<<@jamesstrayer1118 says : Vance is seriously proving his mettle.>> <<@robertgray323 says : TRUMP is project 2025. Bidens. Has created 2x as many jobs as Trump>> <<@kevinbauer9344 says : VOTE for CHANGE !!🙏🏻>> <<@laurac.desanchez8695 says : He is sooooo smart. God bless you sir!!!!❤️>> <<@paulbaratta1566 says : Weirdo>> <<@Sunnytrailrunner says : WHO LOVES JD❓WE DO‼️‼️He’s SO intelligent & articulate❗️🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@JimHabash says : JD Vance and Trump LOVE Russia . When s the last time Americans loved Russia? NEVER.>> <<@greenpugcactus3143 says : JD Vance suffers from mental illness. He has changed his name and personality at least three times. Don’t buy what he is selling. He will turn on you like he did the Appalachian hillbilly and the legal immigrants b>> <<@juliebrewer5895 says : He isn't afraid of anyone! Go, ❤JD!>> <<@grantasia7061 says : JD Vance for VP and future President of the US.>> <<@wattyoudid-c9v says : So many lies. The decision to ship jobs to China was made by his billionaire backers to make more money, because they did not want to pay US union wages. They also got away with not paying taxes to the US by paying cheaper overseas taxes.>> <<@sharelejohnson6587 says : Vance, your the BEST!! I don't really see any thing will have to be done, it all speaks for its self..."as my aunt Julia would say, IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!!!!'..>> <<@sharelejohnson6587 says : hes got it, and Harris is beginning to realize who she is messing with, and she is not going to get away with this, and she will have to pay for what she is doing, like we all have to, and going down the wrong rode when you know better, she is finding WE know better,, Trump...>> <<@maryharris1956 says : If we don't deport these peoole our wildlife will disappear.>> <<@dennisbanks1606 says : SKAMALA IS CRIMINALIZING AMERICA... SHE'S THE PROSECUTOR IN CHIEF!>> <<@oluwadareajibola2151 says : This guy is a genius. Even ten times more intelligent than word salad Kamala>> <<@nadinerobertson6388 says : Thnk God for DJT AND JD VANCE. You both are working for making America great as God wants that as He gave America his blessings. Keep up your great work and then we will have a great nation once again>> <<@KH_FYM says : Hey JD, the reason that us companies move jobs overseas is because billionaires like your butt boy Donnie don't want to pay American workers what they're worth. You didn't take economics or pay attention in class did you?>> <<@marybeberstein4336 says : Trump and Vance 2024>> <<@ashleyligenzowski2192 says : Love Michigan peeps ! Trump 2024>> <<@jeffrunyon7032 says : Thank you JD Vance!>> <<@jeffreygura8171 says : President Trump already had two debates. JD Vance will have one debate. That's it. That reporter should have asked an actual important question.>> <<@Charles-n4j says : Don't worry I'm going to trust Harris>> <<@kevinoles7350 says : Great VP pick!>> <<@JudithThykrSrensen says : You must love this man.>> <<@lasersbee says : Compared to Incompetent Useless VP Border Czar Word Salad Kamala...... VP JD Vance is King....... I can't wait for Trump/Vance to win the November Presidential Election by a landslide and get rid of all this Corrupt Woke Criminal Democrat Biden/Harris near 4 year BS Train Wreck and get back to a NORMAL America.>> <<@emilyragan5962 says : God bless Vance!>> <<@sallydeming says : Not even a man.... Lie and sell his soul for being a Vice President and what a dummy.>> <<@edwardpatterson7609 says : Women must stay with the men that beat them jd vance>> <<@El_Camello509 says : Jd the worse vice presidential candidate Trump should of chose someone better>> <<@FlipperKelly says : Harris 2024 & 2028 🇺🇸💙💪🏼💋>> <<@peterlegg7456 says : Don't be complacent. Get your family and friends together and go vote as soon as possible. Too big to rig.>> <<@wordnerd2005 says : ASSUMING TRUMP WINS , I WOULD LOVE TO SEE VANCE , TULSI , VIVEK , OR DONALDS TO PROCEED TRUMP IN 2028. I WANT THIS COUNTRY TO SUCCEED LONG AFTER I'VE PASSED. I HOPE THIS COUNTRY TURNS AWAY FROM CHAOS , ANARCHY , AND COMMUNISM. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE US BECOME THE MANUFACTURING GIANT IN A SAFE COUNTRY AND WORLD. A MERITOCRACY WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. I'M SICK OF CORRUPTION. I WANT A FAIR AND JUST COURT SYSTEM. I DON'T WANT TO PAY TAXES TO CORRUPT POLITICIANS AND AN EDUCATION SYSTEM THAT FAILS US. SOUTH KOREA PROVIDES AN EXPONENTIALLY BETTER EDUCATION AT 1/10 OF THE COST. I NEVER WANT ANOTHER CANDIDATE THAT FAILS THE BAR EXAM AND TELLS BLATANT LIES ABOUT WORKING AT MCDONALD'S. WE HAVE THE GREATEST RESOURCES. THE BEST MINDS, THE MOST PHYSICALLY GIFTED ATHLETES AND OUR CHILDREN DON'T NEED TO LIVE IN A DUMPSTER BECAUSE WE HAVE 1% OF THIS POPULATION DIVIDING US FOR THEIR FINANCIAL GAIN AND HATRED OF OUR NATUON. IT'S NOT KAMALA'S FAULT. SHE IS MERELY A PAWN OF A WELL FINANCED ENTITY INTENT ON DESTROYING THIS NATION. ANYONE WITH CONNON SENSE KNOWS SHE WOULD STRUGGLE TO PASS THE GED. I DON'T CARE YOUR RACE CREED ETC. WE HAVE GOT TO PULL THIS COUNTRY UP BY THE BOOTSRAPS AND FIX THIS NONSENSE. ITS COMMON SENSE.>> <<@yourfate2221 says : 1of6 _Trump’s Claims About Crime Spikes Are False, New FBI Report Shows_ September 23, 2024 The new article was published by _HUFFPOST._ Just days after former President Donald Trump proclaimed on Truth Social that women “are less safe on the streets than they were four years ago,” the FBI on Monday released a crime report stating that violent crimes, including murd*r and r@pe, plummeted in 2023. The report found that national violent crime decreased roughly 3% in 2023 compared to 2022, and that murd*r and non-negligent manslaughter were down 11.6% overall compared to the previous year. The agency also reported that in 2023 alone, the number of r@pe offenses saw a drop-off of 9.4%. Aggravated assault decreased an estimated 2.8% last year, and robberies were down 0.3% nationally. The Justice Department said in June that 2024 is on track to see a “historic decline in violent crime” compared to recent years. In the first quarter of 2024, for example, Attorney General Merrick Garland said violent crime in America dipped by more than 15% compared to the same quarter in 2023.>> <<@yourfate2221 says : 2of6 Murd*r rates in 2024 have also dropped by over 26% compared to this same period last year. Trump, however, has made crime and matters of border security a key plank in his 2024 presidential run. “All over the world crime is down — all over the world, except here,” he claimed during the debate against Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, earlier this month. When debate moderator David Muir fact-checked Trump on the issue, Trump called the FBI’s quarterly crime report from June — which found that in the first three months of 2024, violent crime was down 15% compared to the same period last year, and murd*r was down by over 26% — a “fr@ud.” Trump, who was found guilty and convicted of 34 felony counts in May for falsifying business records in order to cover up his affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels, has regularly insisted that immigrants and asylum seekers are responsible for supposed increases in crime and violence. But since 1960 ― according to a report by the _National Bureau of Economic Research_ released in 2023 and revised in March 2024 ― *immigrants and asylum seekers have been found to be 60% less likely to be incarcerated than all U.S.-born men, and 30% less likely to be incarcerated relative to white U.S.-born men.*>> <<@yourfate2221 says : 3of6 Ames Grawert, senior counsel for the Justice Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, told HuffPost on Monday that falsifications of crime statistics isn’t just bad form from politicians eager to generate buzz. “Data informs not just how policymakers react to crime but how members of the public perceive their communities and daily lives,” Grawert said. “It becomes much harder to understand what challenges our communities actually face, and to devise smart, timely solutions to those problems, when our leaders unreasonably question the reliability of government data.” The new FBI report draws data from law enforcement agencies across the U.S., and although not every police force in the nation responds to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, some 16,000 entities do. They include various state, county, city, university and college, and tribal agencies. According to the FBI, the participating bodies cover 94.3% of all Americans, or roughly 316 million people.>> <<@yourfate2221 says : 4of6 In a statement responding to the FBI report Monday, President Joe Biden took some credit for the decline in violent crimes. “When Vice President Harris and I took office, our nation had just seen the highest increase in murders ever recorded under the previous Administration,” the president said. “Immediately, we got to work ― passing the American Rescue Plan that led to the largest ever federal investment in public safety. Today, new data submitted to the FBI confirms again that Americans are safer than when we took office.” Harris also touted the achievements of the American Rescue Plan while noting that “every single Republican in Congress voted against [it].” That bill, she said, delivered over $15 billion to cities and states to “fund public safety and violence prevention strategies, hiring and keeping police officers on the beat while investing in community violence intervention and taking other critical steps to keep our families safe.” “Americans are safer now than when we took office. Last year, we saw the largest ever one-year decrease in the homicide rate, which now stands 16% below its 2020 level,” Harris said in a statement.>> <<@yourfate2221 says : 5of6 *“Violent crime is at a near 50-year low.* Our progress is continuing this year and builds on substantial decreases during the previous years of our administration.” Biden and Harris both said efforts to lower crime should continue into 2025 and beyond. In particular, the president called on Congress to act on his proposed ban on a$$ault weapons. Biden called for the ban’s passage after a mass sh00ting at a grade school in Nashville, Tennessee, last year, and brought it up again after the assassination attempt on Trump in July. But Democrats haven’t been able to shore up the votes needed to pass the measure, as Republicans have claimed that the issue is not guns but rather mental health crises or lapses in security by the Secret Service agents tasked to protect Trump.>> <<@yourfate2221 says : 6of6 Biden also called for a new round of investment in police forces, which would fund an additional 100,000 police officers nationwide and make for a “strong” Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, he said. Even as the Biden administration requests more police funding, it has been unable to move the needle on policy aimed at protecting Americans of color. As _HuffPost_ reported in May, the president urged Congress to act on the *George Floyd Justice in Policing Act,_ a police reform bill, on the fourth anniversary of George Floyd’s murd*r. It was first introduced in 2021. The legislation proposes narrowing qualified immunity for police officers committing violence, placing restrictions on chokeholds and no-knock warrants, and creating a database to track police misconduct nationwide.>> <<@noregrets8481 says : There is a reason that JD Vance has a moonpie no-masculine-facial-definition face, *NO lower harmonics in its voice,* walks like a girl been boned a million times,>> <<@noregrets8481 says : *is cursed and infected to wear the pasty WASP-Skin-Disease [WSD];* just like: James Comer (R-KY), *Greg Abbott,* and Lindsey Graham. Since 1951 the Ku Klux Klan's sperm-count has fallen 61% and continues to fall to *ZERO.* So that it goes extinct by the year 2050.>> <<@MichaelVance-el5mz says : I love trump and Vance🇺🇸💯⚔️🔥>> <<@RG-vc9nn says : I'M A AIRFORCE FIGHTER PILOT AND TRUMP AND JD VANCE ARE CAUSING INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS WITH IRAN AND THE MILITARY DOESN'T RESPECT THOSE WHO PUT SOLDIERS LIFE AT RISK , PERIOD!!! TRUMP ISN'T FIT TO LEAD THE UNITED STATES AND THE MILITARY. TRUMP IS CAUSING CHAOS!! NO LEADER AROUMD THE WORLD RESPECTS TRUMP . CIVILIANS DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENS BEHIND CLOSE DOORS AROUND THE WORLD. TRUMP CAUSES CHAOS AND TRUMP MIGHT CAUSE A WAR . TRUMP NEEDS TO BACK DOWN OR GO TO PRISON.>> <<@davesdetail906 says : He's a liar just like tRump!>> <<@montanadan2524 says : “I don’t believe him, I don’t not believe him” Vance’s comment relating to disgraced NC Gov candidate.>> <<@KB-sv7fm says : Trumpism is not Conservatism.>> <<@otiskortzii442 says : We need to encourage our neighbors who are on welfare to get off welfare and get a job so this country can be strong again>> <<@DavidBauer-iv9yw says : V. P. J.D. VANCE GREAT SPEECH FOR FREEDOM>> <<@dyanpaintedlady says : AZ VOTING FOR TRUMP /VANCE‼️👊🙏🏽❤️🇺🇸🙏🏽❤️🇺🇸👏>> <<@dyanpaintedlady says : ABSOLUTELY 👍🏽 ❤🇺🇸🙏🏽👏🇺🇸🇺🇸👊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>>