<<@glenp3985 says : Albanese has always been pro-Palestinian, just like Britain's Jeremy Corbyn. Same party name, same blinkered bigotry when everyone knows that there have been conflicts with horrendous numbers of civilians who've died as a result. I listened today to a Lebanese Shia Muslim woman, currently visiting Israel describing the level of horror that fellow Lebanese - Muslim and Christian endure as a result of Hezbollahs brutality. But for people like Albanese and Wong, such people don't fit with their narrative that glorifies terrorism but speaks the fakery of "concern for the civilians." If they had concern for Lebanese civilians, they's have helped wipe out terror groups like Hezbollah instead of picking on the only country that has no choice. The woman I talk about talks about exactly that: they look to Israel to help THEM out to bring sanity back to their terrorist-broken country.>> <<@markd172 says : This clown albo needs to be sacked what a disgrace>> <<@colinm1325 says : WOW, l'm sorry Australia that those two are No 1 & 2 of your guvment. Sounds like that's straight out of the pro hamass/un/iran playbook. Don't hear too much about freeing Hostages taken on the 7th October 2023, nearly a year ago. Absolutely hopeless, disgraceful 'governments', everywhere around the World. If it were your kids, parents........ Absolute Joke>> <<@lesliemeehan3724 says : We need a change in Government>> <<@81carrerasc says : Delusional that Albogreasy actually thinks people pay a scintilla of attention to what he says.>> <<@gavinwilson4601 says : Albo is weak pathetic spineless fool>> <<@sandywool says : 1:23 ask again and again and again !>> <<@CBE818 says : Why not tell Hamas and hezbolla to listen to the international community? Why not tell Hamas to release the innocent hostages ?>> <<@steveblake6877 says : Our pathetic leaders make our nation look stupid, spineless, without a moral compass. Funny that. A great description of the PM himself.>> <<@madmuso5 says : Im surprised Albo had any time at all to do a press conference. I mean, you know, he's been really busy writing up THAT bill to end Aussies freedom of speech and trying to convince the country its for our best interest. 😂 talk about a trojan horse.>> <<@theophrastus3.056 says : Albanese is as treasonous as Joe Biden, but without the excuse of senility.>> <<@Samb0o0o0 says : Sky gews is a disgrace, israeli propaganda>> <<@mudgut69 says : He names Israel directly but calls the terrorists “other players”. Can’t even name the countries. It’s one and the same on that side.>> <<@cheshunt5597 says : Sir Les knew on the world stage a straight collar and a tie were fundamentals for credibility.>> <<@avinashkamble318 says : Alban may be right>> <<@bookertee3057 says : Beware Australia 🇦🇺! Albanese would not protect Australia if attacked. Israel 🇮🇱 has every right to protect themselves if attacked.>> <<@GregMoylan-pn6sr says : No Aussie’s listen to Albanese. Why should the Prime Minister of Israel?>> <<@waynetowers5828 says : Perhaps Netanyahu could show Albanese how to grow balls>> <<@scorpionking4012 says : Albo is a disgrace to our nation, a loving Terror supporter. ❤️❤️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺>> <<@mikecoxbent5952 says : Lebanon was a nice place before Hezbollah terrorist over ran the place>> <<@janineedmunds6728 says : Votes over what’s right! Our government is disgusting! Israel has every right to defend their country and its citizens against TERRORISTS!>> <<@andrewferguson887 says : Albo's is weak, be more worried about Russia Ukraine and nuclear war>> <<@khenchinbiadnes3582 says : ALBO AND PINGPONG IS A CLOWN🤡🤡🤡>> <<@sonnyzin2063 says : What a coward.>> <<@KarunanithiNramachandran-qw8xi says : Albstruse and Wrong are the lackeys of the WEF and the global elitists just like Starmy and Lammy .>> <<@Jo-AnneFielding says : Hamas still has a baby in hostage what about them - nothing nothing weak self serving governments a waste of space>> <<@richardcarlson1850 says : 👎>> <<@Jo-AnneFielding says : Wow Abo should worry about his own back yard Man these pair are SOooooo embarrassing>> <<@vancouver63-p5w says : Wong is on the turps again.>> <<@ermanoerneste3555 says : Also should be ashamed of himself for supporting terrorists.>> <<@jittmet7766 says : Thank goodness for this sensible Lincoln Parker chap. Well done, sir!>> <<@shilpapatil745 says : Australia please elect a better PM next time>> <<@SamLukie says : Grovelling for votes.>> <<@balekesirajyawe3472 says : Look at these gooooons>> <<@garrysecuramot says : Joe might be senile, but Albo is just an imbecile, and no idea on anything. A competition to see who is the most ill-informed or incompetent between Albo, Joe, Starmer, or Trudeau.>> <<@ediesimmons9391 says : Sad all of you believe Bibi lies>> <<@ediesimmons9391 says : Found the hostages 1st night sniffer dogs liars Bibi>> <<@ediesimmons9391 says : Lady stop support Evil Bibi the Butcher>> <<@choppy53 says : Netanyahu doesn't have to listen to anybody about a ceasefire they started the war, dont hear the UN council condemning and demanding for the return of Israeli hostages this is what Israel want the return of its hostages and Harmas to disappear thats what Israel want and on one is listening, god bless the Israeli hostages and their safe return>> <<@ahmengtan6139 says : Ignorant albanese ambassador>> <<@elessartelcontar6578 says : Can’t someone send Albanese a pager?>> <<@georgemiller5950 says : Albo is weak as piss. Should resign immediately>> <<@vemister says : Labor loves TERRORISTS!!>> <<@AnnaPoci-l1d says : Terrorist calling themselves settlers…>> <<@AnnaPoci-l1d says : No errors YouTube…Good on Albanese we don’t stand with people committing genocide….>> <<@saleem2345 says : He is right! But this channel is a Jewish lobby>> <<@AnnaPoci-l1d says : Go and blow your mind woman….>> <<@markcobill4256 says : this spinless maggot does not speak for australians>> <<@kevtoni9169 says : Shut up little boy….>> <<@cohenshcohen says : Albanese is a coward and a fool...>>