take joke.>> <<@beck1365 says : I’m not a single issue voter but reproductive rights is definitely in my top 3 most important issues this year>> <<@juanfuerte161 says : Vote these misogynists out.>> <<@rgrif777 says : Okay. It was a joke. So don't listen to him if you are over 50 and vote against Moreno.>> <<@carlamarlene2927 says : Im over 50 and hes right, i dont need to worry about getting an abortion. BUT i have NO right telling anybody what to do with their body. And its not the only issue i consider. I care ALOT about child hunger and the shelter insecure, roads and bridges working efficiently, affordable prescription drugs, quality skilled labor.>> <<@PrayerWarrior555 says : Prolifers are not against women's rights, more lies, they just want rights for the unborn women. Why can't the truth come out? Why do old women tell young women to have sex and to selfishly abort their child instead of putting them up for adoption. Many women are scarred for the rest of their life from aborting their baby. Shame! Repent from destroying babies.>> <<@kathleenfullerton2873 says : Some women over 50 still care about others much the way men think they can take it upon themselves to know what’s best for 50 % of the population. This ninny should stay in his own lane.>> <<@nghtwtchrkc971 says : How is her neck bigger than her head?>> <<@rainbeauxunicorn5237 says : What’s with politicians making jokes about serious topics. These abortion bans are killing women. So who cares if he thinks over 50 women don’t need to “worry” about that. If he doesn’t know women in their 50s are having children, then he doesn’t deserve to be in office.>> <<@michellejessup6618 says : I'm 55 And I care Tremendously about abortion rights For my nieces and for other women I will be VOTING accordingly ♀️💙🗳💙♀️>> <<@Chad_is_Who_Chad_Does says : Bernie Morono>> <<@Nevernowaynope says : What a pig>> <<@xxx-il9dv says : Yes, I am a single issue voter and I am 65. Women have less rights now than when I was 16! Vote this a$$hole out of office.!>> <<@ClubberLang-k9k says : Vote FOR BETTER CHOICES THAN THIS GUY>> <<@Mindblown63 says : There is No Joke With Abortion SkFk>> <<@barbaraquick4708 says : It is an issue for my daughter and my nieces. The right to privacy was fought for by my great grand mothers, so I want privacy for my descendents. Keep you mind out of our pants.>> <<@BigJ57 says : Diiiiick!>> <<@richard1472 says : Step one: say something stupid. Step two: If that doesn't poll well, say you were joking.>> <<@Tam-I-Am says : Those women over 50 fought for the very rights this azzhat is taking away. Seems the Republican party needs a firm reminder in November, that childless cat ladies and women over 50 turn out the VOTE! The divisive rhetoric and their condescending treatment of women has got to STOP! Swing state women need to step up and vote them out.>> <<@wilfriedholscher7029 says : Disgusting and mysogenistic>> <<@whitetail229 says : What about all the Democrat Men? Can they still get abortions after 50?>> <<@SarinaSazi says : 50+ women have daughters and we will vote for their rights.>> <<@BlackberryTitties says : The funny thing is that he is talking about 50 year old women who he says don’t need an abortion… what about him as a man??? He can’t even relate to it at all!!!>> <<@andyanderson3628 says : Nothing like having a man explain your own reproductive options.>>