<<@jimmylowtg says : Reciprocity is such a simple chinese philosophy, and yet it can't be simply understood by the elites such as Professor John Mearsheimer. What a bummer.....>> <<@hwangfongmain7326 says : Signs of compassion is being mindful of other people's emotions, thoughts, and experiences😅>> <<@buckhimlow5135 says : 🙏🙏🙏>> <<@antoniobabb1938 says : That’s true we’re missing old philosophy>> <<@kickass7104 says : So the Chinese enter Japans waters, Japan response by sailing to Taiwan strait... Perfect example Confucius golden rule 😂😂😂😂>> <<@markhampton3614 says : Reciprocity has been a foundational value across major civilizations throughout history: * Ancient Egypt: The concept of Ma'at, representing truth, balance, and justice, emphasized reciprocity in maintaining social harmony and order. * Mesopotamia: The Code of Hammurabi embodied reciprocity in justice—"an eye for an eye"—to maintain fairness in society. * The Ubuntu philosophy (“I am because we are”) reflects the importance of communal reciprocity, emphasizing shared humanity. * Ancient Greece: In Greek society, xenia (hospitality) was a sacred reciprocal relationship between host and guest, ensuring mutual respect and safety. * Roman Empire: The principle of do ut des ("I give so that you may give") was central in Roman religion and politics, fostering alliances through mutual benefit. * China: Confucianism placed reciprocity (shu) at the heart of moral conduct—treat others as you wish to be treated, strengthening both personal and state relations. * India: Hindu and Buddhist teachings both emphasize karma, where actions lead to reciprocal consequences, reinforcing ethical and balanced behavior. * Islamic Civilization: The concept of zakat (charitable giving) is an example of reciprocity, ensuring that wealth is shared to promote social justice. Promoting reciprocity as a universal value in geopolitics builds on these cultural legacies, fostering cooperation and fairness among nations.>> <<@jeffstrehlow2623 says : Treating others as you would like to be treated is common sense. When more people do it, it results in a more harmonious world with less war and suffering. I'm really glad to see that the world is turning toward multipolarity. With true multipolarity, the various countries are treated as equals, which means that every country's needs are taken into consideration and the world becomes more fair. War becomes less likely, because problems are more likely to be solved through negotiation.>> <<@all2031 says : The problem is that the West is plagued by being seeped in Machiavelli: mistrust, cheating, killing for wealth and power. It can not imagine the alternative offered by Confucius: shared future for humanity through win-win, balance, harmony, and cooperation.>> <<@melaniamonicacraciun9900 says : Sorry friends, promoting anti American propaganda will not be helpfull for anyone. A man of wisdom should say...guys, we have a big problem here to deal with, let's try to find solutions. It's not about American hegemony but the hegemony of each individual to provide for himself and his fortune, please try to see things straight. Feeding new hostilities will bring us all to the total disaster and .. people of wisdom would do exactly the contrary, don't you think? 😢😢😢>> <<@janedasilva7792 says : What a great concept!!>>