<<@StartUppp says : The debate: Trump: Kamala Harris has a failed border Moderator and Kamala Harris:it’s the best border there’s ever been in history!does anyone got some duck tape!?>> <<@MrDejvidkit says : She had 3 available debates, and she refused 2 of them.>> <<@Godispatient72 says : Kamala Harris has already had 4 years! They have failed the American people and America is done with Bidenomics! Vote TrumpVance 2024!!!>> <<@adancdego6339 says : He should debate her, yes. But he should ask for Tucker Carlson and Megyn Kelly to moderate on a neutral platform. Also, he should ask to have the lies and misinformation Kamala said at the debate be debunked by the abc moderators. Then, the moderators can fact check them as the debate goes on.>> <<@Maris_S28 says : No need for another 3-1 debate. Trump already won. Trump should concentrate on his strategies and never give her another platform chance again .>> <<@openheaven1264 says : Trump doesn't need to, as he has already exposed her for being a cheat and liar. If she needs one she should do it with Fox that she cancelled.>> <<@FDT24 says : She already destroyed the orange idiot once much to the dismay of everyone at skynews. Why would he possibly want to be humiliated once again?>> <<@SuperMusicizmylife says : Trump offered the opportunity to do multiple debates months ago! One with FOX NEWS. The democrats refused. They can’t have it both ways. Voters aren’t dumb. When Kamala talks about “moving forward” and what she’ll do on “day 1”, they know she’s the sitting VP right NOW. She’s the cause of the national decline. She’s not fooling anyone. Except maybe SKY NEWS.>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Caleb Bond is a fool. America finished as a nation. 🤮😡😊>> <<@di_ibzy says : Fox News lost their ability to host a presidential debate after getting caught out promoting the big lies that’s had to pay out the big dollars for doing so .>> <<@planetmikusha5898 says : Fox News is no longer enemy territory for Democrats. Even Trump rejected certain Fox News talking heads as potential debate moderators.>> <<@planetmikusha5898 says : The American media has already rigged 2 debates against Trump: In 2016, CNN handed debate questions to Hillary Clinton's team, and in the last debate, ABC news moderators agreed to not fact check Harris. Why should Trump agree to debate given the corruption of the American media?>> <<@gel210 says : HARRIS WOULD NOT KNOW ,WHICH WAY FORWARD IS ,THIS CON WOMAN IS VERY DANGEROUS FOR THE WORLD.>> <<@idi0tdetectioninprogress says : The debate was an insult to voters. ABC were a disgrace.>> <<@Tony-lp2nk says : Trump is a coward!!>> <<@chetsjug says : I don't blame him, Who wants to debate a witless airhead twice>> <<@prl.5108 says : Trump refuses to debate because he's terrible at it. He simply resorts to personal abuse and the usual incomprehensible nonsense that his dim support base prefers. His poor grasp of economics makes it impossible for him to sensibly answer questions. He is totally deluded and lives in a world of his own, a rich man's son who has no morals, low intellect and a vile attitude towards women - and is a convicted felon to boot. Just the right person to run the country. I think not!>> <<@barryoneill-ec9zz says : He should do it on the Fox network, and make sure she is not allowed to wear any jewelry and is searched before the debate. She had earrings that Obama and Hilary talked to her during the last debate>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Because he's a loser coward>> <<@daisyperegrino6380 says : No more debate ..Trump has a lot of interviews..Kamala's word salad.. That's very boring to watch>> <<@Graeme-r2f says : The debate should be on Fox with Tucker Carlson as moderator. Just to balance the debates out.>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : No Harris is calling for another one because she smacked the crap out of DonOLD and wants a second helping. And Trump fans can only make excuses. YUM YUM YUM>> <<@jrw3-b3m says : Here is your train wreck. Just tried to stock crashing.>> <<@galaxyexplorer6189 says : President Trump doesn't need to debate the Commie Queen of clap trap.>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : Every candidate should agree to 3 debates or they aren't viable candidates>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : Only Israel will win this election.>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : Donald Trump the absolute coward. 😂>> <<@BigFootSize says : Strategic error which is the preview of what she will be as president. She had the chance to agree to a fox debate.>> <<@BigFootSize says : This strategic error by kamala is a preview of her presidency. If she's riggedfully elected.>> <<@BigFootSize says : The winner doesn't do a rematch>> <<@giiggii11 says : She's too protected by this shadow administration!>> <<@youngkim3638 says : Trump, Trump 2020!!!>> <<@wrongtracksuit says : Only losers demand rematches.>> <<@dustdiaries9235 says : What’s the use when that mob produced a biast Debate! Maybe DJT should choose some one to fact check the laughing mule>> <<@swlancaster1964 says : Let her go on Fox on his terms. Let's see if she is chicken.>> <<@roberts1546 says : Get a brain... Harris is a dunce>> <<@jacob.tudragens says : If her handlers would let her, kamala would run away and hide from the world! But she's in too deep, she's already taken the money!>> <<@gardenkitty says : Weird thing is, Jesus stood before His accusers and didn't defend himself. I'm not saying Trump is Jesus by any means. I think Trump is more like Moses. And I say "like" because he isn't Moses. But Trump is saying....let my people go...Even Moses told God I don't speak well and God gave him Aaron to speak for him.>> <<@terrylove1633 says : F the dem s Cheating b s>> <<@rebeccamondloch4265 says : Bullshit trump won debate both times,kamala has nothing t say>> <<@ShaneBurville says : Yellow chicken 🍗>> <<@rosielee938 says : Trumps leading in the polls he knows that, don’t interrupt your opponent while they make mistakes!!!>> <<@JohnAmbachtsheer-h3n says : Trump is a coward, a big fucking coward.>> <<@lukeh321 says : People can already compare a Biden-Harris and Trump Presidency. A debate is redundant.>> <<@johnshaneharper904 says : They are not debates, they are one sided democratic MSM trump bashing events, worthless.>> <<@bahjo7279 says : Let Tuckerson or Elon Musk be the moderator.....>> <<@alanw8552 says : Fox offered. Harris declined. She's petrified of being fact checked 😂😂😂>> <<@JeffStevenson-e8p says : Presidentially, comparing Trump to Kackles is like comparing the Sistine Chapel to a used trash bag>> <<@HansReichhardtsohn says : Like most bullies, Trump is a coward.>> <<@RedStatesPovertyWatch says : In a Republican mind, self-righteousness and contempt for fellow Americans is patriotism.>>