<<@JG-kv6pg says : With every gesture of solidarity, Ukraine’s resolve becomes even more radiant>> <<@Tom6649-pt7js says : Zalenski and Biden....Two criminal traitors>> <<@NotRose-hf7kr says : Get rich. Stealing from America . U not going to win your stupid war. So keep stealing .>> <<@Mood2.0-p6y says : Zaleski and his goons are meddling in the us elections wild American people are suffering under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris corruption at its best>> <<@Jamesm334 says : Another half of a billion directly to fund the war in Ukraine??? WHERE is all this UNKNOWN MONEY coming from??? STOP PRINTING $ INDISCRIMINATLY & SPENDING RECKLESSLY WITHOUT the SUPPORT OF THE AMERICAN TAX PAYING CITIZENS!!! Woe is the CURRENT & FUTURE ECONOMY of U.S!!!...>> <<@sylvesternkomo9398 says : The discussions must always be about ending the war and nothing else>> <<@AnaMarieKis says : Stupid America>> <<@mitalidixon4722 says : Where is all this money going? Because I don't see it making a difference on the battlefield. Or it's flowing in the corrupted hands>> <<@kalyanmozumder3101 says : The USA is playing a dirty game in globe by igniting terrorism under the veil of gentleman face.>> <<@kalyanmozumder3101 says : UN is going to lose power as it doesn't have a proper rule .How can Md Eunus attend UN MEET when he is not an elected member and when SK HASINA is illegally debarred from her country. Is UN supporting crime inflected on minorities like Hindus, Buddhists.....>> <<@Stoic234 says : This selfish and mindless man is making Ukraine a pub-g war playground for the arms dealers and nothing else. While making his citizens homeless. And enjoying life grandsize himself.>> <<@bobsaidy5824 says : All the money u have been giving out take and build house for your homeless people>> <<@anjali-nc3bt says : America funding wars>> <<@bobsaidy5824 says : America y u guys always want to be putting your mouth 👄 in others country problem ,and if u check america is not save country were everyone use guns america ,they momey u use try help ur homeless people>> <<@mallikarjunk3568 says : Zelensky is most failure president in the world. Better to stop war>> <<@johnf8338 says : Ukraine first, US homeless can wait>> <<@bobsaidy5824 says : America y not u help American people that are homeless>> <<@WilliamPriceKing says : Ukraine needs all the support it can get.>>