<<@chitmengkhong4057 says : American exceptionalism Exceptional protectionism>> <<@giulianointini97 says : totally in love with this Lady Liu XincšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜>> <<@richardgoh6697 says : Those in d know, no matter where they are from, shall realise that Chinaā€™s EV or high speed rail or 5G or 6G etc are d answer for mankindā€™s improvement + development. US & EU are trying to block Chinaā€™s products but shall be futile as common sense tells us that any product which is economical and good shall ultimately prevail. US & EU cannot represent the whole world and there are other markets which welcome Chinaā€™s products. Westerners shall continue to rot in their gullibility, arrogance and unrealistic superiority complex.>> <<@dex216sims says : "We cannot compete with China!" -USA>> <<@ianbirkinhead4103 says : It is only Israeli tech that is an issue. They are the oneā€™s using tech to attack civilian populations.>> <<@MariaThompson-d7y says : Lee Patricia Young William Allen Thomas>> <<@colonylaser4860 says : At this point, the Chinese should just abandon any hope of a positive future with the West. The US has let its own propagandas, jealousy, and racist rage run into their head. They will block China on every street and every corner and try to get their crony's to do the same. Might as well save your breath and preserve your dignity, and just concentrate on opening up new markets around the world, and strengthen its own internal enterprises. It's also ok to chip at US vassal states of the US like Australia and Canada and New Zealand may be even Germany and Italy and France, but just forget the US and its beaten-down lackeys like Korea and Japan (may be even the Philippines). China will face hurdles, but they might be able to overcome them. The US is still strong, crazy strong, but as we decouple based on anger and jealousy, I'm afraid we might be digging our own hole, or stew in our own juice to beaten down the old cliche.>> <<@MariaThompson-d7y says : Walker Ruth Moore Kimberly Rodriguez Kenneth>> <<@yaoliang1580 says : The insane n irrational behaviour of US politicians reveals their great sense of desperation and clearly shows that the US is in serious decline. However a declining empire is at its most dangerous n will lash out aimlessly in all directions trying to drag the world down with them.>> <<@mitchellchristianson8120 says : Sure 3 years from now nerve happen>> <<@č“”åŸ¹ęŗ says : A thief thinks everyone else is a thief>> <<@adrianchitiga says : America is un investable guys>> <<@fernandofernandito3055 says : States politicians been couch by usa business where they cannot compete with Chinese manufacturing of EVs, social media, hardware and software. That's why sanctions and banned technology/ electronic gadgets from Chinese brands to eliminate non us brands competion...>> <<@albertwong1919 says : Well even screws can be a national security issue.... according to US definition.... China's huge trade deficit allows the US to play such games as they think this will hurt China more than the US, also since US can print money they also think they can cause more pain to China ... but than only in 4 years election cycles... that is how the US politicians think.>> <<@graniteinteriors1 says : Americans will not drive cheap Chinese cars because they are poor quality, besides having dangerous batteries that catch fire n can be weaponized.>> <<@jteeezy275 says : US is losing its competitive advantage, plain and simple, itā€™s doing everything in its power to stay relevant>> <<@martinshabalala4525 says : Is nothing but fear for a non-European superpower. It is shameful>> <<@bertanelson8062 says : Right now, a huge carnival is going on. During a carnival everything goes, big jokes, dramatic displays & bombastic pronouncements. It's the greatest show on earth maintained to distract from the naked emperor, past, present & future. Take nothing seriously.>> <<@johnnywalker2870 says : The US can only compete by eliminating the competition. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚>> <<@booneulidan1077 says : IF SUBSIDY IS THE ISSUE, WHY NOT PROVIDE THE SAME LEVEL OF SUBSIDY AS CHINA DOES AND COMPETE FAIRLY?>> <<@booneulidan1077 says : TARIFF IS TO PROTECT INFANT INDUSTRY RATHER THAN THEIR DYING INDUSTRY>> <<@booneulidan1077 says : IN AMERICA TODAY, NO MORE COMPETITION. NO MORE FREE TRADE OR GLOBALIZATION BUT ONLY PROTECTIONISM, SANCTIONS AND EXCESSIVE TARIFFS. AND WORSE, SMEAR TACTICS>> <<@booneulidan1077 says : ENVY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVILS. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE JEALOUS TO DEATH SEEING THE RISE AND SUCCESS OF CHINA>> <<@booneulidan1077 says : THE UNITED STATES OF ARROGANCE IS SUFFERING FROM DELUSION OF PERSECUTION. THEY NEED TO SEE A PSYCHIATRIST>> <<@booneulidan1077 says : AMERICA IS SICK SO CALL THE DOCTOR VERY QUICK>> <<@booneulidan1077 says : IT IS ELECTION TIME IN US. THE ADMINISTRATION IS KEEPING THE ANTI-CHINA STRATEGY BECAUSE THEY ARE MUSIC TO THE EARS OF AVERAGE AMERICANS AND WILL TRANSLATE INTO VOTES. WHAT A SHAME>> <<@keebean9258 says : all good point on the table , how lack of intelligent political weapon to compete trade with cheat good for consumer the best can offer ? why controller ? why a little every things too late ? what the price of inflation down the road for consumer ? and how serious climate change pump emission to the air how control only one world ? how many problems can thrive with out solution globalization to compete and the same time to contain China ? why time pressure build up against lack of intelligent death locked in place ? why come to if can't own , break the rules , steal , liar and cheat ? what was Blinken mention about international menu rules and garbage ? why ? what was democracy liar and evil empire take place ? why the double standard likelihood life style why crow under ? what create to use an execute ? what Moture ? what solfware and hardware ? to execute ? why the short term is a sugar coating ? the long term no way out but war take place to destroy every things in path that how Hades coming ? or mad dogs and muscle dogs to wax the world who is stood away ? why geopolitical psychopath become an addicted power ? how all the problems US try to create more a death trapped to reconstructive become a political nightmare it self ? how the whole things drag lack behind competition every bodies around the world ? why the grow will emerge victory than lack of intelligent because of brain death ? why changing a good life continue keep live a good life and keep it that way how the west and American life style democracy liar and evil empire take place never bow or crow under ? why an addicted like oil global problems ? why many of cultural eastern mind set and western mind set are don't mix ? and why very critical to deal with psychopath geopolitical suicidal ? why perfect only one ? more or less always have two ?>> <<@dailydoseofhope391 says : i mean the us expects reciprocity which you do not think is an option why don't the Chinese remove the ban on American software companies and other things>> <<@Manni24986 says : China should encourage its companies to expand outward excluding the US from their plans and to a lesser extent the EU too. Nothing would improve until the US political class accepts the reality that China would be bigger than them economically.>> <<@len8420 says : Exceptionalism and protectionism are hurting US consumers ā€¼ļø>> <<@samvan7787 says : consumer choice will take a back seat to protectionism!>> <<@goching7738 says : US regime is lying, cheating, and stealing when it talks about free trade and human rights. US lawmakers never seek competition but they love conflict and war mongering.>> <<@otterpossum9128 says : There is no rational and that is not the intent of the US. They are doing it to suppress economic gains for China. Their citizens are convinced that China is an enemy and politically, this works well for them. They do not actually have a concern.>> <<@phongy45 says : reminders .... usa treated China as enemy!!!!>> <<@pinxtownington4645 says : It's going to be like closing your eyes and believing it's still night, Americans helped vastly because of their greed today's china which in turn first copied then invested and will control all things isa and west likes or lumps it>> <<@kapk says : What is John going on about, bringing in an irrelevant point right at the start? Ah ok, I see where he works.>> <<@shadowlessbeam8124 says : The pager is the use of an example , to smear.>> <<@carlduplessis31 says : This has nothing to do National Security. It has everything to do with protecting US car manufacturers.>> <<@JO-et2ir says : Without EV, western automakers have lost their profits from China.>> <<@andrewlin6136 says : I request all countries to Stop trading with US & Israel including EU as they're not capable of doing business>> <<@yvonwheel4943 says : Waiting for my BYD deliveries to US!>> <<@ChuckWilliamsTechnology says : And all of this is simply RACISM as well...m>> <<@ChuckWilliamsTechnology says : This is horrible.. America doesn't want to and can't compete with China .and America doesn't really believe in free market capitalism like they preach ... American capitalism is DEAD!!!!!!>> <<@Rohit-1998 says : I will not follow you liu xin>> <<@charleso0o0o says : ā€œPAGER INCIDENT is another 11-SEP orchestration of Circumstantial Arrogance. IT CREATED opportunity for childish, U. S. narrative that berates China as ā€˜unfairā€™ to capitalism that has ravaged for a very long time. IS HARD to get into minds of megalomania that orchestrated uninvestigated incidents of Lockerbie & 11-SEP as only ā€˜Circumstantial Arroganceā€™ can do. I MAY be wrong, assuming they are protecting how genetic research is secretly funded as a ā€˜pet C. I. A. projectā€™ that relies on controls of military personnel & their offspring. IS THEORY that a cultism actually believes its orchestrations are ā€˜divineā€™, correlating with prophecy. EACH EVENT relates to having advantage that employs incomprehensible, advanced capabilities to create an unthinkable atrocity. LOCKERBIE WAS quite highly motivated & simple compared to other C. I. A. orchestrations. NOBODY DARES connect that incident. TODAY, SANCTIONING EVā€™s is accompanying fallout of a timed-correlation, of course rendered for MSM Narrative as a major event. IS ALL planned by & for intentions of Circumstantial Arrogance.ā€ šŸ˜>> <<@jeffreylo9203 says : Afraid of own shadow! The US might as well have a military govt run by a general to ensure their national security?>> <<@TienLam-t6b says : Well, being "on top" == being in "superior" positions..šŸ¤”šŸ¤”.. I wondered, wouldn't that kinda bored and exhausted after some time of the same things?šŸ„±šŸ˜“?..The ceiling fan needs to be replaced.. PERIOD..>> <<@TienLam-t6b says : Dear Ms. Liu Xin, Yes, we can have win-win outcomes.. However, there will be #1,#2,#3 as in Olympics - all are winners. However, my question is, would the USA hawkish attitudes willingly to "accept" or should be rephrased as "conceded" to be #3 instead of #1 for a change, and YES, YOU CAN šŸ—½..šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…..>> <<@antoniobabb1938 says : They act as though Tesla doesnā€™t burst into flames for how many day it burns.>> <<@philiptan2051 says : The USA banning everything made in China is a very dangerous sign of authoritarianism and the disappearance of free trade. The USA has shown clearly its strategy to dominate the world as the sole superpower who is leading and imposing the one-world-order in the world. This is alarming as the Bible has prophesied the coming of the ā€œanti christā€ who would rule the world with an iron hand. The prophesied ā€œfalse priestā€ has now been confirmed by biblical scholars as he is already present today. The end time scenario is being revealed now.>>