<<@teresa_a_d4817 says : If that is his best he needs to stop talking immediately. This young person is saccharine.>> <<@spotononspot4187 says : Why are people fawning over a self confessed user of multiple drugs? Certainly should never be head of any charity! He’s was met the other day smelling of booze and cannabis!! What a brilliant example! How can people be so fickle!>> <<@bettyalexkollias8058 says : Reilly, get your facts straight. Harry at his best??? That's ridiculous. Royal engagements? No. He looks like his high, rambling on and on about who knows what. He's not talking to us, he's TELLING us, talking DOWN to us, as he's done before. This is the REAL harry. The BRF used to help with his image, coaching him, that's why he seemed genuine. He's an absolute laughing stock, possibly needs professional mental assesment. Can't blame meghan for the true Harry we see now.>> <<@jennifervonberg9383 says : Harry is not doing " unofficial royal duties. Rs there for himself.>> <<@nat2040 says : Hawwy the addicted hawwy talking 💩💩💩 NO ONE wants to hear what the TRAITOR has to say HEY REIIIILLLLY GO BACK TO REPORTER SCHOOL>> <<@TerryHughes-y1q says : Lol he sounds mentally challenged when he talks>> <<@T.Winnifred says : He shines on his own and fades away whenhe is with her. That says it all.>> <<@crystalabel8976 says : Harry is awful 👎 The face of a man who betrayed everyone including his own country. Deserved!>> <<@محمد-ج4ط3د says : He is a royal was born royal Will be a royal forever To those of you who are haters of Harry and Meaghan will be surprised at their reunion with the rest of the royal family members Every family has its own problem and royals are not exception ro that>> <<@chumchum4393 says : He’s not great. He’s on drugs and he’s delusional. He needs to go back home.>> <<@oakwoodian4465 says : There is no such thing as an "unofficial" royal engagement. Everything the Sussexes do is in a purely private capacity. Usually for their own benefit.>> <<@niagnordenia2432 says : I wonder if this lad did really watch, I mean watch, the actual speeches and presentation. He used to be good at public speaking and carried himself all right, with the proper coaching and support of the royal family. But he’s gotten lazy, sloppy, unprepared. His speech patterns, diction, demeanour are below par through and through. It’s cringey and embarrassing to watch. So, please do it again, young lad. Get acquainted with the context, the themes of discussion and what actually came out of his mouth. You won’t invite such a person to your high-school graduation speech.>> <<@charlottewallace355 says : He's not " great.".. He's not Royal..get your facts straight.>> <<@abeautifullifechannel says : Nope. He is being the front now to slowly bring her back into the royal palace. What is this? A game? They can viciously attack the British people and the late Queen then King Charles just open the door wide open for him. Why? Because they can and the people are just a pawn.>> <<@lakiva1000 says : Go Harry ❤❤❤❤>> <<@germainelytle9272 says : His best? He made a bumbling moron out of himself! He looks royal?!😂😅 The dunb ass tried to hug Queen Mathilde and she shoved him away!!! Stop using Kate, you dullard. You obviousLy are not qualified to comment on the REAL ROYALS!!!>> <<@SusanDwyer-mp6yv says : Is that what you class as his best,😂😂😂😂>> <<@belakyselova5415 says : Dobře mu tak. Špínu házel na svou rodinu, špína se mu vrací. Špinavý charakter, špinavý život.>> <<@sandradavies7804 says : I think that young man is in love with Harry. How on earth can he say "He looks royal, he looks great..." about somebody who showed disgustingly bad manners, by greeting the Queen of Belgium in a disrespectful manner (if he IS royal, he's the JUNIOR one in that meeting), then disrespecting the two young women who came on stage with him before mumbling his way through some unprepared word salad. If you think we still see him as "royal" you are very misguided. He's doing this to line his own pockets, allegedly, not to represent anyone else.>> <<@jennywilliams9594 says : Harry looks awful!>> <<@Shaw-e5d says : Harry at his best!?Joke right? Harry the drug user, polo pony abuser USING HIS MOTHERS NAME to make money AGAIN!💩>>