<<@kimcissell1905 says : Elon Musks twitter files proved that Americans lost their freedom of speech. The censorship is real.>> <<@JustinSyd says : Government is suppose to be by the people and for the people. Elections are suppose to be the voice of the people not hand picked politicians by other politicians or corporations. American know this and so do Australians and people in the UK.!! This is always how it is suppose to be, otherwise over time you just get big business that more and more bribes and "donates" to politicians and you get crazy lobby groups that bribe politicians and then you have politicians that ignore the people and say that popularism or the people's vote does not matter and selected politicians should be in power only. Then why have elections?? NO we all know what is wrong and it is when politicians are selected by other politicians or corporations or lobby groups.>> <<@GilmerJohn says : It's foolish to "trust" a media which has lied & lied & lied. Folks will individually find sources they find more or less acceptable. Permits the "acceptable" ones with thrive and the FAKE NEWS places will either change or go out of business.>> <<@ahveetsoor says : It's the experts that got everything screwed up>> <<@readyorknot2344 says : Why should we trust the media, just like no one trusts politicians, They need to be scrutisied to the nth degree.>> <<@readyorknot2344 says : Chinese EVs are a bit like Giant israelli pagers... If you know what I mean>> <<@frankrizzo5262 says : Rember that time any senator asked a civilian what they wanted …. Unless it’s helping chicks to kill their kids they represent no one but the illegals, the future workers and better Americans that don’t mind having kids while they are so dirt poor they have to fleee from their own country to destroy yours . Oh well, money grows on trees, magic money printer goes burr for everyone else but you>> <<@dmarshall8366 says : Trump is going to lose and Sky Murdochs propaganda channel days are numbered too.>>