<<@pittuk6500 says : It's funny how people from the only generation who lived a whole life protected by antibiotics, dismisses the real threat. Welcome back to XIXc and 50 year life expectancy>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Oh FFS. The term " practicing " medicine is really starting to make sense, especially the last 4 years.>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Highly believable, NOT, as they disrupted our lives over the flu!!!>> <<@bringbacktheoldnormal1614 says : Antibiotic should only be taken in a life-or-death situation , Doctors should not hand them out like candy to fill big pharma's pockets.>> <<@Inexistentruth says : I'm infected but the doctor won't help me he just sits there and stares at me like a creep.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Who cares move on from this rubbish cut your fear mongering out>> <<@Jason_g_kennedy says : Steem cell research being pushed, no money in normal antibiotics, so they don't bother.>> <<@coal_man says : Safe and effective... The common cold... Never forget...>>