<<@cynthiacrapster6877 says : Man made weather events.>> <<@johnbroderick9512 says : “The best way to prepare for a hurricane is to get your self vaccinated “. Yes sleepy Joe uttered that nonsense>> <<@Dr.HLecter says : Why most people don't watch CNN, it's Fox.>> <<@TheShedHuntingDogs says : “What if we nuked a hurricane ? That would make it disappear right ?”- some moron in mar a largo>> <<@333-hyt says : I found the most Through Research, Fact Check on YouTube for the truth seekers, warning this is not for people who don't want the actual truth, the emotionally bent or mentally Deranged(Amir Odom," Debunking The Biggest Lie's Told about Trump) For the intelligent and common sense people>> <<@omaramoo1509 says : LOVE GOD only' keep racism strong the EVIL it will be with the EVIL you must love your brothers and sisters we all come from the same GOD will always protect his children>> <<@somethingbig3797 says : After living 39 years in Florida, I was finally able to get out 2 years ago and head to the middle of the Rockies. I do not miss any of this. I'll take the risk of wildfire and 6 feet of snow over having to hold my breath every year from August to November. I left Florida right after Ian hit and flooded my dad's entire neighborhood. I was so done.>> <<@gregferguson2398 says : Its government and democrats>> <<@dannywitt6932 says : Report on the destruction in Philly caused by polacies of this administration.>> <<@THIP-vq7sg says : Diaper Don please save Florida with your magic sharpie>> <<@josephsonora3787 says : LUCKILY FL0RIDA HAS A GREAT GOVERNOR BECAUSE THIS CURRENT D0 N0THING ADMIN WILL D0 N0THING T0 HELP.>> <<@bbouchan1 says : This is all Trump's fault!!!>> <<@SB-ju4yf says : You should ask stable Genius Trump for a more precise prediction. 😂>> <<@ziff1066 says : If we only had more money to fight climate change we could have stopped this hurricane 😊>> <<@Mr.White10-65 says : You have to be a special kind of glass-licker to cheer for a hurricane just because you don't like the governor of a state.>> <<@Don-OLDandJDareWEIRD says : I don't want my tax money going to help republiqans that wont get out of the way when warned about a devastating storm>> <<@fransainsbury says : Near Mar A Lago? Trump wants more shoreline?Curious?>> <<@DypoMage says : hahahahahaha!>> <<@WhiteDudes4Kamala says : Boy TDS flares up at the first sight of any news story 😂>> <<@enmanuelrosado5500 says : Hope everyone is safe and am really scared 😰❤>> <<@abvevo6406 says : Block party time! 🥳>> <<@buckbenelli8 says : Time to defund NOAA , project 2025….. right?>> <<@michaelseibold9977 says : We're all gonna die!>> <<@Puzekat2 says : Typhoons are more intense and after the ones that just hit Vietnam, China and other countries with winds of 180 miles an hour, people were riding their electric bikes in it. Why do we go so extreme, says this Tampa Florida resident?>> <<@southerncross5360 says : Watching from upstate South Carolina where this storm is going to be a doozy at best. Something about this area 50 miles east of Asheville east of the mountains gets hit hard by these storms. As of this morning we're expecting winds and heavy rain up to one foot by the time the storm passes through. This area is known for dangerous flooding and the low pressure moving in from the west today means the rain will start in this area as early as this afternoon/evening. We received 16 inches of rain in August of 1995 from tropical storm Jerry, one of the many storms that has devastated this area. Hopefully this storm moves fast and doesn't stall. Be safe everyone!>> <<@D0mie7 says : This network is garbage 😂>> <<@robmorris548 says : DONALD TRUMP SHOULD BRING OUT HIS SHARPE TO REDIRECT THAT STORM!!!!>> <<@christinacascadilla4473 says : Hello, we have nothing to tell you other than the obvious for 4 minutes and 30 seconds.>> <<@dstarrII8442 says : What's that thing that is it real oh yeah global warning!>> <<@edysmith9758 says : Even the skies are gray in Texas . It's coming.>> <<@edysmith9758 says : It's coming.>> <<@bethwatters3885 says : CNN you have lost me forever. Your “fact checking” is atrocious and leaves out any context. To say Walz was lying about Trump/vance suggesting oversight of pregnancies on a government level is wrong! They have suggested this-a way to monitor women and what they do once pregnant. I am so DONE with you CNN 👋>> <<@Cam-LTowing-qz3cu says : At this point. If I lived in Florida. Which I never would I would build a nice source container house or compound so when hurricanes come through, you can just close the hatches and survive it.>> <<@miamidolphinsfan says : 2 hurricane hunter planes, that tells you how serious the National Hurricane Center is taking this. I'm sure the NHC Director has had a telephone call or 2 with The President>> <<@AbuBaket-o3d says : غزة والفلسطينيين بلد منكوب يواجه المحرقة والإبادة الجماعية والكارثة العظمى وينتشر فيه الأمراض والجدري وشلل الأطفال والأمراض الجلدية والمعدية وذلك لتعرضه للتدمير وتدمير كل شيء وتدمير شبكة الصرف الصحي مما أدى إلى انتشار الصرف الصحي على وجه الارض وبين البيوت وبالقرب من مأوى الناس مماأدى إلى انتشار الأمراض والجدري وشلل الأطفال والأمراض الجلدية والمعدية>> <<@stanislavkolacny609 says : How dare You do this: CNN Caught Fabricating Quote To Smear Rashida Tlaib & Criticize Gov. Whitmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg2MkjpnwxU>> <<@AbuBaket-o3d says : غزة والفلسطينيين بلد منكوب يواجه المحرقة والإبادة الجماعية والكارثة العظمى وينتشر فيه الأمراض والجدري وشلل الأطفال والأمراض الجلدية والمعدية وذلك لتعرضه للتدمير وتدمير كل شيء وتدمير شبكة الصرف الصحي مما أدى إلى انتشار الصرف الصحي على وجه الارض وبين البيوت وبالقرب من مأوى الناس مماأدى إلى انتشار الأمراض والجدري وشلل الأطفال والأمراض الجلدية والمعدية>> <<@AbuBaket-o3d says : غزة بلد منكوب يواجه المحرقة والإبادة الجماعية والكارثة العظمى>> <<@AbuBaket-o3d says : غزة بلد منكوب يواجه المحرقة والإبادة الجماعية والكارثة العظمى>> <<@AbuBaket-o3d says : أوقفوا المحرقة والإبادة الجماعية والكارثة العظمى على الأطفال والنساء والرجال الفلسطينيين الآن اليوم>> <<@AbuBaket-o3d says : أوقفوا المحرقة والإبادة الجماعية والكارثة العظمى على الأطفال والنساء والرجال الفلسطينيين الآن اليوم>> <<@anthonyszkotak9645 says : We can't take more hurricanes at the moment>> <<@tamhiker1 says : Remember - Trump wants to eliminate the governmental agency that provides this weather info.>> <<@Artist-h6c says : Inform your viewers that the Russian Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft has returned an American woman, NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson, back to Earth. Once again, NASA cannot do without the help of Roscosmos)))>> <<@lizharless6972 says : What are the chances it veers east? Im in Coastal NC , heading to Charlotte tomorrow.>> <<@Foxyfreedom says : How did he pronounce mexicos peninsula?>> <<@КампусСамбеквел says : Газлукта гумалфа куклинка псутка гамбулза фидаграт скотка гаркакос фигкта...>> <<@adlihkristopher2906 says : Praying for everyone safety in the path of this storm 🙏>> <<@КампусСамбеквел says : Лартака сток бунданка рок 👍 фияркута бонза бугазотка фиюрка тутка сияние бухта...>> <<@Fajah69 says : While Trump's Insurance buddies keep jacking up the premiums and getting corporate tax cuts. C'mon Florida, do your own research (as they always say).>>