<<@PolishUser says : Cuban is right in some way. Bernie is not a democrats, he is an independent who wants the best for the people. Trump is not a Republican he is a Patriot.>> <<@AbiramMartinez says : Kamala Harris has never presented me with a solid and consistent economic plan. I will not vote for her. I think we need economics more than ideology.>> <<@XqQofjHLUnU says : Been in the race 45 days,but been in white house for 4 years>> <<@ebok33643 says : Trump says he is going to raise tax revenue using Tariffs. Tarrifs are often retaliated by counter tariffs. What does that do to (1) raising revenue (2) selling US products overseas? US products equally become less competitive. Less competitive products either die (job losses) or needs to cut costs (lower wages) to make it competitive. THATS NOT HOW YOU MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN>> <<@ElizabethBright-c9b says : How can she cut taxes when she just said there was no choice but raise taxes to pay for everything she wants to do! So which is it?? She wants to work with you??, don't believe that she wants to make you give all employees profit sharing, for big business that can afford that already do that, mark your a fool she wants price control she said it we all heard her!!! Trump is not a socialist and I for one wont be watching shark tank anymore!!!! You are crazy if you want kamala to be our president she's had almost 4yrs and all she did is destroy this country and our life's and there are a lot of people that are done with her and this administration its time to move on, and take our country, and our House back!!!!!>> <<@Boostmobile-m2r says : Cuban is a Ass !>> <<@AlAl-y7u says : MICHIGAN for DONALD J TRUMP, 2024...>> <<@shanebrooks1257 says : Comparing Trump to Bernie is helpful to Trump--not a good tactic for Democrats! Bernie is wildly popular among young people.>> <<@ahmedsowelem494 says : Screw Tapper. Get this biased idiot off the air. Or air the Tlaib interview.>> <<@altonmassson says : Jake Tapper is so biased against VP. He know's she's not struggling on the economy and she has closed the gap and moving in the right direction.>> <<@jeffturner5330 says : Cuban is a fool. She is completely incompetent. Go dribble Cuban.>> <<@benkeel2966 says : Trump Vance 24❤ Im a Democrap voting for Donald Trump❤>> <<@benkeel2966 says : Cuban is an infant idealogue😢>> <<@benkeel2966 says : Cuban is a liar and a fraud. Trump Vance 24❤>> <<@0doubledseven589 says : Gavin Newsome just signed into law a Bill that will make the tax payers pay for illegal aliens unemployment.>> <<@ranjitsaran8852 says : why did not she do for last 4 years or even now>> <<@khaledalsaud289 says : Mark Cuban has become a microphone for Kamala Harris.>> <<@MichaelGeneSullivan says : While It's always a credit to anyone's intelligence that they see through the fraud of Mr. Trump I have to say - Mark Cuban has no idea what Socialism is. Trump is a CEO who wants to be an autocrat. That's not Socialism. Tump wants to enrich those at the very top. That's not Socialism. Trump wants unregulated Capitalism. That's not Socialism. Socialism is when the Workers control the means of production - when those who actually create the wealth of the nation benefit from it first rather than being trickled down on, and when they or their elected representatives run a government of, by, and for the Working People. Have leaders promised Socialism but instead delivered authoritarianism? Yes, just as others have promised Capitalism, but delivered dictatorship. I think Mr. Cuban, when it comes to defining Socialism, should talk to an actual Socialist, because actual Socialists despise Mr. Trump and the Capitalist authoritarianism he stands for.>> <<@SteveMeade-mq6mv says : You forgot one Mark, there will be other plandemics.>> <<@SteveMeade-mq6mv says : One world Order is what Crypto is all about.>> <<@SteveMeade-mq6mv says : Cuban is a communist just like Harris and Walz.>> <<@SteveMeade-mq6mv says : The ones that own the skyscrapers give jobs to everyone below them. Harris is a communist thinking person along with most of the left.>> <<@edwardchavarro5291 says : 🤡🤡🤡for Kamala is more important the immigration. She has been paying for them, ✅ free health care benefits ✅free housing ✅free education ✅free everything, ✅free groceries ✅and they are eating the cats eating the dogs And Kamala is using American tax dollars 👎👎👎👎👎>> <<@edwardchavarro5291 says : 🤡🤡🤡for Kamala is more important the immigration She has been paying for them, ✅ free health care benefits ✅free housing ✅free groceries ✅free education ✅free everything, And Kamala is using American tax dollars 👎👎👎👎👎>> <<@edwardchavarro5291 says : 🤡🤡🤡how stupid you have to be to vote for the person like Kamala has everything so expensive, 👎👎👎>> <<@edwardchavarro5291 says : 🤡🤡🤡hellooooo Kamala all the United States is complaining about the high prices on everything in your last 3 1/2 years, Kamala you are responsible for the inflation, not to mantion all the wars is going on right now that you created, plus th the 13 soldiers you killed in Afghanistan’s, America had enough of Kamala we can’t have 4 more years of Kamala 👎👎👎👎👎👎>> <<@CDogg- says : This opens with Kamala dissing billionaire building owners and defending floor moppers. What's Mark Cuban?>> <<@Skycity-th7cs says : 🎭https://youtu.be/5YTZSG2V0pw?si=OaHsGmRrf5MI9aHy>> <<@ginnoautotalk110 says : Trump 2024!! The economy was great when he was president and the world was more peaceful.>> <<@kellihammond4956 says : She is no Mark Cuban.>> <<@tiboregoldberger6817 says : The Brilliant Brilliant Donald Trump is the Love the Peace the Hope the Truth the Light the Way for America and the World 😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩>> <<@ThereseMurphy-q3t says : Thanks for correctly calling Trump the communist he is (see origins of hateful American communism nonsense after civil war!) and correctly distinguishing between price-control and price-gouging. Also, Repubs favor socialism for the ultra-wealthy and since Reagan, as result of epic failures of reaganomics- have redistributed trillions in wealth from lower 50% of population to top 1-3% AND redistribute wealth from Blue states to red states!>> <<@davids2cents594 says : to anyone that doesnt understand how it works. that 200% tariff john deer would up the selling price to cover that 200%. so it would hurt farmers. then the farmers have to up their price of foods to us to make up for the extra money they spent on jhon deer. so that one tariff will effect everyone. so if you vote for trump food prices will go up>> <<@kentam5361 says : Trump economy was a joke. Interest rates were next to nothing. You could not make any money in your savings accounts. He also made everything more difficult to attain. Those who think trump economy was good are delusional.>> <<@helenmayberry6010 says : Thanks Marc for shutting up that jake the snake>> <<@davidgeiszler4764 says : Jake and Dana u r not a journalist, u both should b Fired>> <<@glendatrujillo9274 says : I was so much better under Trump from a formal democrat. I trust Trump Not Kamala.>> <<@SnowTiger45 says : The ONLY Reason so many people believe Donald CHUMP would do better on the economy when Statistical FACTS clearly show otherwise, is because BS News Agencies like Fox and CNN do NOT provide the Truth, let alone ALL of the Truth. Donald Chump took a booming economy that OBAMA created after a Global Market Crash resulting from Bush/Cheney, and KILLED IT. Chump's economy was in decline Before Covid. That's a FACT. Chump is NOT a Successful Business Man. Chump is a LIAR. USA cannot afford to go Bankrupt at the hands of a guy who has squandered $BILLIONS of dollars and had multiple Bankruptcies. That is NOT a Good Businessman. Furthermore, it takes more than business sense to run a country but I'm not wasting my time spelling that fact out. All I know is IF the likes of CNN would actually Stick to the TRUTH, jerk-offs like Chump would NOT have a favourable record on the economy. Thanks for the Nothing-Burger CNN pukes out every day, leaving people more stupid than when they started watching CNN news each day.>> <<@stubarnum7344 says : I guess Mark Cuban is not affected by the open border. He probably does not have to walk past tent cities riding on limos.>> <<@patrickmorgan6046 says : She has to go in Republican States like Texas ,Florida Alabama and Kentucky for she to get more recognition>> <<@stevelong-rr7re says : Biden Harris inflation has decimated the working class and bringing in millions of illegal alien workers will only make worse by stagnating or lowering wages for working class americans>> <<@stevelong-rr7re says : Word salad economics 🤣😂🤣😂🤣>> <<@stevelong-rr7re says : Word salad economics 🤣😂🤣😂🤣>> <<@rayalvarez7247 says : White nationalist. That's how I'll always see DonOld and his enablers. The clown is just out for himself and they know it. Sad.>> <<@andrewkeshan8649 says : Cuban is the biggest gaslighter of all time>> <<@rockoleenchz says : Jake tapper is a liar and should outright apologize to Rashida talib for the lie he created about her making a racist statement. His obviously bias for Israel is too blatant to ignore. He is disqualified from reporting on the Middle East.>> <<@Rugbyfan2011 says : Double the apprenticeships, ok, I'm listening if I'm a father of young men.>> <<@modoujallow4292 says : CNN is having some tough time destroying Trump..Trump is immortal..>> <<@LoriPelzer says : Jake we see you!!! And not in a good look.>> <<@LoriPelzer says : That’s right CUBAN!>>