<<@BIGFOOT-BC says : Justin Trudeau. =. Money laundering, cover-ups, slush funds, cover-ups, foreign interference, cover-ups and obstruction of justice. TREASON. =. LIFE IN PRISON.>> <<@autisticfieldmarshall1006 says : Its crazy how entire nation of Canada is held hostage by a bunch of fringe leftist parties that don't even represent half the population. Canada is a first world country with a third world government.>> <<@BillDalby says : He might be justin castro but he governs like Gaddafi>> <<@shadowknightgladstay4856 says : 5 votes and Canada could have benn free of Justin castro.>> <<@RebeccaPerry-Piper-u8x says : poor Canadians>> <<@Doctorbig says : It has been looming since All True Canadians found Trudeau stealing Canadian's own Money to destroy Canada.>>