<<@galaxyexplorer6189 says : The biased liberal propaganda activist media disguised as journalists are always keen to slander and pile on anyone who's against their woke crap warmongering climate agenda but never say anything or report anything about their own.Biden having showers with is 12 year old daughter and probably molesting her is way bigger than anything RFK has done but you don't hear nothing about it.Sweep it under the rug like everything else.>> <<@Opinionsrnotfacts574 says : Trump is a human magnet for every weirdo kook out there. Even this week his wife was out their justifying her nude photos. When will this madness end!>> <<@christinedunn4163 says : Libtards are attacking anyone who stands up against them what has this country become? They attack RFK because he went against the establishment.>> <<@seandelap8587 says : Why is it relevant what 2 consenting adults did in the past>> <<@Mojocycler says : This should be reported as a non-news piece of slander and disinformation. In fact, it shows that RFK is more than honorable. Everything that Brianna said was on point and she ruled your newscast. Fire whoever wrote Caleb's script and wrote the headline posted here.>> <<@YonieZukowsky51 says : Kennedy courageously stood up to the Democrats and so he is in line for phoney scandal accusations.>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : The Democrats never worried about the behaviour of Teddy Kennedy. Despite leaving an innocent woman to drown in his car while he focused on how to get out away with it, the Dems kept Teddy as a senator until he died. A party with zero morality.>> <<@outlawbillionairez9780 says : RFK says he's half a mind to get this out in the open! (His brain worm is in agreement with him)>> <<@arthurconan1899 says : Democrats idolise You until you You say No ... Its a cult.... She is Right.... Good For You ... Huge news Adams... No its not ,,Why is this guy on the News?... We all knew this .. He is been more vocal than alot Republicans.... Yeah Australia is so morally right... It was...>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : Concentrate on PDiddy and his cling ons>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Like socialists world-wide, they will always rake up dirt on an opponent instead of delivering constructive criticism. Hell hath no fury like a socialist scorned....>> <<@arthurconan1899 says : Sky Australia... Do Your Job.... Its your big headkines that people look at and say Yeah He is Guilty.... Without doing there homework...>> <<@andrewjames5218 says : Typical political tactics again. I'm sure the public are well aware of these smear campaigns>> <<@YTGhostCensorshipCanSuckMe says : Who cares. Jeez.>> <<@beautifulseattle says : The democrats wiil go after their own if they don't fall in line, then the crazy thing is they install someone in their place without any votes. The democrat party is not democratic by any sense of the word.>> <<@maziyark.h7277 says : A real gentleman and a hero in this country......RFK>> <<@DeanMorgan-b1w says : ๐Ÿ‘ค๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒVANCE 2024X ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@JeffStevenson-e8p says : Democrats literally running a shell game while that black democrat NY dumbass is facing 45 years๐Ÿ™„>> <<@beautifulseattle says : Wait! She was "31" and "the relationship was never personal" ?>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : He backed Trump, they will do all they can to ruin him.>> <<@dannymeyer3256 says : Important thing to take from this is โ€œHe repeatedly blocked this woman โ€œ. She was deceptive and was pursuing him.>> <<@michellehenry1261 says : This whole thing stinks. I believe it was a setup from when he announced, intending to do this exactly. You can't blame a 70 yo man, no matter who he is, to brag that a woman sent him nude photos. He's to be commended for not acting on her offer. She's getting her 2 minutes of fame and the campaign is distracted close to election day. No doubt, they'll come up with some lies or enhance something insignificant to try to hurt Trump right before the election too.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : MAGA ARE MORONS : 2 days ago โ€” A new national survey shows Vice President Harris leading former President Trump by 7 points, with the economy remaining the top issue for ...>> <<@o.g.c.9264 says : This democrats insane. If they donโ€™t like you they will look 20 years ago for any garbage on you>>