<<@lisbeth6911 says : Oh, WOW! Who did this 👺pray to? This 👺only P.R.E.Y.S. They don’t even wear their sheets anymore! Sad. 🗳️🗳️🗳️💙>> <<@naygirl334 says : He can’t even spell Voodoo. 😂>> <<@tjw8t1 says : That's pretty funny how he looks exactly like the kind of person who says those things.>> <<@theendofanerror4173 says : "… Better get their…ass out of our country." I just know somewhere our Native American pals are somewhere laughing at all of his ironic stupidity.>> <<@taylordewey6746 says : If you’re here in 🇺🇸 illegally and being paid by the Tyrant Democrats… GET OUT. If you’re here legally welcome to America! Sorry you have to see the consequences of the Democrats purposely destroying Our Great Republic Country. TRUMP 2024🇺🇸>> <<@marebryant1872 says : The GOP are the absolute dregs of humanity, save a few good ones.>> <<@QUEEN4418CAKES says : FALSE TEACHER>> <<@tesladrew2608 says : "we believe in redemption, but only if you're Republican">> <<@luislongoria6621 says : Higgins is a good janitor, I slept on his couch and watched "The Beatles" movies with his mother and I never made a mess. Political rhetoric is as patently false as reading a license plate or telephone number without referring to the F-Leetspeak dictionary where every number is a letter corresponding to classification code written Right to Left. Any traffic sign that doesn't read the same front to back as back to front in whole words is equally false. False flags are everywhere and all you have to do is read the writing on the wall>> <<@TitoEscudero-s8h says : Not all Republicans are racists but all racists are Republicans.>> <<@TitoEscudero-s8h says : Racist Republicans.>> <<@luislongoria6621 says : Surprise! You can't throw a stone in Miami without hitting a Haitian. And well, Trump loves canoodling with dictators... The only question is whether Trump will go down with the ship or Keep Climbing his Stairclimber on the Titanic...>> <<@KateLopez-je9tp says : Are we sure we're a Christian nation? Jesus has only been a commodity to empowered the few and to smash humanity. Because of this senator's attitude we have a fallen world. He must not be reelected>> <<@ANDREWMANI-qp3rx says : Vudu??? WTF??? how ignorant can U be???? Oh wait, this is the party of the orange messiah...>> <<@Mince333 says : When you guys get them out, make sure you get your wives out too because they are all immigrants. Those are the people who always say in God we trust. Helloooooo>> <<@KateLopez-je9tp says : The Bible is full of people migrating to foreign lands because of famine and wars... It's very cruel what the senator did. Even though he's pulling down the tweet, he can never regenerate his broken soul>> <<@KateLopez-je9tp says : Where did the GOP learned so much hate? From the shadow of the past they're determined to remained there. Is so unbiblical! The Bible is full of the exodus and exiles>> <<@KateLopez-je9tp says : Does the Republican Party really represents Jesus or hate and inhumanity>> <<@tomkesaris9098 says : Well heres the thing. Whether or not haitians are doing what they are accused of doing still remains open to possible reality but more so why is it that people that come here even if it is legally why dont they learn american ways of living though. You see this wouldnt be anywhere close to being suspected if they learn to be american. We have the best country in the world. The best system, the best style of living period. It can be truly said that other countries around us in the western hemisphere are more uncouthed and barbaric not very clean cut in theyre living styles. Problem is if you decide to come here to our country and expect to get that help legally then learn to be american and act like one period. Dont bring your cult ways here. We are america with a system of tradition. The best in the world learn to be that period. If i went to live in another country and didnt adjust and learn theyre ways what would they think of me and how they treat me then? What pisses me off eventhough i may be a born american and white. Im by no means racist but i happen to agree with these politicians that if someone from outside is in fact acting in a way that is not the american way that can be harmful to ordinary legal born american citizens then that should not be tolerated. Sorry but america still means american citizens rights and priorities and theyre safety first period. If you cant learn in america coming from the outside then seriously why be here? I think its fair because most of the time your always bitching and complaining and want to call this place great which it is, we are still and always will be the best nation in the world then you know what learn our life and our ways treat it right and will treat you back right period end of story, if you dont like the american way then seriously why be here then. Is that racist? No i dont think so because as a citizen what pisses me off is that you as outsiders come here and sometimes get free handouts from the government in fact and still have the nerve to complain but when some of my tax dollars thanks to democrats as usual go to help you people it takes away from my greater wealth and chance for success in life and im a born citizen here, so thats not fair if some haitian migrant is being more prioritized over me. I was born here worked here all my life and worked hard. How come some of you outsiders probably most not even legal or belong own houses and i dont? Its bogus. America and america for legal citizens first the end . Trump❤2024>> <<@RussellWestrich says : Everyone forgets who created this situation.They put a massive amount of illegal immigrants that was twice the population of the town. Why don't all you who object to the criticism invite the illegals to live with you? Why not donate your money and time to support them because you all sound so generous? BIDEN AND HARRIS CAUSED THIS.>> <<@GeorgeKafantaris says : This is what Higgins posted — which does not necessarily sound like it “was intended for Haitian gangs”: “These Haitians are wild. Eating pets, vudu, nastiest country in the western hemisphere, cults, slapstick gangsters… but damned if they don’t feel all sophisticated now, filing charges against our President and VP. All these thugs better get their mind right and their asses out of our country before January 20th.”>> <<@vaniasworld3354 says : God is exposing everyone's heart. Once someone shows who they are BELIEVE THEM.>> <<@thefbi4060 says : Imagine being a Haitian American that’s in the u.s army thats serving protecting this country&these people like those politicians and this is the level of disrespect you get! Now imagine the Haitian American families of soldiers that were k.i.a! This is beyond dehumanizing>> <<@shondacannon6218 says : maybe he should have prayed about it before he posted .>> <<@duncanbleak3819 says : Conservatives/MAGA have always been the confederacy. The confederacy has never stopped fighting the Civil War. They never will.>> <<@jimwyatt259 says : Ya see, this is why the GOP can’t be trusted. The party has disintegrated into multiple factions of looney people. Thanks Donnie and the rest of those goofy people for turning me away from the GOP. I’ll never vote for a Republican ever again!>> <<@jimwyatt259 says : Ya see, this is why the GOP can’t be trusted. The party has disintegrated into multiple factions of looney people. Thanks Donnie and the rest of those goofy people for turning me away from the GOP. I’ll never vote for a Republican ever again!>> <<@dawnwessel8459 says : He didn’t regret anything. He later doubled down on it.>> <<@mosesnh says : Why not pray before mocking millions of people . Why not read Love your neighbor as you love yourself hypocrite?>> <<@VictorHLopez33 says : He went to the back and prayed to Mike's JOHNSON.>> <<@diversityisweakness9051 says : wow this dude is looking for an issue that isn’t there.>> <<@mosesnh says : Johnson should go to hell. Lies about prayer and putting God in their blasmephous acts is hypocrisy of the worst kind.>> <<@alvinmedina7121 says : racist , vile .>> <<@topentine says : I wonder what he prayed for…😂😂😂😂>> <<@richardlangcay9903 says : Trump and Vsnce caused this hate racist violence.. vote Blue>> <<@alfriedahayman6749 says : The Republicans aren't going to do nothing,to this man.the House Speaker Jonhson is no better,all he said was pray>> <<@cmacdhon says : "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!".... or not. It's a good thing the Statue of Liberty isn't somewhere in the south.>> <<@shawnwoods7621 says : He's just piece of you know what....just hateful as white people..just saying...and the house speaker isn't on the up and up either...yeah they prayed alright 😂>> <<@teakangel3683 says : Contemplate the reasons why the US became more powerful x100 and influential on the global stage than say Brazil🤔>> <<@ZoomMorials-ko2rx says : Prayed about it???? Another example of what they mean by MAGA.>> <<@donaldrichie3203 says : Clay Higgins is not a Christian. He might pretend to be, but thats just another lie. You can't be both Christian and racist.>> <<@daquantuggerson8760 says : IT DOESN'T HAPPEN TO THE CHINESE, JEWS, ARABS, or other cultures either! We have to take sensitivity courses when there assaulted or offended 🤔🤨🧐!!!!>> <<@RealHunterGhost says : It’s deeply troubling to see politicians using racism or violence in their rhetoric. Such behavior undermines the principles of equality and respect that define our nation. It’s vital that we hold our leaders accountable for their words and actions. We should demand that those who promote hate or violence resign and ensure that our political landscape reflects true American values. Our leaders should be held to a higher standard, and we must work together to foster a more inclusive and respectful dialogue in our democracy.>> <<@staywell7217 says : Higgins needs to ferme sa bouche! His cajuns are in the swamps conjuring all kinds of evil spirits, while slurping up nutria gumbo. Ca tres bete 😮.>> <<@coulda9085 says : 2much Luv>> <<@themossadman says : I haven’t met too many Haitians (that I know of). I’ve only met one lady. Mid 20s and the most beautiful dark brown skin I’ve ever seen. Struck up a conversation with her and she was incredibly intelligent. She spoke English, Spanish, French, and German. We talked all night about world politics, and she told me about the struggles she had growing up in Haiti. It’s really hard to believe that anyone can be racist to people like this. They deserve better>> <<@cliffordchapman4636 says : Trust little Weasel-man, Johnson, to sugarcoat their hatred with religious hypocritcal claptrap. These Republicans really are the LCD.>> <<@malyroberts4054 says : He prayed about it 🙄🙄🙄🤦🏾‍♀️>> <<@shawmeehan7201 says : These Trump people. Nastiness seems to be a badge of honor. They don’t need to pray. We have to pray for them. They are so lost.>> <<@msd7331 says : "Not much of a record on accomplishments" the Republicans in Congress in its entirety.>>